Search Results for: Who


IMAGE: No man is free who cannot control himself.

自らを制御できない人に自由はない。 – ピタゴラス (紀元前570頃 – 前495頃) (Gerd AltmannによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: Whether you think you can or (you think) you can't, you're right.

できると思うかできないと思うか、いずれにせよあなたは正しい。 – ヘンリー・フォード (1863 – 1947) / (できると思う人は…) (Steve BrandonによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

Most of the chance…

IMAGE: Most of the chance improvements in human motions that eliminate unnecessary movement and reduce fatigue have been hit upon by men who were lazy—so lazy that every needless step counted.

Most of the chance improvements in human motions that eliminate unnecessary movement and reduce fatigue have been hit upon by men who were lazy—so lazy that every needless step counted. – Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr. (1868 – 1924) / (When… More »


IMAGE: Most of the chance improvements in human motions that eliminate unnecessary movement and reduce fatigue have been hit upon by men who were lazy—so lazy that every needless step counted.

無駄な動作を省いて疲労を軽減する、人の動きが何かの拍子に改善されるのはほとんどの場合、省けるステップなら全て省くような怠惰な人たちが思いついたものだ。 – フランク・バンカー・ギルブレス・シニア (1868 – 1924) / (工場で大変な仕事が…) (wagrati_photoによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

The months and days…

IMAGE: The months and days are the travellers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers. Those who float away their lives on ships or who grow old leading horses are forever journeying, and their homes are wherever their travels take them. Many of the men of old died on the road.

The months and days are the travellers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers. Those who float away their lives on ships or who grow old leading horses are forever journeying, and their homes are wherever… More »


IMAGE: The months and days are the travellers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers. Those who float away their lives on ships or who grow old leading horses are forever journeying, and their homes are wherever their travels take them. Many of the men of old died on the road.

月日は百代(はくたい)の過客(くわかく(かかく))にして、行き交ふ(ゆきこう)年もまた旅人なり。舟の上に生涯(しやうがい(しょうがい))を浮かべ、馬の口とらへて(とらえて)老いを迎ふる(むかうる)者は、日々旅にして、旅を栖(すみか)とす。古人も多く旅に死せるあり。 – 松尾芭蕉 (1644 – 94): 『おくのほそ道[奥の細道]』(冒頭) (kevboynetによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: Look your best - who said love is blind?

身なりを整えなさい――恋は盲目だなんて誰が言ったの? – メイ・ウエスト (1893 – 1980) (Ryan McGuireによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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