Search Results for: Who

The stone you throw…

IMAGE: The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face.

The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face. More »


IMAGE: The stone you throw will fall on your own head. / He who spits against heaven, spits in his own face. / Who spits against the wind, spits in his own face.

天を仰ぎて唾す(てんをあおぎてつばきす)。[天に唾する(てんにつばする)。/天に向かって唾を吐く。] – 『四十二章経(しじゅうにしょうきょう)』(迦葉摩騰(かしょうまとう)・竺法蘭(じくほうらん)の共訳) / 投げた石は自分の頭に落ちてくる。 / 風に向かって唾吐けば、自分の顔に降り懸かる。 / (日本の諺)身から出た錆。 – いろは歌留多(江戸) More »


IMAGE: Who is to bell the cat? [Who will bell the cat?]

誰が猫の首に鈴をつけるか。 – イソップ[アイソーポス] (紀元前620頃 – 前560頃): 『イソップ物語[寓話/童話]』 / (進んで難局に当たる者[ネズミ]は誰か。) More »


IMAGE: Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

狭き門より入れ、滅びにいたる門は大きく、その道は広く、これより入るもの多し。命にいたる門は狭く、その道は細く、これを見出すものは少なし。 – イエス (紀元前4頃? – 30頃?) — 聖書: 『マタイによる福音書』第7章13節~14節 More »

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