Everyone has his…

IMAGE: Everyone has his particular habit. / Every man has his faults.

Everyone has his particular habit.
/ Every man has his faults. - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616): Timon of Athens

(Image by Lemonsandtea on Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


/ 人には誰にも欠点がある。 - ウィリアム・シェイクスピア (1564 - 1616): 『アテネのタイモン[アセンズのタイモン]
/ (日本の諺)無くて七癖(、有って四十八癖)(なくてななくせ、あってしじゅうはっくせ)。[人に一癖(ひとにひとくせ)。/人に七癖、我が身に八癖(ひとにななくせ、わがみにやくせ)。]


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