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IMAGE: I was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be and be that kind of person. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.

周り(まわり)の期待を嗅ぎ取ってその期待に応えるように育てられた。他人の目を通した自己評価から解放されるには長い時間が掛かったわ。 – サリー・フィールド (1946 – ) More »


IMAGE: Tomorrow never comes. / One of these days is none of these days.

紺屋の明後日(こうや[こんや]のあさって)。(日本の諺) / 明日という日が来たためしがない。 / (明日はいつまで経っても明日のまま、今日にはならない。) / (今日の事は今日やれ。) / いずれ近日中は、近日中には来ない。 / (鉄は熱いうちに…) / (今しか…) More »

Today is a microcosm…

IMAGE: Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is your whole life in miniature. You were "born" when you woke up, and you'll "die" when you go to sleep.

Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is your whole life in miniature. You were “born” when you woke up, and you’ll “die” when you go to sleep. – John (Robert) Wooden (1910 – 2010) — Steve Chandler:… More »

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