I look up at the sky as I walk in sadness, / So that the tears will not fall from my eyes. // Remembering those happy spring days, / And I am all alone tonight. // - Sukiyaki (song): Lyrics by Ei Rokusuke (1933 - 2016) (Singable translation by Okamoto Ken [Take Moon OK] (1963 - ))
(Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay)
(Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the engine from Google Translate)
上を向いて歩こう、/涙がこぼれないように。//思い出す春の日、/一人ぽっちの夜。// - 『上を向いて歩こう』: 【詞】永六輔 (1933 - 2016)