Search Results for: 善は急げ

It’s now or…

IMAGE: It's now or never. / The sooner the better. / When are you going to do it? If not now, then when? [Now, that's when! / Now is the time!]

It’s now or never. / The sooner the better. / When are you going to do it? If not now, then when? [Now, that's when! / Now is the time!] / (Strike the iron while…) / (Tomorrow never comes…) (Image… More »


IMAGE: It's now or never. / The sooner the better. / When are you going to do it? If not now, then when? [Now, that's when! / Now is the time!]

今しかない。[やるなら今。] / 善は急げ。[早ければ早いほど良い。] / いつやるか? 今でしょ! [いつやるの、今でしょ。] – 林修(はやしおさむ) (1965 – ) / (鉄は熱いうちに…) / (紺屋の明後日…) (Saumya ShuklaによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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