- Words of Wisdom OK312 : 英日対照・名言ことわざ辞典++
- English(-Japanese) Quotations and Sayings: 英語(-日本語)の名言ことわざ
- English(-J) Quotes starting with A-G : A-G で始まる英語(-日)の名言
- English Quotes starting with A : A で始まる英語の名言
- The shortest answer...
- All things are...
- The grass is greener...
- At the foot of the...
- All his geese are...
- Always remember...
- All life shall one...
- All art is...
- All good things come...
- Accidents will...
- As the touchstone...
- Art holds fast when...
- Art produces ugly...
- As the wind blows...
- Any father whose son...
- Alice ran across the...
- Fine feathers make...
- Ambition is a...
- All are not thieves...
- All of us who truly...
- All things in their...
- Art washes away from...
- As I grow older, I...
- All things fall and...
- April showers bring...
- The airplane stays up...
- Absence is to love...
- Any port in a...
- At the risk of...
- After all, drama is...
- Art is the lie that...
- Anybody can become...
- As we know, there...
- All grown-ups were...
- Amazing grace, how...
- Ahem...
- Are you going to...
- All right, Team...
- Act like you have...
- The first breath is...
- Abundance, like want...
- One for all, all for...
- All fear is...
- All men have aimed...
- All things must pass...
- Acorns were good...
- Accidents will occur...
- Art can only be...
- All adverse and...
- Advice when most...
- All covet all...
- Absence of proof is...
- The fowler is caught...
- Alison, I know this...
- All is fair in love...
- The art of being...
- Authority shows what...
- Art is long, life is...
- Art apes...
- After a storm comes...
- Accomplishments will...
- Adversity reveals...
- Adversities will...
- A bad bush is better...
- Appearances are...
- All is well that...
- What goes around...
- The pot calls the...
- Everyone who exalts...
- All human wisdom is...
- After us the...
- Absence sharpens love...
- All my concerts had...
- An army of sheep led...
- All work and no play...
- All that non-fiction...
- Age brings...
- The awareness of the...
- And thou...
- Anyone who stops learning...
- Ask, and it shall...
- Are you the leaf...
- The actor should be...
- All is not gold...
- All or...
- Anger and haste hinder...
- An attempt is sometimes...
- All is fish that...
- After death the...
- Absence makes the heart...
- The art of living...
- The awareness of our...
- An aim in life is...
- And in the end...
- Hills are green far...
- Actors are the jockeys...
- Always remember you're...
- All roads lead to...
- Always forgive your...
- As a rule, men worry...
- Ask not what your...
- As you think, so...
- Alone, alone, all, all...
- Advice is like snow...
- All the world's a...
- Ask a question and...
- Although the world is...
- At Nikitatsu We have...
- As a well-spent...
- Art must take reality...
- An aged man is...
- English Quotes starting with B : B で始まる英語の名言
- Be who you are and...
- The biter is...
- Beauty is in the eye...
- Beauty is but skin...
- The best augury of a...
- A good beginning...
- The butcher looked...
- Beware of Greeks...
- Blood is thicker...
- Books and friends...
- Beauty in things...
- The best of men are...
- The good die...
- Beggars mounted run...
- Battles cost both...
- Better be the head...
- Boys will be...
- Better late than...
- Good medicine is bitter...
- Beauty remains, even...
- But as I was nearing...
- The boughs that bear...
- The best fish smell...
- Better keep yourself...
- A burnt child dreads...
- The best advice I...
- A black cat crossing...
- Be happy, but never...
- Beauty! I can't...
- By working...
- The best way to...
- Take the bull by the...
- Be not forgetful to...
- Be not inhospitable...
- The best thinking...
- Better a witty fool...
- 8. Both Bull and...
- 7. The Bull...
- Being the richest...
- Black holes are...
- A bargain is a...
- The scholar may be...
- We never meet...
- By the little is...
- Better a lean peace...
- Beggars can't be...
- The best thing about...
- Beauty is truth...
- Beauty itself is but...
- Be faithful to...
- But remember how you...
- But man is not made...
- The best way to find...
- By the look in your...
- Business before...
- Boldness is...
- (Like) A bolt from...
- Believe those who...
- The belief that...
- The bait hides the...
- By the time you wish...
- Bridle passions and...
- Nothing is lost for...
- A bad bush is better...
- Beware the fury of a...
- A bell is known by...
- Be sure to build on...
- By wisdom peace, by...
- Willows are weak, yet...
- Busiest men find the...
- You must be the...
- The beautiful thing...
- The best portion of...
- Plowing the sand...
- By believing passionately...
- Brevity is the soul...
- Out of the mouth...
- The best carpenter makes...
- Good comes out of...
- Buy cheap and waste...
- By writing you learn...
- Boys, be...
- Be careful about reading...
- Bee is inside the...
- (For) Love is blind...
- Beautiful young people...
- A baby is God's...
- The best fish swims...
- Bad money drives out...
- A bird in the hand...
- Better be a fool...
- Ill news has...
- A beginner ought never...
- The best way to...
- A book of quotations...
- Behind the clouds is...
- There is no place...
- The best way to make...
- Barking dogs seldom...
- A bad workman (always)...
- If you run after two...
- What's the good of...
- Because the sky is...
- Be able to be alone...
- By all means marry...
- Be aware of wonder...
- Because a fellow has...
- Between the idea / And...
- Birds of a feather...
- A bird in hand...
- A voluntary burden is...
- English Quotes starting with C : C で始まる英語の名言
- Courageous people do...
- The cherry among...
- Practice makes...
- Confidence is a...
- Common sense in an...
- The command of...
- A child is a good...
- Children have never...
- "A classic":
- Down corn, down...
- A consistent man...
- Creditors have...
- Carrying knowledge...
- Fine feathers make...
- The customer is...
- Cut your coat...
- Courtesy costs...
- Creativity is the ability...
- Conquer yourself...
- Faith will move...
- Constant dropping wears...
- A cheerful look makes...
- Courage is what it...
- Chop your own wood...
- Confidence is what...
- Conscience is the...
- Courage is...
- Reading is actually...
- Just remember, the...
- I think Peppermint...
- I have a great fear...
- Gramma says when you...
- So if I'm going to...
- A friendship like...
- I wonder if I take...
- All right, Team...
- I wonder if it's...
- Walter Hagen said...
- Wake up, Sally...
- In the book of life...
- Common sense is the...
- Comedy must be true...
- 4. Catching the Bull...
- 3. Perceiving the...
- Children are poor...
- A chain is no...
- A clear conscience...
- A good conscience is...
- Calamity is the...
- Conscience makes...
- Courage to start and...
- Charity begins at...
- Clear water breeds...
- Care killed the...
- Custom is a second...
- Children should be...
- "A classic": a book...
- Curiosity killed the...
- Convictions are more...
- The creation of a...
- Caesar's wife must be...
- A conclusion is the...
- Christopher Columbus...
- A creaking gate...
- The Child is father...
- The common idea that...
- Colorless green ideas...
- A cat may look...
- Change of fortune is...
- Buy cheap and waste...
- Creativity is merely...
- Call a spade...
- Cool, calm, and...
- Character cannot be...
- A change is as good...
- Cast not your pearls...
- Creativity is the power...
- Could we teach taste...
- Conscience is the perfect...
- Courage is doing what...
- A career is born in...
- The charm of fishing...
- Christmas is a time...
- English Quotes starting with D : D で始まる英語の名言
- Don't be afraid to...
- The shortest answer...
- The day has eyes...
- Don't lose your way...
- Do not be afraid of...
- Don't count your...
- At the foot of the...
- Delay breeds...
- Despair makes...
- Dying is as natural...
- Don't quarrel with...
- An idle brain is the...
- Don't cut the bough...
- Do or...
- The deeper we look...
- Do not pass judgment...
- It's dog-eat...
- Down corn, down...
- Don't cry before you...
- Danger past, God...
- Draw Dragon Dot...
- The devil is not so...
- Do the hard jobs...
- Death is nothing to...
- Darkness cannot drive...
- Don't scold children...
- A dream you dream...
- The devil can cite...
- Do what you feel in...
- Don't do it if you...
- A day without...
- Do not pray for an...
- Dreams are often...
- Dear Sweetheart...
- Do you still like...
- Don't blame me!...
- Dear Charles, I...
- Do you love me...
- Do pretty girls know...
- A dental checkup?...
- Be not forgetful to...
- The deeper the truth...
- 2. Discovery of the...
- Don't look back...
- Don't dream a dream...
- Discontent is the...
- Dishonesty is a...
- Never spur a willing...
- A door must be...
- Don't stop, thinking...
- Don't put all your...
- Do what you love and...
- Discretion is the...
- Don't forget your...
- Deliberate in...
- Dead men tell no...
- Drive your business...
- Death is what makes...
- Don't ask the barber...
- Doom is dark and...
- Don't meet trouble...
- Desert and reward...
- Don't just dream...
- Diligence is the...
- Distance lends...
- A drowning man will...
- Where there is a...
- Want makes...
- Do not fear death so...
- One hates not the...
- Desire torments us and...
- Diamond cuts...
- When in Rome, do as...
- There is no time...
- The day you take...
- Death is the grand...
- An attempt is sometimes...
- Do not put new wine...
- Deep rivers move in...
- Cast not your pearls...
- Don't put the cart...
- A danger foreseen is...
- Danger comes soonest...
- The difference between a...
- Don't drink and...
- What you do not wish...
- Doing business without...
- In the time of mirth...
- The die is cast...
- The difference between...
- Don't find fault; find...
- Dream as if you'll...
- Do not dwell in...
- Don't change horses...
- Do we not hear...
- English Quotes starting with E : E で始まる英語の名言
- Everyone has their...
- Every man is the...
- East and West, Home...
- Every fish that...
- Everything has its...
- Every Jack has his...
- Every time you go...
- Every flow has its...
- Every man has the...
- The highest branch...
- Enter by the narrow...
- Every man's neighbor...
- Every extremity is a...
- Each bird loves to...
- The end crowns the...
- Experience is the...
- Experience is a...
- Everybody's business...
- Education makes...
- Expectation is...
- An emotional...
- Every miller draws...
- Good swimmers are...
- Experience without...
- Eagles don't catch...
- English is a sound...
- Even a worm will...
- Everyone seems to...
- Either you deal with...
- Every day People...
- Empty your cup so...
- Everything is a...
- Everything you can...
- Employ your time in...
- Envy is the ulcer of...
- Everyone thinks of...
