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Expectation is…

IMAGE: Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.]

Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.] More »


IMAGE: Expectation is better than realization. / There is a great difference between the fame and the reality. [The reality falls far short of the fame.] / The reality (always) falls short of the fame. [The reality often belies the fame.]

名物にうまい物無し(めいぶつにうまいものなし)。(日本の諺) / 聞くと見るとは大違い。[見ると聞くとは大違い。] / 実現したときより、期待しているときがまし。 / 実物は名に聞くほどではない。[現実は名声と一致しないことが多い。] More »


IMAGE: It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.

逆説的だが深く真を突いた人生の大原則――ある目標に到達する一番確実な方法は、その目標自体ではなく、それを超えたところにあるもう少し野心的な目標を目指すことである。 – アーノルド・トインビー (1852 – 83) More »

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