When I have a tough…

IMAGE: When I have a tough job in the plant and can't find an easy way to do it, I have a lazy man put on it. He'll find an easy way to do it in 10 days. Then we adopt that method.

When I have a tough job in the plant and can't find an easy way to do it, I have a lazy man put on it. He'll find an easy way to do it in 10 days. Then we adopt that method. - Clarence E. Bleicher (1890 - 1952)
/ (in 1947 at a Senate testimony)
/ (Most of the chance…)

(Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay)

(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)


工場で大変な仕事があって楽なやり方が見つからないとき、私は怠惰な男をその仕事に就かせる。その男は十日で楽なやり方を見つけるだろう。そうして我々は彼のその方法を採用する。 - クラレンス・E・ブライチャー (1890 - 1952)
/ (1947年に上院の証言で)
/ (無駄な動作を省いて…)


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