- "The earth", he said...
- Education: the path...
- Tomorrow belongs to...
- An eye for eye only...
- 10. Return to...
- 8. Both Bull and...
- Everything you can...
- Ever tried. Ever...
- Every other artist...
- Everything...
- East is East, and...
- Everyone has his...
- Every path has a...
- Every family has its...
- The expert at...
- Every dog has his...
- Everyone has talent...
- Even though our...
- Expecting the world...
- Everything is as it...
- The excellent...
- Every man's life is...
- The only thing that...
- Example is better...
- Experience teaches...
- Experience keeps a...
- After a storm comes...
- Empty vessels make...
- Sense comes with...
- Everyone is kin to...
- Every gift, though...
- There is no rule...
- No rose without a...
- An eye for an...
- Each day provides...
- Everyone who exalts...
- The equinox brings on...
- Everybody had a hard...
- Even in small matters...
- Extremes...
- Every man is enthusiastic...
- The early bird catches...
- Eat to live, not...
- Easier said than...
- Every shoe fits not...
- Experience is not what...
- A necessary lie is...
- Either make the tree...
- Every closed eye is...
- Eyes are as eloquent...
- Every strike brings...
- Early to bed and...
- Even though I give...
- Everyone is a moon...
- Everybody's got a hungry...
- Ebony and ivory / Live...
- Everything that has...
- 80% of the production...
- English Quotes starting with F : F で始まる英語の名言
- Fish and guests...
- Fair without, false...
- Faith is the...
- Freedom is just...
- Failure is the...
- The good die...
- Fortune favors the...
- Fools are wise after...
- Freedom is not...
- Fair words make...
- Fine feathers make...
- Fear is like fire...
- Fields have eyes, and...
- For me, art is life...
- The future's not set...
- Faith will move...
- A fault confessed is...
- The future cannot be...
- For every ailment...
- For attractive lips...
- For beautiful eyes...
- The first and best...
- Falsehood flies, and...
- A friendship like...
- The fool doth think...
- The flowers withered...
- For God did not send...
- The future depends...
- Find purpose. The...
- 5. Taming the Bull...
- 4. Catching the Bull...
- The foolish ostrich...
- It is the first step...
- The first breath is...
- Frailty, thy name is...
- Four eyes see more...
- Forests grow...
- Fools rush in where...
- The fame outruns the...
- Fame is the penalty...
- Finding is...
- First come, first...
- Pudding before...
- First and foremost...
- From small...
- The fullness of life...
- Fiction is the truth...
- The fairest rose is...
- Failure teaches...
- Familiarity breeds...
- The fowler is caught...
- Facts are the air of...
- The fish always...
- Fancy may kill or...
- Fortune knocks once...
- The frog in the well...
- Fear the worst; the...
- The fortune-teller cannot...
- Finally we shall place...
- A friend in need...
- (For) Love is blind...
- Fair is foul and...
- Friends come in and...
- Truth is stranger than...
- Faults are thick where...
- Focus on remedies...
- First deserve and...
- For a creative writer...
- First think and then...
- For all sad words of...
- Forty is the old age...
- Flexibility is...
- What is form that...
- English Quotes starting with G : G で始まる英語の名言
- A good tale ill told...
- Great things are...
- A good beginning...
- The grass is greener...
- Good company makes...
- Great minds discuss...
- A great ship asks...
- Give me a...
- A great truth is a...
- A good marksman may...
- Good wine makes good...
- The good die...
- Great gains are not...
- A genius grown old...
- God can make you...
- Good swimmers are...
- A gossip is one who...
- Good medicine is bitter...
- Gather roses while...
- Go and beg poppy...
- Great minds have...
- The greater our...
- A gentleman will not...
- God, grant me the...
- God, give me grace...
- Good girls go to...
- Gratitude is a duty...
- What are you doing...
- Gramma says when you...
- 4. Catching the Bull...
- Gravitation is not...
- A good husband is...
- The golden rule is...
- A good name is...
- A good conscience is...
- Good words cost...
- Give and...
- A great work is made...
- Gossiping and lying...
- Heaven helps those...
- The great masses of...
- The greatest talkers...
- Gratitude is the...
- The greatest hate...
- Great deeds are...
- The gentleman is harmonious...
- What is done can't...
- By believing passionately...
- Good comes out of...
- The great thing about...
- Good fences make good...
- The greatest happiness of...
- Government of the people...
- The great ocean of...
- Great people just do...
- Good feeding before...
- Great things are accomplished...
- A good master a...
- The great business of...
- A good story cannot...
- A good composer does...
- Give me liberty, or...
- Great pains but all...
- Going up like a...
- Genuine learning has...
- Give them pleasure...
- (What is courage?)...
- The greatest happiness you...
- Give me a fish...
- "Goodbye," said the...
- Great oaks from little...
- Genius is one percent...
- Good horses make short...
- English Quotes starting with A : A で始まる英語の名言
- English(-J) Quotes starting with H-N : H-N で始まる英語(-日)の名言
- English Quotes starting with H : H で始まる英語の名言
- He that knows little...
- Hope springs eternal...
- The stone you throw...
- Here is the test to...
- He who hesitates is...
- The highest branch...
- Hunger is the best...
- Hearts are the...
- He that would the...
- He that corrects not...
- He who touches pitch...
- He that thinks...
- He who makes no...
- He who fights and...
- Do not pass judgment...
- Hope for the best...
- He ventures too much...
- He that is truly...
- Health is better...
- He who laughs on...
- Jack of all trades...
- Hope is such a bait...
- As the wind blows...
- The mad dog bites...
- Carrying knowledge...
- He plants the stolen...
- He is building a...
- The hand that rocks...
- Happiness is the...
- He that is out at...
- History (always)...
- He's a real nowhere...
- How strangely do we...
- He that is sure is...
- A burnt child dreads...
- He can who thinks he...
- Happiness does not...
- Hey, Marcie! It's a...
- Hey, Manager, it's...
- How come you never...
- How I Spent My...
- Hate, it has caused...
- Hoping for the best...
- Humor is kindly. Wit...
- Happiness in...
- An honest man's word...
- Here comes the...
- He that knows...
- Handsome is that...
- He that cannot obey...
- Harm set, harm...
- He that runs fast...
- He is ready to leap...
- Half a loaf is...
- One good turn...
- He was wise enough...
- Heaven helps those...
- The harder you work...
- An honest man feels...
- Honesty is the best...
- He that burns his...
- Familiarity breeds...
- He laughs best who...
- The height of...
- Health is the thing...
- He who plants a tree...
- Walls have...
- Having an itch that...
- The frog in the well...
- He looks only at...
- He knows the universe...
- Love me, love my...
- Make haste...
- A hungry man, an...
- Humor is laughing at...
- Home wasn't built in...
- They are able because...
- He that falls today...
- A human being is...
- Hitch your wagon to...
- History is a people's...
- Hope not the transient...
- Help! I need somebody...
- He who is the most...
- Hills are green far...
- Eyes are as eloquent...
- He that wrestles with...
- He made me so mad...
- He that is good...
- Hey Jude, don't make...
- Happiness is a warm...
- Happiness is a very...
- Happiness is when what...
- Have no fear of...
- How suddenly the morning...
- Half of what I...
- English Quotes starting with I : I で始まる英語の名言
- I never lose. I...
- I once held her in...
- I don't paint things...
- Ill luck is good for...
- It is never safe to...
- I want to be...
- I must be cruel...
- It is comparison...
- I have always known...
- I pretended to be...
- Idle folks have the...
- It is more pain to...
- I like to listen. I...
- (It is) Six of one...
- If you must fly, fly...
- In every life we...
- In youth we learn...
- In fair weather...
- It is dangerous to...
- An idle brain is the...
- If you are not...
- It's the change of...
- If money go before...
- It is a good rule to...
- If you love your...
- It's dog-eat...
- Fools are wise after...
- It is not work that...
- If you don't like it...
- It is a paradoxical...
- If you want to learn...
- It is good to have...
- No child knows how...
- I can think of...
- I wonder why people...
- It is commonly said...
- I disapprove of what...
- It is really important...
- Misfortunes never come...
- I confess myself to...
- If you don't learn...
- If we had no winter...
- It is easy when you...
- It surprises me how...
- I have noticed that...
- Primitive life is...
- If a free society...
- It is not the answer...
- I never think of...
- I'm sure I'll take...
- I have a picture...
- If I wasn't hard...
- I am neither an...
- It is not because...
- I am only one, but...
- In the country of...
- If you clap your...
- It is more blessed...
- If everything seems...
- It is not enough for...
- It takes two to make...
- If you love somebody...
- It is not fair to...
- The pleasures of the...
- It's so simple to be...
- If a problem is...
- It's fine to...
- I don't think of...
- If there's a remedy...
- I can accept failure...
- I've missed more...
- I sent the club a...
- If you try to...
- If I don't have red...
- I paint objects as I...
- I am always doing...
- It's hard to be...
- I know nothing...
- I count him braver...
- I cannot remember...
- It is easy in the...
- If you don't read...
- I'm not denyin' the...
- If you do something...
- It's now or...
- I think I've...
- I think Peppermint...
- I have a great fear...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- I have a question...
- I can't believe it...
- I think you're...
- I have a question...
- I wonder if I take...
- Isn't it nice lying...
- I feel stupid...
- I wonder if it's...
- In the book of life...
- I've learned that I...
- I've learned that...
- I've learned that...
- I've learned that no...
- If I am not good to...
- I have found that...
- I do not trust...
- I've learned that...
- If you don't like...
- Intelligence is an...
- If my doctor told me...
- I never did a day's...
- I have not failed...
- If you have an apple...
- I had no idea of the...
- I suppose that's one...
- I should like to...
- I always like...
- An individual has...
- Injustice anywhere...
- In a sense every day...
- It is unwise to be...
- 1. In Search of the...
- I see trees of green...
- If today were the...
- If we have no peace...
- It is not how much...
- I believe that a...
- I have no special...
- I look up at the sky...
- It's gonna take a...
- If you can't...
- Ignorance...
- It is the first step...
- You can't please...
- If you have charm...
- If I don't do it...
- It is not enough to...
- If you don't think...
- If the counsel be...
- I would if I could...
- Illness is all in...
- It is never a bad...
- If I could reach...
- If men were angels...
- I got the message...
- Scales fall from...
- I shut my eyes in...
- If Jack's in love...
- I'm a rock star...
- If Winter comes, can...
- If wishes were...
