Search Results for: Who


IMAGE: Jack of all trades and master of none. [Jack of all trades is master of none.] / He who commences many things finishes but few.

何でも来いに名人なし。[多芸は無芸。/器用貧乏。] / あれこれ手をつける者はほとんど中途半端に終わる。 More »

The mad dog bites…

IMAGE: The mad dog bites his master. / He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. / One who plays with edged tools will cut himself.

The mad dog bites his master. / He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. / One who plays with edged tools will cut himself. More »


IMAGE: The mad dog bites his master. / He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. / One who plays with edged tools will cut himself.

飼い犬に手を噛まれる。 / 彼は自分の目をほじくり出させるために鳥を飼っていた。 / 刃物を玩ぶ(もてあそぶ)者は、自分を傷つけてしまうものだ。 More »


IMAGE: Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.

覚えておきなさい。幸福は、あなたの名前や持ち物に依拠しないことを。あなたの幸福は、あなたの考え一つなのです。 – デール・カーネギー (1888 – 1955) More »


IMAGE: A gossip is one who talks to you about other people. A bore is one who talks to you about himself. A brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.

おしゃべりな人は他人の話をする。つまらない人は自分の話をする。話上手な人は耳を傾けてくれているあなた自身の話をする。 – W・L[ウィリアム・ライアン]・マッケンジー・キング (1874 – 1950) More »

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