Don't look back, ooh a new day is breakin', / It's been too long since I felt this way. // I don't mind, ooh where I get taken, / The road is callin', today is the day. // - Tom Scholz [Donald Thomas Scholz] (1947 - ) "Boston": Don't Look Back
(Image by StockSnap from Pixabay)
(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)
振り向くな、さあ新しい日だ、/こんな気持ちは久しぶり。//構わない、さあどこに着いても、/道が呼んでいる、今日がその日さ。// - トム・ショルツ[ドナルド・トーマス・ショルツ] (1947 - )「ボストン」: 『ドント・ルック・バック』(【歌える訳詞】岡本健 (1963 - ))