- Ill weeds grow...
- (It's) Like fanning...
- It cannot be too...
- In the sweat of thy...
- In everything one...
- In order to write...
- Over shoes, over...
- I took the good...
- In character, in...
- I have wandered all...
- I found out drama...
- It is a wise father...
- If I am not for...
- It is nice to know...
- I just want to say...
- Well, it ain't no...
- If you want the...
- It is art to hide...
- After a storm comes...
- I checked all the...
- If today will not...
- If you can spend a...
- Ignorance is...
- It is an ill wind...
- If a man will begin...
- It's not the load...
- In little business...
- To preach to deaf...
- It's getting better...
- I must have a heroine...
- I have made a lot of...
- I have always felt...
- If the nose of...
- I no more thought of...
- It is after you have...
- The important thing...
- I cannot afford to...
- It means your future...
- It is not miserable...
- If you can dream...
- In all mankind's history...
- The intelligent man...
- If you cannot find...
- In the last analysis...
- Plowing the sand...
- What is done can't...
- If a man deceives me...
- A miss is as good as...
- If my mind can...
- I feel the earth...
- Ill gotten, ill...
- An invasion of armies...
- I like pigs. Dogs...
- I was not looking...
- If someone says can't...
- If you know the...
- I used to think that...
- Imagination will often...
- Inspiration comes of...
- It is not the mountain...
- I don't believe in...
- I'm extraordinarily...
- An idealist is one...
- It is no use crying...
- An army of sheep led...
- It's really hard to...
- I have made this...
- An idea that is not...
- I can't stop wondering...
- 私は不思議で...
- If I create from...
- Intense feeling too...
- If it was so...
- I have deep faith...
- I think and think...
- I want to live...
- I think one's feelings...
- I just take one day...
- It is never too late...
- I pray hard, work...
- Intellect distinguishes...
- It is the unexpected...
- Ill news has...
- Love covers many...
- If a rich man is...
- If you're going to...
- It's necessary to be...
- I sometimes give myself...
- If you want to know...
- It's one thing to...
- Whatever is worth doing...
- If the misery of the...
- It's not enough to...
- If you don't have...
- It is easier to do a...
- If you want peace...
- It is not necessary...
- Imagination was given...
- It is not until we...
- I think, therefore I...
- I not only use all...
- I am following Nature...
- I have made mistakes...
- In my youth I...
- I keep my ideals...
- It is ill to drive...
- It is better to travel...
- I have enough money...
- Let sleeping dogs...
- If you run after two...
- I've never met a...
- It is the duty of a...
- Iron not used soon...
- In all chaos there...
- I was raised to...
- In the time of mirth...
- It is only one step...
- If we don't believe...
- It is difficult to...
- If you would not be...
- In the beginning was...
- If anyone fancies he...
- In a minute there...
- If you're happy and...
- I think that I...
- I am he as...
- It's kind of fun...
- If life gives you...
- If you think you're...
- I'm a slow walker...
- I have a dream...
- If we were all...
- It is the common...
- In the life of...
- (Yes...) I can't believe...
- In wilderness I sense...
- I am not discouraged...
- If you limit your...
- It's hard enough to...
- If the mountain will...
- Into each life some...
- I cannot be satisfied...
- Life has its ups...
- I do not know...
- English Quotes starting with J : J で始まる英語の名言
- English Quotes starting with K : K で始まる英語の名言
- Keep your feet on...
- Knowledge without practice...
- The key to failure...
- Knowledge comes, but...
- Knowing is not...
- Know how to listen...
- Keep your eyes wide...
- Kindle not a fire...
- Know him? I know him...
- If you know the...
- Kill not the goose...
- Out of the mouth...
- The key to everything...
- Knowledge is proud that...
- Kind words can be...
- Knowledge is...
- Know...
- Kill two birds with...
- Keep your shop and...
- English Quotes starting with L : L で始まる英語の名言
- Love laughs at...
- One man's fault is...
- Like attracts...
- The longest day has...
- Poison drives out...
- Little strokes fell...
- Many a little makes...
- Life is short and...
- Life is something...
- Love truth, but...
- A leader is someone...
- Let not your tongue...
- Let the dead bury...
- Love is the wisdom...
- Life is very long...
- If you don't like it...
- Lend your money and...
- Like father, like...
- Life is not lost by...
- A long life hath...
- Life is either a...
- Look if you like...
- Life would be tragic...
- Look at everything as...
- Listen to the red...
- Love means never having...
- Life can be long...
- Living is easy with...
- Laziness is nothing...
- Liberty without...
- Look your best - who...
- The life given us...
- The less men think...
- Love is an...
- Love is the only...
- Hey, Manager, it's...
- So what I'm going to...
- The light shines in...
- I have a question...
- Do you still like...
- Ahem...
- Learn from yesterday...
- I think you're...
- How come you never...
- I feel stupid...
- Do pretty girls know...
- You think you can...
- Sometimes I wonder...
- Life is pleasant...
- Laughter is very...
- Life can be...
- Love is the only...
- Life is a tragedy...
- List of Ten Bulls...
- 1. In Search of the...
- Let us not use bombs...
- Let the cat wink and...
- Like pot, like...
- Laugh and the world...
- Give and...
- Last but not...
- (It's) Like fanning...
- A little learning is...
- Half a loaf is...
- Life is half spent...
- Love a friend...
- Like workman, like...
- Learn from the...
- Look on both sides...
- Live within...
- Temperance is the...
- (Like) A bolt from...
- A little help is...
- A little pot is soon...
- A light purse makes...
- Let's look at this...
- Like master, like...
- Luck is a matter of...
- Today for me...
- Might is...
- Like for...
- Lookers-on see most...
- Life is more...
- Learning without thought...
- Love me, love my...
- Life is too tragic...
- Make haste...
- The Child is father...
- Life is a process of...
- Laughter is the best...
- You live and...
- Make each day your...
- Look before you leap...
- Love is like a...
- Life is what happens...
- (For) Love is blind...
- Love conquers...
- The long and winding...
- Learn from yesterday...
- Let the world know...
- Love covers many...
- Learning makes the wise...
- The liberty of the...
- Love your neighbor...
- Law of Raspberry Jam...
- Love without end has...
- Let sleeping dogs...
- That's water under...
- Look twice before you...
- Loneliness is not cured...
- Love is blind...
- Live as if you...
- Life's but a walking...
- Learn to love broadly...
- Rome was not built...
- Life has its ups...
- The larger the island...
- English Quotes starting with M : M で始まる英語の名言
- The biter is...
- Make hay while the...
- A man is known by...
- Men are blind in...
- Man is the creature...
- Man is condemned to...
- Man's main task in...
- A man with one watch...
- The more elaborate...
- Many a little makes...
- Misery loves...
- The more, the...
- The mountains have...
- The most difficult...
- Many people quit...
- Money makes the mare...
- Music is the...
- The most drastic and...
- Manners make the...
- Manners are stronger...
- Money is a good...
- Money comes and...
- Money, like dung...
- Money makes the...
- The mad dog bites...
- Mind your own...
- Men make houses...
- Man proposes, God...
- My great-grandmama told...
- Misfortunes never come...
- A man's mind often...
- My opinion is that...
- May I play something...
- My goal is simple...
- More light!
- The mind is like...
- Managing is like holding...
- A man's walking is...
- The more I learn...
- When we see persons...
- Man is a goal...
- Mankind must put an...
- Most of the chance...
- The most important...
- Management is doing...
- The months and days...
- The measure of a man...
- A man should not...
- My way of joking is...
- Men are wise in...
- My grampa had...
- Psst, sir.. Wake up!...
- Dear Charles, I...
- Many of life's...
- Making fun is...
- My pain may be the...
- A man is but the...
- The most terrible...
- Men marry women with...
- A merry heart goes...
- Marriage is the lack...
- We never meet...
- A mere scholar, a...
- The man who doesn't...
- Illness is all in...
- My mind is...
- Man is not the...
- Many hands make...
- A man cannot be...
- Man errs so long as...
- The more things a...
- Man is the lord of...
- A man can die but...
- My aim is to put...
- Misery makes strange...
- My father taught me...
- Many words will not...
- Make voyages...
- More matter with...
- Minds, like bodies...
- The more noble the...
- Money is the poor...
- Money...
- Much coin, much...
- Might is...
- The more faithfully...
- Man with the head...
- Most of the important...
- The more you get...
- Malice hurts itself...
- Make not two sorrows...
- Make haste...
- Marry in haste, and...
- A miss is as good as...
- A man has always to...
- A man always has two...
- Make each day your...
- The most important thing...
- The mind is its...
- Man lives freely only...
- A man is known by...
- Men always want to...
- A man is not finished...
- Many a true word is...
- My own freedom can...
- Manners know...
- A mistake is simply...
- My Very Earnest Mother...
- The man who has...
- Monday's child is fair...
- Man is no more...
- May the Force be...
- Man holds in his...
- Musicians don't retire...
- Great oaks from little...
- Ask a question and...
- The most pathetic person...
- Miracles happen to those...
- English Quotes starting with N : N で始まる英語の名言
- Night gives...
- The shortest answer...
- Neither be daunted...
- Notice the...
- Nobody reads a...
- Nothing is...
- Nothing is original...
- No thoroughly...
- No man can serve two...
- Not every man is...
- Never confuse a...
- A note of music...
- Nature will have its...
- Nothing seek...
- Never let anyone see...
- Now take a good look...
- Great gains are not...
- No rain, no...
- Nobody's...
- The net of the...
- Good swimmers are...
- Nature is a good...
- No child knows how...
- No wisdom to...
- No chance but comes...
- History (always)...
- No man is free who...
- A new broom sweeps...
- No sweet without...
- Nothing is...
- Nature never...
- None are more...
- Nothing can dim the...
- Never think that war...
- 9. Reaching the...
- 2. Discovery of the...
- There is no fool...
- A chain is no...
- The first breath is...
- Nothing is so...
- Nothing so good but...
- None but the brave...
- No one is listening...
- Never trust a man...
- No man can do two...
- Near is my shirt...
- News, like a...
- Necessity is the...
- No sunshine but has...
- Never spur a willing...
- Nothing that is...
- No man can have...
- No news is good...
- No living man all...
- Necessity knows no...
- Not only are there...
- Never tell the truth...
- No one ever says...
- Nature is the best...
- Nothing is easier...
- Don't ask the barber...
- No weal without...
- Never is a really...
- Nothing is a waste...
- No extreme will hold...
