Love is blind…

IMAGE: Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] // The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right.

Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] / The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right. – Plato [Platon] (427 – 347B.C.): Laws (translated from Greek to English by Benjamin Jowett (1817… More »


IMAGE: Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] // The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right.

恋は盲目。[愛は盲目。] / あばたもえくぼ。 / 恋は人を盲目にする。そこでは私情が優先され、真理や道理は二の次になってしまう。 – プラトン (紀元前427 – 前347): 『法律』 More »


IMAGE: The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off.

人生という旅は、人が自転車に乗るようなもの。分かり切ったことだが、自転車に乗り、そして動き出す。どこかで停まり、降りる。停まったまま降りなければ、倒れる。 – ウィリアム・ゴールディング (1911 – 93) More »

Great oaks from little…

IMAGE: Great [Mighty/Tall] oaks from little [tiny] acorns grow.

Great oaks from little acorns grow. [(ME) As an ook cometh of a litel spyr.] – Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343 – 1400): Troilus and Criseyde / Mighty [Tall] oaks from tiny acorns grow. / (Great things may come from small beginnings.) More »


IMAGE: Great [Mighty/Tall] oaks from little [tiny] acorns grow.

樫の大木も始まりは小さなどんぐり。 – ジェフリー・チョーサー (1343頃 – 1400): 『トロイラスとクリセイデ』 / (小さなことから偉業となり得る) More »

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