
IMAGE: The sky is not going to fall.

杞憂(きゆう)。 – 『列子(れっし)』天瑞(てんずい)篇(中国~日本の諺) / 空は落ちてこない。 – 『チキン・リトル[ヘニー・ペニー]』(寓話) / (「空が落ちてくる!」というのは、取り越し苦労だ。) More »

Expectation is…

IMAGE: Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.]

Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.] More »


IMAGE: Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.]

名物にうまい物無し(めいぶつにうまいものなし)。(日本の諺) / 聞くと見るとは大違い。[見ると聞くとは大違い。] / 実現したときより、期待しているときがまし。 / 実物は名に聞くほどではない。[現実は名声と一致しないことが多い。] More »

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