- None so deaf as...
- Nothing is lost for...
- Nothing is well said...
- Nothing will ever be...
- No fish is caught...
- Nurture passes...
- To preach to deaf...
- Neither man nor woman...
- Never too old to...
- No rose without a...
- Strike the iron while...
- No man can draw...
- Never venture out of...
- Never believe straight...
- Nothing is unclean in...
- There is no time...
- Never bear more than...
- Do not put new wine...
- No man, however great...
- No more like than...
- Today we sing tomorrow...
- No man is born...
- A necessary lie is...
- No one can make you...
- Next week there can't...
- Never hesitate to steal...
- Nothing will come of...
- Never trouble trouble...
- Nothing is hard to...
- A novel is balanced...
- Never forget that only...
- Never eat oysters unless...
- No-one on earth...
- Nothing takes the taste...
- Never to repent and...
- English Quotes starting with H : H で始まる英語の名言
- English(-J) Quotes starting with O-U : O-U で始まる英語(-日)の名言
- English Quotes starting with O : O で始まる英語の名言
- The only way to...
- One man's fault is...
- Once the game is...
- One doesn't discover...
- Only I have no luck...
- Of two evils choose...
- One must draw the...
- The only means of...
- One should examine...
- Once Zhuang Zhou...
- One father is more...
- One man's meat is...
- Offense is the best...
- Opportunity seldom...
- One bad apple spoils...
- One of the greatest...
- Opposites...
- One cannot create an...
- The mad dog bites...
- One ill word asks...
- One day in...
- Once a thief, always...
- One lie calls for...
- Our business in life...
- Misfortunes never come...
- The only true happiness...
- The only thing we...
- One of the basic...
- Out of our quarrels...
- One, remember to...
- A burnt child dreads...
- Only the gentle are...
- The only way to get...
- The only true wisdom...
- Our greatest glory...
- Our life is...
- Okay, Pitcher...
- Our greatest...
- Out of clutter, find...
- On a quiet Friday...
- 8. Both Bull and...
- 7. The Bull...
- 1. In Search of the...
- You can't please...
- One for all, all for...
- Old garden lake...
- An old thing becomes...
- Our humanity is a...
- Of two disputants...
- One good turn...
- Old men are twice...
- One cannot put back...
- Over shoes, over...
- Other times, other...
- One hath more ado to...
- Only great minds can...
- One thing about...
- One's home is one's...
- The only thing that...
- Out of sight, out of...
- Once a beggar...
- One man's trash is...
- One child, one...
- The owl thinks her...
- Out of debt, out of...
- Of everything, too much...
- Willows are weak, yet...
- The one word you'll...
- Treasure every encounter...
- One hates not the...
- Out of the mouth...
- One's eyes are what...
- Of course there is...
- Opportunities are usually...
- He that falls today...
- Those who dare to...
- One day we must...
- Old soldiers never die...
- Only two things are...
- The only real mistake...
- The only way of...
- To take one foot out...
- One of the basic...
- Our business in this...
- Once I make up my...
- The only cure for...
- Out of intense complexities...
- Often you have to...
- Our knowledge is a...
- Once on shore, we...
- One swallow does not...
- O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore...
- The optimist proclaims...
- One of the symptoms...
- The only place where...
- Tomorrow never comes...
- One of these days...
- The object of government...
- Our scientific power...
- The old law of...
- On a long enough...
- One always has to...
- Once you replace negative...
- English Quotes starting with P : P で始まる英語の名言
- Peace cannot be kept...
- Praise makes good...
- A professional...
- Prosperity makes...
- Patience is the best...
- The proper study of...
- Practice makes...
- Poison drives out...
- Praise day at night...
- A poet can write...
- The purpose of life...
- Power should not be...
- Plum flowers! Don't...
- Power...
- People who have no...
- Pleasure and joy...
- Poverty of goods is...
- Primitive life is...
- People often say...
- Penny wise, (and)...
- A problem is a...
- Constant dropping wears...
- The pleasures of the...
- People will do anything...
- The past can hurt...
- People want to find...
- Painting is silent...
- People who know...
- Paradoxically, the...
- Yes, ma'am.. it's...
- Hey, Marcie! It's a...
- Yes, ma'am...
- Psst, sir.. Wake up!...
- I have a question...
- Isn't it nice lying...
- We're supposed to be...
- People miss...
- Perhaps the worst...
- Prayer from the...
- 3. Perceiving the...
- A person who never...
- Poverty wants some...
- Poverty dulls the...
- People will accept...
- Pudding before...
- A politician thinks...
- Play like you play...
- The play's the thing...
- Put your sword back...
- Pride will have a...
- The people sensible...
- The pot calls the...
- A picture is worth...
- Plowing the sand...
- Physician, heal...
- Problems can become...
- Preparation for war...
- Look before you leap...
- Poetry heals the wounds...
- A photograph can be...
- The proper plan for...
- Patient men win the...
- A person who is nice...
- Do not put new wine...
- Photography is truth...
- People feel safe when...
- The probability of success...
- The proof of the...
- The philosophers have...
- Popular songs go with...
- The pen is mightier...
- English Quotes starting with Q : Q で始まる英語の名言
- English Quotes starting with R : R で始まる英語の名言
- Religions are like...
- Reason rules all...
- Rules are...
- Repeated reading...
- The right word may...
- He who touches pitch...
- Expectation is...
- Remember happiness...
- The really great writers...
- Remember to look up...
- Row, row, row your...
- The right to do...
- Remember that...
- Remember, if you...
- The role of the...
- Remembrance of...
- Reading is actually...
- Restraint is a great...
- 10. Return to...
- 9. Reaching the...
- 6. Riding the Bull...
- Remembering that...
- The real voyage of...
- Roses are red...
- Reading is sometimes...
- A rolling stone...
- Reason respects...
- The roots of...
- A real book is not...
- The rest is...
- A red sun hath water...
- Reality is something...
- Remember that a government...
- A room without books...
- Reality can destroy...
- Reality leaves a lot...
- Roast geese don't come...
- O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore...
- Real happiness comes...
- A rock pile ceases...
- Rome was not built...
- Read first the best...
- English Quotes starting with S : S で始まる英語の名言
- Say well or be...
- The shortest answer...
- The shepherd always...
- Soon ripe, soon...
- So far, about morals...
- A strong passion for...
- (It is) Six of one...
- Sometimes success is...
- The stone you throw...
- Seldom sick sore...
- Silence is the...
- Success is usually...
- The successful...
- See everything...
- Suppose I try...
- Some men succeed by...
- A standing army is...
- Beggars mounted run...
- Striving for success...
- Some people cannot...
- The sky is not going...
- Spare the rod and...
- Some are wise and...
- Science is organized...
- Alice ran across the...
- Success is going from...
- Success usually comes...
- Success always occurs...
- Some people are still...
- A single day is...
- Sex appeal is fifty...
- Some people feel the...
- A burnt child dreads...
- Sometimes life hits...
- Showing off is the...
- Service to others is...
- Shame is an ornament...
- The secret to life...
- It's now or...
- Sometimes in our...
- What do you do when...
- Shane...
- What's going on...
- So what I'm going to...
- Take the bull by the...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- It was a dark and...
- So if I'm going to...
- Don't blame me!...
- So long, Ol' Pal...
- Are you going to...
- Who are all those...
- Sometimes I wonder...
- So may the outward...
- The saddest aspect...
- The saddest thing I...
- Simplicity is the...
- Simplicity is a...
- Swing, little girl...
- Some guys have all...
- She's got a smile...
- 7. The Bull...
- 6. Riding the Bull...
- Simple can be harder...
- Strumming my pain...
- Stay hungry. Stay...
- Science without...
- Say it loud, say it...
- Somewhere over the...
- The scholar may be...
- A soft answer turns...
- Soft words are hard...
- Scales fall from...
- A ship in harbor is...
- The style is the man...
- So many men, so many...
- Half a loaf is...
- A soft fire makes...
- Some people stay far...
- So many countries...
- A sharp tongue is...
- Silence gives...
- Success depends on...
- Success doesn't come...
- The successful man...
- The sweaty players...
- Set a thief to catch...
- The spirit is...
- A stitch in time...
- The squeaky wheel...
- Soon learned soon...
- Sense comes with...
- Might is...
- What goes around...
- Strike the iron while...
- Success is peace of...
- A picture is worth...
- Safety lies in the...
- Show me a liar, and...
- Sickness shows us...
- She asked me to...
- Since love and fear...
- Some beautiful, sacred...
- Still waters run...
- Say not always what...
- A straw shows which...
- All or...
- Slow and steady wins...
- Easier said than...
- A sound mind in a...
- The supply of words...
- Show me a sane man...
- The snake which cannot...
- Scratch me and I'll...
- Flexibility is...
- Some painters transform...
- Sometimes it takes years...
- Sometimes I feel like...
- Seize the day...
- Speech is silver; silence...
- So they are no...
- Solitude is fine, but...
- See Naples and then...
- English Quotes starting with T : T で始まる英語の名言
- There is no such...
- Time goes, you say...
- Too much praise is a...
- A thing you don't...
- To study Buddhism is...
- Two is company...
- They that think none...
- The true worth of a...
- There are plenty of...
- Truly I tell you...
- There is no such...
- Think of the end...
- To strip the wolf of...
- Too much zeal spoils...
- That which was...
- To ask pears of an...
- Trouble brings...
- There are faults on...
- Times change and we...
- Time is, time was...
- To live happily with...
- There is no...
- Too many cooks spoil...
- Hunger is the best...
- True genius lies not...
- Truth will...
- The truth doesn't...
- To handle yourself...
- Two heads are better...
- Talent wins games...
- The good die...
- To know the worst is...
- This world is a...
- There is no security...
- This land is your...
- A thought which does...
- To be wise and love...
- Think with the wise...
- There is only one...
- Two dogs strive for...
- Today's shocks are...
- There are three...
- Expectation is...
- Thought is...
- Three women make a...
- Fine feathers make...
- There should be two...
- All things in their...
- "Tradition" is not a...
- Throw a sprat to...
- Today's art should...
- To pray is to pay...
- Tell me not, in...
- Time and tide wait...
- Time is...
- The thing you have...
- Two men look out...
- Think of all the...
- Train every day and...
- There are things you...
- That's one small step...
- There is not a moment...
- There is no man so...
- There are two kinds...
- There are simply two...
- Tomorrow is another...
- True friendship...
- There is only one corner...
- There is only one...
