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That is what learning…

IMAGE: That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way. – Doris (May) Lessing (1919 – 2013): The Children of Violence Book 5 (The Four-Gated City) More »


IMAGE: That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.

それが「学ぶ」ということ。分かりきっていたはずの何かが、突然新たな意味で理解されるのだ。 – ドリス・レッシング (1919 – 2013): 『暴力の子供たち』第五巻 More »


IMAGE: It is not necessary that you leave the house. Remain at your table and listen. Do not even listen, only wait. Do not even wait, be wholly still and alone. The world will present itself to you for its unmasking ... in ecstasy it will writhe at your feet.

外に出る必要はない。テーブルに座ったまま耳を澄ましなさい。耳を澄ますまでもない、ただ待ちなさい。待つことすら不要だ、ひたすら独りで静かにしていなさい。世界があなたの前にその正体を現す……恍惚の中あなたにひれ伏して身悶えるだろう。 – フランツ・カフカ (1883 – 1924) More »

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