
IMAGE: Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.

いつの時代に成功した事業を見ても、ある時点で誰かが勇気ある決断を下しているものだ。 – ピーター・(ファーディナンド・)ドラッカー (1909 – 2005) More »


IMAGE: It's getting better all the time.

いつだってだんだん良くなってるよ。 – ポール・マッカートニー (1942 – ) 「ビートルズ」: 『ゲッティング・ベター』 More »


IMAGE: He looks only at his side of the shield.

一を知って二を知らず。[一を識りて二を知らず。] – 荘子[荘周] (紀元前369頃? – 前286頃?): 「天地」(中国~日本の諺) / 楯の片面しか見ていない。 More »

Neither man nor woman…

IMAGE: Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. The sooner the discovery is made the better, as there is more time and power for taking advantage of it.

Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. The sooner the discovery is made the better, as there is more time and power for taking advantage of it. – William Lamb, 2nd… More »


IMAGE: Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. The sooner the discovery is made the better, as there is more time and power for taking advantage of it.

男も女も、愚か者の自覚があって初めて、価値ある存在と成り得る。一刻も早く自覚すべし、時間と労力を無駄にしないために。 – 第2代メルバーン子爵、ウィリアム・ラム (1779 – 1848) More »

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