- To err is nature, to...
- There are one hundred...
- This is my simple...
- There is joy in work...
- Television is not...
- Time is the scarcest...
- Time is what keeps...
- This is the mark of...
- To make no mistakes...
- Those who aim at...
- To be yourself in a...
- To become truly...
- There are no facts...
- Time passes, and...
- Then you shall judge...
- True love begins...
- That was the true...
- Take the bull by the...
- This is my report on...
- There is no greater...
- Truth is ever to be...
- To invent, you need...
- The three great...
- There is nothing...
- That which is...
- That's all any of us...
- To truly laugh, you...
- The trouble is you...
- True peace is not...
- They wrote in the...
- There is no path to...
- Tomorrow belongs to...
- There is more to...
- List of Ten Bulls...
- 10. Return to...
- 5. Taming the Bull...
- 3. Perceiving the...
- 2. Discovery of the...
- There is no fool...
- There is nothing so...
- Children are poor...
- That men do not...
- To learn something...
- There is nothing in...
- A trouble shared is...
- There is a time for...
- There is a time to...
- The Tao [Way] that...
- There is no greater...
- There are two kinds...
- There's a difference...
- To avoid criticism...
- To rob Peter to pay...
- Three removes are as...
- Toothache tends to...
- There's nothing...
- Trouble is only...
- The time is always...
- Time heals all...
- Too much pudding...
- There are spots on...
- There are many...
- Even though our...
- To cast water into...
- To overcome evil...
- Today is the scholar...
- Temperance is the...
- There is a remedy...
- Those who live in...
- The tragedy of life...
- Truth, like surgery...
- Think like a man of...
- Thought is action in...
- The third time pays...
- Things at the worst...
- This world is but a...
- Too much taking heed...
- Today for me...
- Think today and...
- A tree is known by...
- The tree doth not...
- There is no royal...
- To believe with...
- Teaching is...
- To preach to deaf...
- To love cake rather...
- Time reveals all...
- There's no substitute...
- There is no rule...
- The three signs of...
- No rose without a...
- Things longed for seem...
- There's always a bigger...
- Tell me how he...
- There are places I'll...
- To be, or not...
- Try not to become...
- There are only two...
- Those who do not...
- There are two things...
- Everyone who exalts...
- To catch the wind...
- To love is to admire...
- Turn up the lights...
- Treasure every encounter...
- There's always something...
- Those who have suffered...
- Too much is as bad...
- They are able because...
- There is no time...
- They always say that...
- They that can give...
- Those who dare to...
- There was never yet...
- There are some things...
- Though we can't see...
- Though this be madness...
- Trifles make perfection...
- Time is a great...
- Truth is stranger than...
- To take one foot out...
- Trade which, without...
- To err is human, to...
- To have money is a...
- There's nothing you...
- There are three rules...
- The tragedy of life...
- There is no genius...
- Thunder only happens...
- There is no secret...
- There is a time to...
- That is what learning...
- Two blacks do not...
- Today we sing tomorrow...
- Talk of the devil...
- A thing of beauty is...
- There is no place...
- To get profit without...
- Danger comes soonest...
- The tempter, or the...
- That's water under...
- Television is a chewing-gum...
- Tomorrow never comes...
- Today is a microcosm...
- The die is cast...
- Tomorrow today will...
- Today is the first...
- There's no reality...
- Time flies...
- They agree like cats...
- Great oaks from little...
- There are more things...
- Time is dead as...
- Truth in science can...
- Talent is what you...
- English Quotes starting with U : U で始まる英語の名言
- English Quotes starting with O : O で始まる英語の名言
- English(-J) Quotes starting with V-Z : V-Z で始まる英語(-日)の名言
- English Quotes starting with V : V で始まる英語の名言
- English Quotes starting with W : W で始まる英語の名言
- We do not remember...
- We will either find...
- Love laughs at...
- Waste not, want...
- Want is the mother...
- A wonder lasts but...
- A good beginning...
- Who bewails himself...
- The writer's job is...
- The world is a fine...
- Whatever side I take...
- Whatever limits us...
- The stone you throw...
- Wisdom doesn't...
- Well, we all have a...
- Who is to bell the...
- Which came first...
- The world belongs to...
- When the word is out...
- The good die...
- Words hurt more than...
- What is mind? No...
- Wise men learn by...
- What exactly is...
- Who begins many...
- When the age is in...
- With age, you must...
- Wit is the...
- When you take stuff...
- Why do we create? If...
- When work is a...
- We must always change...
- When everyone is in...
- The worst is not...
- We can often do...
- When we see persons...
- What is not started...
- He that is sure is...
- The work comes into...
- While I thought that...
- We make a living by...
- The way to get...
- Whether you think...
- When I was 17, I...
- When I have a tough...
- We always...
- The future cannot be...
- Women like a man...
- When I'm good, I'm...
- What if nothing...
- While money can't...
- It's hard to be...
- Wise men speak...
- We can know only...
- What is hell? I...
- What saves a man is...
- It's now or...
- When I wake up in...
- What are you doing...
- What do you do when...
- Well, Brother of...
- We cannot solve our...
- The world will not...
- What's going on...
- We're supposed to be...
- Who are all those...
- Walter Hagen said...
- Wake up, Sally...
- When you learn...
- Why is it, I wonder...
- We must laugh in the...
- What is the nation's...
- We think too much...
- When you are right...
- We must accept...
- The weak can never...
- We can work it out...
- When the world is...
- When you get caught...
- We never meet...
- We forfeit...
- We often discover...
- We know too much and...
- What you sow does...
- Where there is smoke...
- What has been will...
- We first make our...
- We'll cross that...
- We are never so...
- The worst enemy of...
- The wise learn many...
- When a man's...
- Weeds come forth on...
- Many words will not...
- With the good we...
- The world is round...
- Clear water breeds...
- When nothing is sure...
- Set a thief to catch...
- What cannot be cured...
- When ale is in, wit...
- Want of wit is worse...
- The words dripped on...
- We can talk about...
- Words without...
- Well, it ain't no...
- A wise man will make...
- Wise men have their...
- A world of facts...
- What the fool does...
- Ignorance is...
- Walls have...
- Whereof one cannot...
- Without wisdom...
- Woman is as fickle...
- Write down the...
- We shall lie all...
- When the wolf comes...
- What goes around...
- While there is life...
- Whenever you see a...
- You can never be too...
- What is soul? It's...
- What you are is...
- When the cat is away...
- We are participants...
- When I am weak, then...
- Willows are weak, yet...
- Things longed for seem...
- Wealth is not his...
- We cannot control the...
- When words leave off...
- When we remember we...
- While I wait for...
- Where there is a...
- What is done can't...
- Want makes...
- Whatever's begun in...
- What have you that...
- We would accomplish...
- When any creativity...
- What the heart thinks...
- A wise man changes...
- We are born weak, we...
- When a cowherd composes...
- We are not limited...
- You live and...
- When you reach for...
- We all have ability...
- When in Rome, do as...
- When one door closes...
- Words are flowing out...
- A wise man, recognizing...
- We are still a...
- When a man sits...
- We can easily forgive...
- When the woman saw...
- The way to love...
- A word is enough...
- When I find myself...
- We are just an...
- When the going gets...
- Winter must be cold...
- When love and skill...
- Write what you like...
- When I was told that...
- Whatever is worth doing...
- The wish is father...
- We must change in...
- We must guard against...
- What I wish to show...
- Wine in the bottle...
- We know too much...
- When I am dead...
- Writing good editorials...
- What would life be...
- Without wonder and...
- What you do not wish...
- Nothing is hard to...
- We learn from history...
- When I was young I...
- The worst moment for...
- (What is courage?)...
- What's the good of...
- When it is dark...
- When one end of...
- When I was a boy...
- What is form that...
- When written in Chinese...
- We invent what we...
- When I am lonely...
- When one's expectations are...
- The wheel is come...
- The web of our...
- Would you tell me...
- We who lived in...
- English Quotes starting with X : X で始まる英語の名言
- English Quotes starting with Y : Y で始まる英語の名言
- You should follow...
- You should be a king...
- You are never too...
- You have to learn to...
- You cannot eat your...
- Youth comes but once...
- The year's at the...
- You can go your own...
- You have to know...
- Yesterday is history...
- You've got to find...
- You're not the only...
- You can laugh now...
- Yet the earth does...
- Yesterday, all my troubles...
- Young people...
- Your work is going...
- You can't connect...
- You are never too...
- You could be the...
- You will never be...
- Yes, ma'am.. it's...
- Yes, ma'am...
- You think you can...
- You are not only...
- You must not lose...
- The foolish ostrich...
- You can't please...
- You're only young...
- Youth will be...
- You sometimes have...
- You'll never know...
- You have two ears...
- Youth condemns...
- You may be wrong...
- Youth's a stuff will...
- You never know what...
- You cannot do much...
- You can't take it...
- You gain strength...
- You shape your own...
- You can never be too...
- What you are is...
- You may take a horse...
- Your vision will become...
- You have to believe...
- An eye for an...
- You must be the...
- You can live a lie...
- You are not a human...
- It is no use crying...
- You don't lead by...
- You live and...
- You cannot make a...
- You must learn to be...
- You can do anything...
- You can't hold a...
- You got to live; You...
- You cannot burn the...
- Great pains but all...
- Love your neighbor...
- You can kick the...
- You can't learn to...
- Yes, it's hard to...
- You have heard that...
- You can only be...
- You can't build a...
- Yesterday I was a...
- You see things; and...
- You don't get to...
- You can reach the...
- You can tell whether...
- You cannot teach a...
- (Yes...) I can't believe...
- Ye must leave righteous...
- You know, there are...
- You can check out...
- English Quotes starting with Z : Z で始まる英語の名言
- English(-J) Quotes starting with A-G : A-G で始まる英語(-日)の名言
- Japanese(-English) Quotations and Sayings: 日本語(-英語)の名言ことわざ
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ア-オ : ア-オ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ア : ア で始まる日本語の名言
- ありのままの自分で...
- 小人閑居して不善を...
- 三人寄れば文殊の...
- 何でも来いに名人...
- 足下ではなく、星を...
- あなたの周りにまだ...
- 小豆の声を聴け。時計...
- あいつは本当にどこに...
- 愛にとっての不在は...
- 安心している者は...
- あることをする正当な...
- 嵐の時は港を...
- 過ちは告白された段階...
- 雨を感じる人もいれば...
- 雨垂れ石を...
- あなたが現実に合わせ...
