Search Results for: benjamin


IMAGE: If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.

もし君が死後にその名を残したければ、読まれるに値するものを書くか、書かれるに値することをしなさい。 – ベンジャミン・フランクリン (1706 – 90) More »

Love is blind…

IMAGE: Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] // The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right.

Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] / The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right. – Plato [Platon] (427 – 347B.C.): Laws (translated from Greek to English by Benjamin Jowett (1817… More »


IMAGE: Love is blind. [(La.) Amor caecus est.] // The lover is blinded about the beloved, and prefers his own interests to truth and right.

恋は盲目。[愛は盲目。] / あばたもえくぼ。 / 恋は人を盲目にする。そこでは私情が優先され、真理や道理は二の次になってしまう。 – プラトン (紀元前427 – 前347): 『法律』 More »

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