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There are places I’ll…

IMAGE: There are places I'll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still can recall, / Some are dead and some are living, / In my life I've loved them all. //

There are places I’ll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still… More »


IMAGE: There are places I'll remember / All my life, though some have changed, / Some forever, not for better, / Some have gone and some remain. // All these places had their moments, / With lovers and friends I still can recall, / Some are dead and some are living, / In my life I've loved them all. //

一生涯忘れない場所がある。/変わってしまった場所もあるけど、/相変わらずの場所もある。/無くなった場所もあれば残っている場所もある。//みんなそれぞれの瞬間、それぞれの場面があった。/恋人との場面、友人との場面、今でも思い出せる。/もう死んだ奴もいればまだ生きている者もいる。/自分の人生において、みんな愛してきた。// – ジョン・レノン (1940 – 80) (一部ポール・マッカートニー (1942 – )) 「ビートルズ」: 『イン・マイ・ライフ』 More »

While I wait for…

IMAGE: While I wait for you, / My lord, lost in this longing, / Suddenly there comes / A stirring of my window blind: / The autumn wind is blowing. //

While I wait for you, / My lord, lost in this longing, / Suddenly there comes / A stirring of my window blind: / The autumn wind is blowing. // – Princess Nukata [Nukata no Ōkimi] (c.630? – c.690?) –… More »

(For) Love is blind…

IMAGE: "(For) Love is blind always, and can not see." // "(But) Love is blind and lovers cannot see / The pretty follies that themselves commit." //

(For) Love is blind always, and can not see. [(ME) For loue is blynd alday and may nat see.] – Geoffirey Chaucer (c.1343 – 1400): The Canterbury Tales (The Merchant’s Tale) / (But) Love is blind and lovers cannot see… More »


IMAGE: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

会えねばつのる恋心。[逢わねば募る恋心。] – トーマス・ヘインズ・ベイリー (1797 – 1839): 『美しき島』 / (離れていると愛しさが増すもの。) More »

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