- 羹に懲りて...
- 新しい箒はよく...
- 与うるは受くるより...
- 汗をかいた者が甘い物...
- 明日は明日の...
- 悪魔でさえ自分の益と...
- 明るい笑顔は一皿を...
- 相手のいない喧嘩は...
- 愛とは決して...
- あなたが確実に改善し...
- 過ちは人の性(さが)...
- 赤がないなら、青を...
- あらゆることが奇跡だ...
- 与えられた人生は...
- 愛とは、相手が自分を...
- 愛は、人間存在の問題...
- 朝起きて陽の光が...
- あんたここで何...
- 雄牛をつかまえるには...
- 雨の中をこんな所に...
- あなたは毎朝、笑顔で...
- 明らかなことは終わる...
- あなたと私にりんごが...
- 愛は敵を友に変える...
- ある意味では、毎日が...
- あなたは自分の言う...
- 明日という日は、今日...
- 溢れる愛が要る...
- あなたが想像し得る...
- 頭隠して尻...
- 彼方立てれば此方が...
- あなたに魅力があれば...
- 青は藍より出でて...
- 会うは別れの...
- 親しき仲にも礼儀...
- アリスン、この世は...
- 嵐の後に凪が...
- 今日はだめでも明日が...
- あなたというものは...
- 柳に雪折れ...
- あとは沈黙...
- 悪心で一番傷つくのは...
- 安全は...
- あわてて結婚すると...
- あらゆる人間の知恵は...
- 小過も大過も...
- 無駄骨...
- あなたの持っている...
- 後は野となれ...
- 暑さ寒さも...
- 頭に浮かび、心が...
- 足もとで地面が動く...
- 朝焼けは...
- 悪銭身に...
- 愛は会えないとき鋭く...
- 敢えて浅瀬を離れる...
- 愛するとは心で称える...
- 灯りを点けてほしい。...
- 禍を転じて...
- 早起きは三文の得...
- 愛は、めったに手に...
- あれこれ考えていても...
- 愛はすべてを...
- 愛と恐れがめったに...
- 赤ん坊は、命続く...
- 案ずるより...
- 合わぬ蓋あれば...
- 慌てず、騒がず...
- 在るがままのあなたを...
- 過ちては則ち改むるに...
- 過ちは人の常、許すは...
- 雨降って地...
- 網に掛かるものは...
- あなたに親切でも...
- 後の...
- あっても苦労...
- 悪貨は良貨を...
- 新しい酒を古い容器に...
- あたたかい想い出の...
- 明日ありと 思う心の...
- 足元から鳥が...
- 明日の百より...
- 浅瀬に...
- 悪党になるより...
- 悪事千里を...
- 赤信号、みんなで...
- 会えねばつのる...
- 愛は多くの欠点を...
- 愛情と技術がともに...
- 愛情が薄いと...
- 商い...
- 噂をすれば...
- ああ、ロミオ、ロミオ...
- 竜頭...
- 二兎を追うものは...
- 紺屋の明後日...
- 悪夢から目覚めた時の...
- 明日になれば今日は...
- 恋は盲目。あばたも...
- 明日死ぬつもりで...
- Japanese Quotes starting with イ : イ で始まる日本語の名言
- イエスは答えた...
- 団栗の背...
- 時あり、ありき...
- 珍客も三日目には...
- 佳人薄...
- 言わぬが...
- 今笑って後で泣くか...
- 衣服は布地に従って...
- 命は死ぬことで失われ...
- 命長ければ恥...
- 犬が吠えるからと...
- いつの日か追憶の中で...
- 一炊の...
- 一寸の虫にも五分の...
- 一回盗めば、一生...
- 祈りとは、自分以外の...
- 一、足下ではなく、星...
- 一文惜しみの...
- 実るほど頭を垂れる...
- 念力岩を...
- 鳥無き里の...
- 偉人たちには目標が...
- いくら良い魚でも...
- 生きている限り...
- いつもあなた自身を...
- いかなる悪人でも...
- 雨垂れ石を...
- 羹に懲りて...
- 生き方を学んでいると...
- 一将功成りて...
- 生きることなんて目を...
- 今までに9000回以上...
- 今までに読んできた...
- 1日8時間忠実に働けば...
- 今しか...
- 生きていれば誰だって...
- いまでもペギー...
- いかに生きるかに...
- 医者から余命6分と...
- 今の世の中で一番...
- いつだって雨の中を...
- 一. 尋牛...
- 会うは別れの...
- 今までにあったことは...
- いつであれ、どこで
- いの一番に私たち自身...
- 知る者は言わず、言う...
- 因果...
- 色気より...
- 今世の中に役立って...
- 井の中の蛙大海を...
- 命は芸術より大切だ...
- 命ある限り希望...
- 井戸の中の独り言も...
- いつの時代に成功した...
- いつだってだんだん...
- 一寸先は...
- 一を知って二を...
- 忙中...
- いつだってもっと...
- いつ災難に遭うかは運...
- 一生涯忘れない場所が...
- 為せば成る、為さねば...
- 窮すれば...
- 一病...
- 一の悲しみを...
- 一日一日が、それ自身...
- 一度だましたら...
- 急いては事を...
- 医者の...
- 生きる上で目的は二つ...
- 怒りで始められた事は...
- 一期に一度の...
- 色のない緑の考えが...
- いつだって、何か...
- 人生はいつも勉強...
- 一日一日を自身の...
- 生きていたい、与え...
- 一を聞いて...
- 一葉落ちて...
- 一枚の写真が、人生の...
- 一番良い魚は水の...
- 一年の計、穀を樹うる...
- 一日一日を...
- 一難去って...
- 一度に思い煩うことは...
- 一か...
- 偉人は自分のできる...
- 衣食足りて...
- 石の上にも...
- 生きるために食え...
- 偉業というものは...
- 怒りとあせりは...
- いかなる二地域間に...
- 言うは易く行うは...
- 一生懸命お祈りをし...
- 生きなきゃならない。...
- 生きる術は、特定の...
- 忙しいだけでは十分と...
- いろいろあるのも人生...
- 一石...
- 我が家にまさる...
- いついかなる時も汝の...
- 紺屋の明後日...
- 言い訳が上手い奴は...
- 一瞬のうちに時間が...
- 一冊の小説は...
- 元の木阿弥...
- 下手の横好き...
- 言っていることの...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ウ : ウ で始まる日本語の名言
- 美はただ皮...
- 佳人薄...
- ウサギを追って走った...
- 馬子にも...
- 運は天にあり、鎧は...
- 売り言葉に買い...
- 噂ほどには悪くはない...
- ウィットとは、予期...
- 雲に...
- うまくいく時は人目に...
- 嘘が嘘を...
- 美しさは残ります...
- 乗りかかった...
- 宇宙の基本ルールの...
- 原始的生命はとても...
- 生まれて初めて目に...
- 噂されるより悪いこと...
- 美しい目のために...
- ウォルター・ヘイゲン...
- 内側から輝く光を...
- 運のいい奴がいる...
- 七. 忘牛存人...
- 六. 騎牛帰家...
- 五. 牧牛...
- 四. 得牛...
- 三. 見牛...
- 二. 見跡...
- 一. 尋牛...
- うまくゆくよ...
- 飢えていなさい。愚か...
- 上を向いて歩こう...
- 産声は死の...
- 話半分...
- 高みに土...
- 運命は自分の手で作り...
- 氏より...
- 馬の耳に...
- 浮世は廻り...
- 馬を水際へ連れては...
- 宇宙を知るも、自身を...
- 後悔先に立たず...
- 月に叢雲(むらくも)...
- 易者身の上...
- 生まれたての人間は...
- 腕のいい大工ほど...
- 嘘つきは泥棒の...
- 牛飼が 歌詠む時に...
- 宇宙の原理は、美しく...
- 美しい若人は自然の...
- 噂をすれば...
- 生まれながらの...
- 馬の前に荷馬車を...
- 巧い作曲家は人真似は...
- 美しきものは永遠の...
- 嘘も...
- 嘘から出た...
- 失って初めてわかる...
- 魚心あれば...
- 歌は世に連れ...
- Japanese Quotes starting with エ : エ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with オ : オ で始まる日本語の名言
- 贈り物を持ってきた...
- 塵も積もれば山と...
- 多多益益...
- 大魚は小池に...
- 三十六計逃げるに...
- 虎穴に入らずんば...
- 女三人寄れば...
- 温故...
- 親はなくとも子は...
- 親の心子...
- 親に拳を振り上げる...
- 思うに、快楽に耽る...
- お前一人が複雑な...
- 覚えておきなさい...
- 己の頭の蠅を...
- 男は家屋を造り、女は...
- 男の子はやはり...
- おしゃべりな人は他人...
- 遅くともせぬよりは...
- お客様は神様...
- 多くを始める者は...
- 大きな望みを抱くのは...
- 大いなる人は小事に...
- 老いを迎えると知力が...
- 老いては子に...
- 思うに詩とは、万人...
- 面白くなかったら...
- 教え導くのは「答え」...
- 多くの場合、自分自身...
- 念力岩を...
- 音楽には二種類しか...
- 己の魂と向き合わずに...
- 女は過去(に何か)を...
- お金は幸福を買えない...
- 覚えようとすると...
- 大いなる行いを志す者...
- 女が愚かなことを私は...
- あんたここで何...
- 覚えとけよ、選手が...
- おじいちゃんはまた...
- おばあちゃんが言う...
- 雄牛をつかまえるには...
- オホン...
- 起きるんだ、サリー...
- 愚かな利口者よりも...
- 面白いことをするのは...
- 思うにそれこそ人生の...
- 男は女が変わらない...
- 大声で言うんだ...
- 頭隠して尻...
- 予期せぬことほど...
- 盲蛇に...
- 昔操った...
- 情けは人の為...
- 蛇の道は...
- 子供はその場にいても...
- 恩には恩...
- 女心と秋の...
- 終わりよければすべて...
- 親の...
- 重荷が人を押し...
- 親の意見と冷酒は後で...
- 思いつく限りの反論に...
- 溺れる者は藁をも...
- 己の内部の声に...
- 同じ手は...
- 男は考え、女は...
- 贈り物はすべて...
- 驕れる者...
- 落ちれば同じ谷川の...
- 教えることは...
- 傍目...
- 大きな安らぎは小さな...
- 金の切れ目が縁の...
- 大いなる功績は...
- 負い目なければ...
- 男も女も、愚か者の...
- 鬼の居ぬ間に...
