The gentleman is harmonious…

IMAGE: The gentleman is harmonious but not conformable; the small man is conformable but not harmonious.

The gentleman is harmonious but not conformable; the small man is conformable but not harmonious. – Confucius (551? – 479B.C.): Lun Yü [The Analects (of Confucius)] (trans. by Kô Shyôrin (1958 – )) More »

Strike the iron while…

IMAGE: Strike the iron while it is hot. [Strike while the iron is hot.] / Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.

Strike the iron while it is hot. [Strike while the iron is hot.] / Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. – Oliver Cromwell (1599 – 1658) / (Tomorrow never comes…) / (It’s… More »

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