The Tao [Way] that…

IMAGE: The Tao [Way] that can be followed is not the eternal Tao [Way]. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth, while naming is the origin of the myriad things. Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery; ever desiring, you see the manifestations. These two are the same--when they appear--they are named differently.

The Tao [Way] that can be followed is not the eternal Tao [Way]. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth, while naming is the origin of the myriad things. Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery; ever desiring, you see the manifestations. These two are the same--when they appear--they are named differently. - Laozi [Lao Tzu / Lao-Tze] (the 6th cent.B.C.): Tao Te Ching Chapter 1 (trans. by Charles Muller)

(Image by Jazi Araújo from Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


道[タオ]の道とすべきは、常の道[タオ]に非ず。名の名とすべきは、常の名に非ず。名無きは天地の始め、名有るは万有の母。故に常に無欲にしてその妙を観、常に有欲にしてその(きょう)を観る。此の両者は、同じく出でて而も名を異にす。 - 老子 (前6世紀後半): 『老子道徳経[老子/道徳経]第一章
/ ((きょう)」:目に見える現象的な側面)


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