- 柳に雪折れ...
- 過ぎたるは猶...
- 思い立ったが吉日...
- 思い切って悲惨な失敗...
- お前は葉?花?...
- 自分の荷馬車を星に...
- 一か...
- 遅くても着実なものが...
- 男はいつだって女に...
- 商い...
- 魚心あれば...
- 己の欲せざる所は人に...
- 遅かれ早かれ人は...
- 教えていただきたい...
- 押してだめなら...
- ローマは一日にして...
- 類は友を呼ぶ...
- 老いぼれなんて全く...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ア : ア で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with カ-コ : カ-コ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with カ : カ で始まる日本語の名言
- かつて彼女をこの腕に...
- 隣の芝生は青く...
- 天を仰ぎて...
- 地獄の沙汰も金...
- 佳人薄...
- 完璧な人間など...
- 感情に基づく決断は...
- 慣習は法律よりも...
- 考えを束縛することは...
- かわいい子には旅を...
- 画竜...
- 神様がすべてを叶えて...
- 空世辞は馬鹿を...
- 果報は寝て...
- 金を貸せば友を...
- 金は良き召し使い...
- 金は天下の...
- 金は、肥やし同様...
- 金の価値を...
- 金が金を...
- 金が有り、金で買える...
- 我田...
- 河童の川...
- 語るべきことを持たぬ...
- 語らずして語る方法を...
- 風を観て帆を...
- 貸し物覚えの借り物...
- 机上の...
- 科学は知識の集大成...
- 蛙の子は...
- 飼い犬に手を...
- 一炊の...
- 悲しげな詩で、私に...
- 覚悟しておかなければ...
- 監督するってことは...
- 雨垂れ石を...
- 過去が痛みを伴うこと...
- 神よ、変えられない...
- 神よ、変えられない...
- 絵画は沈黙の詩であり...
- 考えることが少ない人...
- 感謝は支払われるべき...
- 過去の物事の記憶は...
- 『カラマーゾフの兄弟...
- かわいい女の子は自分...
- 神が御子をこの世界に...
- 彼女の笑顔を見れば...
- パン半分でもないより...
- 高みに土...
- 脛に疵を持つ身は...
- 感情の手綱を締めよ...
- 完璧に無益な方法で...
- 艱難汝を玉に...
- 簡単に覚えたことは...
- 感情的になっても良い...
- 感謝の気持ちを表わす...
- 可愛さあまって憎さ...
- 枯れ木も山の...
- からの入れものは一番...
- 亀の甲より年の...
- 我慢強い人間が...
- 壁に耳...
- 金持ちに縁者...
- 金は貧しい人の...
- 鐘はその音によって...
- 金がものを...
- 金があれば馬鹿も...
- 金多ければ、気がかり...
- 勝てば官軍...
- 隔靴...
- 語り得ぬことについて...
- 堅い地盤に家を...
- 風がふけば桶屋が...
- 賢さを、欠いた金には...
- 学問に王道...
- 確信に至るためには...
- 確信をもって始めれば...
- 外観は人を...
- 金の切れ目が縁の...
- 氏より...
- 金儲けに時間をつぶす...
- シーザーの妻は疑惑を...
- 彼はどんな死に方を...
- 金のある人間になる...
- 学問が素晴らしいのは...
- 彼を知ってるかって?...
- 彼を知り己を知れば...
- 下手の長...
- 活動の最中に在っては...
- 書くことで書ける...
- かわいい女の子と...
- 可能領域を見極める...
- 一を聞いて...
- 輝くもの必ずしも...
- 石の上にも...
- あっても苦労...
- 学問は賢者をさらなる...
- 軽々しく約束しない人...
- 悲しみを治療する薬は...
- 雷は雨の日に...
- 油断大敵...
- 勝って兜の緒を...
- 概して人は、見える...
- 過去に生きるな、未来...
- 科学の力が精神の力を...
- 樫の大木も始まりは...
- 考えていることに応じ...
- 観念と/実在との間に...
- 川中で馬を...
- 科学における真実とは...
- 夏季に牡蠣を食う...
- 完璧を恐れるな...
- 神を埋葬する墓掘り人...
- Japanese Quotes starting with キ : キ で始まる日本語の名言
- 人の噂も...
- 情けは...
- 君が去るたびに...
- 喬木は風に...
- 金曜日に笑う者は...
- 勤労ではなく心労が...
- 木を見て森を...
- 騏驎も老いては駑馬に...
- 漁夫の...
- 恐怖心への最も抜本的...
- 何でも来いに名人...
- 今日はびっくりする...
- 今日の労力を最大限...
- 共同責任は...
- 行儀作法が人を...
- 教育は、人間の如く...
- 杞...
- 希望というのは...
- 記憶には三種類ある...
- 昨日は去る物、明日は...
- つべこべ...
- 名物にうまい物...
- 逆同士は...
- 逆説的だが深く真を...
- 机上の...
- 恐怖心は火の如し...
- きわめて逆説的に...
- 強くなければ生きては...
- 昨日までは、悩みとは...
- 今日着手されていない...
- 一将功成りて...
- 聴き方を知っていれば...
- 虚偽が飛び去った後で...
- 禁煙は簡単だ、もう...
- 教育:うぬぼれた無知...
- 逆説的に言えば、一人...
- 昨日から学び...
- きみは幸せになるのを...
- 気に入らない事がある...
- 明日という日は、今日...
- 九. 返本還源...
- 六. 騎牛帰家...
- 木々は緑、バラは赤く...
- ギターで心疼かせ...
- 今日が人生最後の日...
- 君の目を見て、泣く...
- 前事の忘れざるは後事...
- 盛者...
- 勤勉は成功の...
- 記録に残っている史実...
- 木を植える人は、希望...
- 距離は景色に魅力を...
- 極端なものは、長くは...
- 恐怖に真正面から...
- 今日は人の身、明日は...
- 今日はだめでも明日が...
- 今日の一針、明日の...
- 業績とは、行き先では...
- 今日考えて明日...
- 教育の根は苦い、が...
- 逆境は才能を開花させ...
- 木はその実で...
- 知らぬが...
- 聞こうとしない者ほど...
- きしむ車輪に油が...
- 訊いて失うものは...
- 艱難汝を玉に...
- 木は木こりにさえ...
- 勤勉に代わる...
- 綺麗な薔薇には...
- 君待つと我が恋ひ...
- 窮すれば...
- 元も子も...
- 危険を伴わぬアイデア...
- 思い立ったが吉日...
- 気違いかも知れぬが...
- 昨日に学び、今日に...
- 極めて複雑なものから...
- 油断大敵...
- 過ぎたことは水に...
- 今日はあなたの人生...
- 明日になれば今日は...
- 今日はあなたの残りの...
- 今日をつかみ取れ...
- 糾弾するな...
- 昨日、僕は犬だった...
- 木ほど美しい、詩に...
- 君たちは既にあるもの...
- 期待値がゼロまで...
- 聞くは一時の恥...
- (そう…)今日の...
- 奇跡を信じる者に...
- 強制収容所に生きた...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ク : ク で始まる日本語の名言
- 読書百遍義自ずから...
- すき腹にまずいもの...
- 朱に交われば...
- 苦しいときの...
- 腐ったりんごは周り...
- 雲に...
- 海老で鯛を...
- 暗闇でしか見えぬもの...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- グー...
- 「グー」「起きてます...
- 車を運転してゆくのは...
- クリスマス休みをどう...
- 愚者は自分を賢人と...
- 国の宝とは何物ぞ...
- 鎖の強さは、その中の...
- 二階から...
- 多弁能...
- 愚人が最後にすること...
- 空想は人を生かしも...
- 嵐の後に凪が...
- 隔靴...
- クレオパトラの鼻が...
- 薬も過ぐれば...
- 君子は和して同ぜず...
- クリストファー...
- 君子は...
- 苦しい体験を積んだ...
- 口は禍の...
- 空腹な人は気が...
- 軍備は、不信感と敵意...
- 軍と産業の結びつきが...
- 黒に黒を重ねても...
- 車に飛び乗り、さあ...
- 雲の後ろには太陽が...
- 楽あれば...
- 口に出す前にまず...
- 口から出る、あるいは...
- クライシスという言葉...
- 国が自分に何をして...
- クリスマスになると...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ケ : ケ で始まる日本語の名言
- 権力は...
- 懸命に働かず成功だけ...
- 賢明さと恋心の両立は...
- 賢者は他人の過ちから...
- 賢者とともに考え...
- 堅実な人は必然を...
- 健康は富に...
- ケンカではどちらも...
- 欠点が全くない人々は...
- 結局、成功って何...
- 下種の...
- 怪我をしないうちから...
- 芸は身を...
- 芸術は醜いものを...
- 鶏口となるとも牛後と...
- 経験は知恵の...
- 経験は大きな...
- 経験から学ぶ以上に...
- 名物にうまい物...
- 原始的生命はとても...
- 賢を見ては斉しからん...
- 賢明でいるのは...
- 結局、ドラマは退屈な...
- 芸術とは、真実を...
- 賢明な人が話すのは...
- 芸術家の役割は問い...
- 三. 見牛...
- 二. 見跡...
- 結婚する前は両目を...
- 結婚は判断力の欠如...
- 潔白な心は記憶力悪化...
- 良心は柔らかい...
- 決して大成しない...
- けど87日間一匹も...
- 剣をさやに納めよ...
- 賢明になる術とは...
- 賢者は機会を見つける...
- 賢者の口は心にあり...
- 現実の世界は、言葉の...
- 現在を、過去の...
- 健康とは、今が一年で...
- 権威を持てば人柄が...
- 「決して」というのは...
- 気高い人ほど謙虚な...
- 感情の手綱を締めよ...
- 芸を隠すのも
- 芸術は長く、人生は...
- 芸術は自然を...
- 経験は愚者の...
- 経験は高くつく学校だ...
- 経験が知恵を以って...
- 亀の甲より年の...
- 結合すれば立ち、分裂...
- 消せぬ火を...
- 結論とは、考えるのが...
- 結局、死の捉え方が...
- 現実とは、踏み越えて...
- 思い立ったが吉日...
- 現実は夢を打ち砕く...
- 健康関連の本を読む...
- 経験とは出来事では...
- 健全なる精神は...
- 決心した途端...
- 現実は多くを想像...
- 欠点ではなく...
- 経歴は人が見ている時...
- 現実というものは我々...
- 月曜の子は器量良く...
- 現実と虚構の違い...
