Search Results for: home

By the look in your…

IMAGE: By the look in your eye, I can tell you're gonna cry. Is it over me? / If it is, save your tears. For I'm not worth it, you see. // For I'm the type of boy who is always on the roam. / Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home. / I'm telling you that's my home. //

By the look in your eye, I can tell you’re gonna cry. Is it over me? / If it is, save your tears. For I’m not worth it, you see. // For I’m the type of boy who is always… More »


IMAGE: By the look in your eye, I can tell you're gonna cry. Is it over me? / If it is, save your tears. For I'm not worth it, you see. // For I'm the type of boy who is always on the roam. / Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home. / I'm telling you that's my home. //

君の目を見て、泣くのが分かる。僕のせいかい?/涙を拭いて。僕には泣かれる値打ちもない。//そう、僕はいつもあてもなく、さ迷ってる。/帽子を置けばどこだって、家になる。/そこが、家になる。// – マーヴィン・ゲイ (1939 – 84)、バレット・ストロング (1941 – )、ノーマン・ホィットフィールド (1940 – 2008): 『愛の放浪者』(ポール・ヤングにカヴァーされた)(【歌える訳詞】岡本健(おかもとけん) (1963 – )) More »

Make haste…

IMAGE: Make haste slowly. / The longest way round is the nearest way home. / More haste, less speed. / Haste is waste. [Haste makes waste.]

Make haste slowly. / The longest way round is the nearest way home. / More haste, less speed. / Haste is waste. [Haste makes waste.] More »


IMAGE: Make haste slowly. / The longest way round is the nearest way home. / More haste, less speed. / Haste is waste. [Haste makes waste.]

急いては事を仕損じる。(日本の諺) / 急がば回れ。 / いちばんの回り道がいちばん近い帰り道。 / 急ぐほどスピードが落ちる。 / 急ぐことは浪費である。 More »

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