Search Results for: camp

“Tradition” is not a…

IMAGE: "Tradition" is not a thing of the past. It is something that is created moment by moment through the present self.

“Tradition” is not a thing of the past. It is something that is created moment by moment through the present self. – Taro Okamoto [Okamoto Tarō] (1911 – 1996): The Eyes of Taro Okamoto (Image by Jonathan Singer from Pixabay)… More »


IMAGE: "Tradition" is not a thing of the past. It is something that is created moment by moment through the present self.

「伝統」とは、過去ではない。瞬間、瞬間に現在の自分を通して創り上げてゆくものである。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『岡本太郎の眼』 (Jonathan SingerによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

I wonder why people…

IMAGE: I wonder why people are so lethargic and inconsistent. To say that the world is boring means that they who say so are boring.

I wonder why people are so lethargic and inconsistent. To say that the world is boring means that they who say so are boring. – Taro Okamoto [Okamoto Tarō] (1911 – 1996): The Eyes of Taro Okamoto (translation by Okamoto… More »


IMAGE: I wonder why people are so lethargic and inconsistent. To say that the world is boring means that they who say so are boring.

皆さん、どうして、こう、無気力で、筋をとおさないのだろう。世の中がつまらない、と言うのは、自分がつまらないことなのだ。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『岡本太郎の眼』 (PitschによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

Why do we create? If…

IMAGE: Why do we create? If we don't, the world will be too boring, so create something. Get your pencil and paper right now. That's it. Just make whatever sound you like, make the sound you want to make.

Why do we create? If we don’t, the world will be too boring, so create something. Get your pencil and paper right now. That’s it. Just make whatever sound you like, make the sound you want to make. – Taro… More »


IMAGE: Why do we create? If we don't, the world will be too boring, so create something. Get your pencil and paper right now. That's it. Just make whatever sound you like, make the sound you want to make.

なぜ、創るのかって? 創らなければ、世界はあまりに退屈だから、創るんだ。今すぐに、鉛筆と紙を手にすればいい。それだけだ。自分の好きな音を勝手に出す、出したい音を出したらいい。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『壁を破る言葉』 (StartupStockPhotosによるPixabayからの画像) / (kurt duschekによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

It is commonly said…

IMAGE: It is commonly said that some people stand at the crossroads in their lives, but that is not accurate. In truth, everyone is always standing at a fork in the path in their life. Should they go this way or that way? They have to choose one way or the other. They lose the way.

It is commonly said that some people stand at the crossroads in their lives, but that is not accurate. In truth, everyone is always standing at a fork in the path in their life. Should they go this way or… More »


IMAGE: It is commonly said that some people stand at the crossroads in their lives, but that is not accurate. In truth, everyone is always standing at a fork in the path in their life. Should they go this way or that way? They have to choose one way or the other. They lose the way.

俗に人生の十字路というが、それは正確ではない。人間は本当は、いつでも二つの道の分岐点に立たされているのだ。この道をとるべきか、あの方か。どちらかを選ばなければならない。迷う。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『自分の中に毒を持て』 (Arek SochaによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

Everyone seems to…

IMAGE: Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will be buried in the sediment before you know it and you will not be able to move. To challenge life and truly live, you must be reborn moment by moment and open your destiny. To do so, you must have nothing and be unconditional in mind and body. The more you throw away, the thicker and purer your life becomes.

Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will… More »


IMAGE: Everyone seems to think that life is cumulative. On the contrary, I think it should be unloaded. The more wealth and knowledge one accumulates, the more freedom one loses. If you stick to the accumulation of the past, you will be buried in the sediment before you know it and you will not be able to move. To challenge life and truly live, you must be reborn moment by moment and open your destiny. To do so, you must have nothing and be unconditional in mind and body. The more you throw away, the thicker and purer your life becomes.

人生は積み重ねだと誰でも思っているようだ。ぼくは逆に、積みへらすべきだと思う。財産も知識も、蓄えれば蓄えるほど、かえって人間は自在さを失ってしまう。過去の蓄積にこだわると、いつの間にか堆積物に埋もれて身動きができなくなる。人生に挑み、本当に生きるには、瞬間瞬間に新しく生まれかわって運命をひらくのだ。それには心身とも無一物、無条件でなければならない。捨てれば捨てるほど、いのちは分厚く、純粋にふくらんでくる。 – 岡本太郎 (1911 – 1996): 『自分の中に毒を持て』 (Ninel_SによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »

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