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The biter is…

IMAGE: The biter is bit. [The biter is sometimes bit.] / Many go for wool and come back shorn. [Many go out for wool and come home shorn.]

The biter is bit. [The biter is sometimes bit.] / Many go for wool and come back shorn. [Many go out for wool and come home shorn.] (Image by Eliane Meyer from Pixabay) (Text-to-Speech by Sound of Text, using the… More »


IMAGE: The biter is bit. [The biter is sometimes bit.] / Many go for wool and come back shorn. [Many go out for wool and come home shorn.]

ミイラ取りがミイラになる。 / 羊毛を刈りに行き、逆に身包み剥がされて(みぐるみはがされて)帰ってくる者も多い。 (Eliane MeyerによるPixabayからの画像) (Google Translateのエンジンを使用した、Sound of Textによるテキスト読み上げ) More »


IMAGE: Two heads are better than one.

三人寄れば文殊の知恵。(日本の諺) / 頭二つは一つよりよい。 – ホメロス[ホメーロス] (紀元前9世紀頃): 『イリアス[イーリアス]』 More »

Good swimmers are…

IMAGE: Good swimmers are oftenest drowned. [Good swimmers at length are oftenest drowned.] / Even Homer sometimes nods. / No one is wise at all times.

Good swimmers are oftenest drowned. [Good swimmers at length are oftenest drowned.] / Even Homer sometimes nods. / No one is wise at all times. More »


IMAGE: Good swimmers are oftenest drowned. [Good swimmers at length are oftenest drowned.] / Even Homer sometimes nods. / No one is wise at all times.

河童の川流れ。 / 弘法にも筆の誤り。[弘法も筆の誤り。](日本の諺) / 猿も木から落ちる。(日本の諺) / ホーマーすら時に居眠りをする。[ホーマーすら時に失策をする。] / 四六時中賢明なものはいない。 More »

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