It was a dark and…

IMAGE: Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Linus Van Pelt: "If you're having trouble selling your work, I'd suggest a different approach..." / Snoopy: It was a stormy and dark night. //

Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Linus Van Pelt: “If you’re having trouble selling your work, I’d suggest a different approach…” / Snoopy: It was a stormy and dark night. // – Charles M. Schulz (1922 –… More »

It was a dark and…

IMAGE: Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! / Lucy Van Pelt: "Isn't there enough violence in the world today?" "Can't you write about something nice?" / Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a kiss rang out! //

Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! / Lucy Van Pelt: “Isn’t there enough violence in the world today?” “Can’t you write about something nice?” / Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night.… More »

It was a dark and…

IMAGE: Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Lucy Van Pelt: "No wonder your stories never sell... They all begin the same way.." / Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy noon. //

Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Lucy Van Pelt: “No wonder your stories never sell… They all begin the same way..” / Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy noon. // – Charles M. Schulz (1922 –… More »

It was a dark and…

IMAGE: Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Lucy Van Pelt: "No, not again.." / Snoopy: It was one of those dark nights when you weren't sure if it was going to be stormy or not. //

Snoopy: It was a dark and stormy night. / Lucy Van Pelt: “No, not again..” / Snoopy: It was one of those dark nights when you weren’t sure if it was going to be stormy or not. // – Charles… More »

I have a question…

IMAGE: Linus Van Pelt: "I have a question for you, Charlie Brown" "Why am I so totally fascinated by this girl at school who drives me crazy?" / Charlie Brown: "I have a better question.." "How should I know?" //

Linus Van Pelt: “I have a question for you, Charlie Brown” “Why am I so totally fascinated by this girl at school who drives me crazy?” / Charlie Brown: “I have a better question..” “How should I know?” // -… More »

Do you still like…

IMAGE: Linus Van Pelt: "Do you still like Peggy Jean? Then here's what you should do..." "Tell her about the little red haired girl! Unfortunately, she'll never want to see you again! Now, most likely, the little red haired girl will someday also turn you down" "Then you'll have nobody, and be unhappy the rest of your life..." / Charlie Brown: "That's the worst advice I've ever heard!" / Linus: "Well, I just thought of it five minutes ago.." //

Linus Van Pelt: “Do you still like Peggy Jean? Then here’s what you should do…” “Tell her about the little red haired girl! Unfortunately, she’ll never want to see you again! Now, most likely, the little red haired girl will… More »


IMAGE: Lucy Van Pelt: "♥♥" "*Ahem*" / Schroeder: "!" / Lucy Van Pelt: "HE NOTICED ME! He noticed me!! I've never been so happy in all my life!" //

Lucy Van Pelt: “♥♥” “*Ahem*” / Schroeder: “!” / Lucy Van Pelt: “HE NOTICED ME! He noticed me!! I’ve never been so happy in all my life!” // – Charles M. Schulz (1922 – 2000): Peanuts (Image by nightowl from… More »

Learn from yesterday…

IMAGE: "(Learn from yesterday)" "(Live for today)" "(Look to tomorrow)" "(Rest this afternoon)"

“(Learn from yesterday)” “(Live for today)” “(Look to tomorrow)” “(Rest this afternoon)” – Snoopy — Charles M. Schulz (1922 – 2000): Peanuts / (Learn from yesterday…) (Image by Connor Johnson from Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine… More »

I can’t believe it…

IMAGE: "(I can't believe it.. Here I am overseas fighting in the war, and what happens?)" "(My girlfriend writes and tells me she's going to marry my cousin!)" "(I wonder how long it will take me to forget her...)" "(That wasn't too bad.. I forgot her in fourteen doughnuts!)"

“(I can’t believe it.. Here I am overseas fighting in the war, and what happens?)” “(My girlfriend writes and tells me she’s going to marry my cousin!)” “(I wonder how long it will take me to forget her…)” “(That wasn’t… More »

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