- 犬猿の...
- 芸術は現実の不意を...
- 決して後悔しないこと...
- Japanese Quotes starting with コ : コ で始まる日本語の名言
- この世にあるもので...
- 惚れて通えば千里も...
- 不言...
- これまでのところ...
- 喬木は風に...
- 船頭多くして船山に...
- 困難は生じた時にすぐ...
- 子を知ること父に...
- これほど少数の手に...
- 子は親を映す...
- この世は考える者に...
- この地上で確信できる...
- この国は君の国で...
- 子供は年長者の言う...
- 子供たちを愛している...
- 言葉は剣以上に人を...
- 骨肉相...
- 「古典」: 誰もが
- 東風吹かば にほひ...
- 乞食を馬に乗せると...
- 心とは?たいした...
- 虎穴に入らずんば...
- コーンなに...
- 甲の薬は乙の...
- 行動に移されない思想...
- 孔子も時に...
- 攻撃は最大の...
- 好機が二度訪れる...
- 光学が光の幾何学で...
- 幸運は勇者に...
- 降雨なくして穀物...
- 恋すれば愚者は賢く...
- 河童の川...
- 蛙の子は...
- 温故...
- 今日の芸術は、うまく...
- 虫の知らせ...
- 幸福とは生きている...
- 心とは氷山のような...
- 子ども叱るな、来た道...
- 心からメリー...
- 心の中で正しいと...
- これが私のシンプルな...
- 工場で大変な仕事が...
- コミュニケーションで...
- 困難に直面しても...
- これが本当に立派な人...
- 幸福は幸福の中には...
- 恋人よ...
- この夏はうちにいるの...
- コメディは人生に忠実...
- 心から笑うためには...
- 漕げよ、少女よ...
- 心から祈ることで...
- 五. 牧牛...
- ゴールデン・ルールが...
- 心が陽気であれば...
- 子に過ぎたる宝...
- この世で変わらない...
- 良心は柔らかい...
- 病は気...
- 惚れた...
- 破竹の...
- 玉磨かざれば光り...
- コンピュータに問題が...
- 今回のことは良い教訓...
- 衣の下の...
- これだけは言わせて...
- この世は仮の宿に...
- この主人にしてこの...
- この上なく利口な人間...
- 子供はその場にいても...
- 言葉は、意識の上に...
- 言葉のあやより肝心...
- 凝っては思案に...
- 「古典」: 賞賛...
- 乞食を三日すれば...
- 心も体同様、安楽を...
- 心が燃えていても...
- 国民の暮らしが空腹...
- 甲の塵は乙の...
- 行動を伴わない言葉は...
- 功績と褒賞はめったに...
- 孝行のしたい時分に...
- 好奇心も...
- 幸があれば不幸も...
- 幸運とは、準備して...
- 恋と戦争では何でも...
- 風がふけば桶屋が...
- 驕れる者...
- 目糞鼻糞を...
- 言葉が止むとき...
- 後悔先に立たず...
- 一期に一度の...
- 三つ子の魂...
- コンサートではいつも...
- 覆水盆に...
- 郷に入れば郷に従え...
- 転ばぬ先の杖...
- ここにいて。どこでも...
- 言葉は、紙コップに...
- 心を込めて創り出した...
- 心は独自の世界...
- 恋は盲目いつだって...
- 公正が不正で不正が...
- 困っているとき、聖母...
- 雨降って地...
- 今日の世界が抱える...
- この世での我々の務め...
- 個人の自由には制限が...
- 目は口ほどに...
- 弘法は筆を...
- 広告なしでビジネスを...
- 紺屋の明後日...
- 光陰矢の如し...
- 「これからやる」こと...
- 子供の頃は...
- 恋をしていると思う...
- 孤独に耐えよ。独りで...
- 孤独は素晴らしいが...
- 孤独は、仲間と群れ...
- 恋は盲目。あばたも...
- 幸福とは、小さな...
- 幸福とは、頭で考えて...
- この天地には君の...
- この世は全てひとつの...
- 黒鍵と白鍵とが...
- こんな気持ち、誰に...
- Japanese Quotes starting with カ : カ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with サ-ソ : サ-ソ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with サ : サ で始まる日本語の名言
- 作家の仕事は判断する...
- 仕上げが...
- 三人寄れば文殊の...
- 三十六計逃げるに...
- 裁くな、裁かれない...
- 酒は百薬の...
- 先立つものは...
- 探さなければ...
- 財布の底と腹の底は...
- 才能は普段の試合を...
- 最善を望み最悪に...
- 佳人薄...
- 最悪を知るのは善い...
- さあ、よくご覧なさい...
- 河童の川...
- 泣きっ面に...
- 歳月人を...
- 「最悪だ」と口に...
- 作品はやって来る...
- 猿の仲間は現在、193...
- 最優先かつ最重要の...
- 人生が不公平だって...
- さて、兄貴よ、ぼくは...
- 私のせいにしないで!...
- さよなら…寂しいよ...
- この夏はうちにいるの...
- さあ、ピッチャー...
- さあ、みんな...
- 車を運転してゆくのは...
- 最善への希望を、最悪...
- 最良の考えは独り...
- 三. 見牛...
- 早い者...
- 憎まれっ子世に...
- 散髪の必要性を床屋に...
- 三度目の...
- 去る者は日々に...
- 定めは暗く、いかなる...
- 酒が入ると理性が出て...
- 魚は頭から...
- 才不足は財不足より...
- 財布が軽けりゃ心が...
- 災難を途中まで迎えに...
- 財産はあの世に持って...
- 最後に笑う者が最も...
- 最悪になれば...
- さあ、座り込んで何故...
- 可愛さあまって憎さ...
- 目糞鼻糞を...
- 罪を憎んで...
- (最低の失敗と同様)...
- 最大多数の最大幸福...
- 最終的に人類は、地球...
- 些細なことが作品を...
- 才能が有るということ
- 寝ている子を...
- 最上の幸福は、幸福で...
- 賽は投げられた...
- 魚を一尾分けてもらえ...
- 「さようなら」と...
- 人間万事塞翁が馬...
- 才能とはあなたが...
- 最良の本を最初に...
- Japanese Quotes starting with シ : シ で始まる日本語の名言
- 宗教は言語のような...
- 手前...
- 喬木は風に...
- 信頼とはゆっくり育つ...
- 真の天分とは...
- 真相はやがて...
- 人生はラッパの如し...
- 人生の目的は、目的の...
- 人生において何かを...
- 人生で最も難しいこと...
- 真実を愛せ。ただし...
- 真実は、傷ついて然る...
- 信仰とは、望んでいる...
- 書物と友人は数は...
- 職探しが終われば...
- 将を射んと欲すれば...
- 常備軍は、その存在...
- 小人閑居して不善を...
- 上手の手から水が...
- 常識が非常識な度合い...
- 小過を正さぬ者、大過...
- 朱に交われば...
- 自由とは換言すれば...
- 習慣の支配力は...
- 駟も舌に...
- 自分の夢に情熱を...
- 自分の道を行け...
- 自分の望むものが...
- 自分の元気の素は...
- 自分の扱いには頭を...
- 自分に限ってと思って...
- 自分が乗っている枝を...
- 事物の美しさは鑑賞者...
- 死ぬ気で...
- 指導者とは、人々の...
- 失敗は、成功を...
- 舌の剣は命を...
- 自然を観る目が...
- 自然には...
- 死者をして死者を...
- 事故は起きる...
- 地獄の沙汰も金...
- 至高の人間もしょせん...
- 試金石が金を試す...
- 仕上げが...
- 孔子も時に...
- 下種の...
- 鶏口となるとも牛後と...
- 人生はとても長いよ...
- 名物にうまい物...
- 自由は自由には手に...
- 河童の川...
- 風を観て帆を...
- 親はなくとも子は...
- 己の頭の蠅を...
- 馬子にも...
- 運は天にあり、鎧は...
- 人生とは思い切った...
- 人生には、世渡りと...
- 人生は積み重ねだと...
- 失敗の秘訣は...
- 死は、我々にとっては...
- 四月の雨は五月の花を...
- 死が一度も訪れたこと...
- 自由主義社会で大多数...
- 知れば知るほど無知を...
- 賢を見ては斉しからん...
- 写真を一枚...
- 念力岩を...
- 心配事には二種類ある...
- 乗馬の仕方を知るだけ...
- 真の友情が生まれる...
- 自分ではやりたくない...
- 人生はまだ続く...
- 知れば知るほど、無知...
- 人類は戦争に終止符を...
- 自由があっても学びが...
- 仕事の中に喜びがある...
- 17歳のとき、次の...
- 仕事はあなたがたの...
- 仕事は仕事、遊びは...
- 時間は最も希少な資源...
- 紳士なら私を侮辱...
- 失敗は受け入れられる...
- 自信とは、問題点を...
- 時間とは、あらゆる...
- 幸せであれ、だが...
- 幸せの構成要素を探索...
- 地獄とは何か? 断言...
- 真に偉大になるために...
- 自然は決して我々を...
- 事実など在りはしない...
- 自分たちは自由なのだ...
- 知ってのとおり...
- 新聞を読まなければ...
- 自分を元気づける一番...
- 人生の秘訣は、自分で...
- 真の愛は、見返りに...
- 人生が不公平だって...
- シェーン...
- 信じられないよ...
- 人生という本には...
- 自分自身を愛して...
- 真実は常に、単純さの...
- 常識は、18歳までに...
- 人生に失敗した人の...
- 自然の力に対する人間...
- 人生は...
- 人生は近づいて大映し...
- 真の平和とは、単に...
- 自身が新型コロナ...
- 静かな金曜の午後...
- 人類全体への信頼を...
- 自分の持つ知恵を過信...
- 十牛図[牧牛図]一覧
- 十. 入鄽垂手...
- 八. 人牛倶忘...
- 七. 忘牛存人...
- 一. 尋牛...
- 自分の死後、埋葬...
- シンプルで控えめな...
- 信仰のない科学は...
- 武士に二言...
- 学びて時にこれを習う...
- 青は藍より出でて...
- 産声は死の...
- 持ちつ...
- 人の褌で相撲を...
- 汝自身に忠実で...
- 人生について書くため...
- 指針に従って...
- 真理の探求者たちを...
- 心配は身の...
- 真に素晴らしいものは...
- 人生を長くすることは...
- 人生は皆、神の手に...
- 人生の悲劇とは...
- 人生というゲームでは...
- 真実を主張する人の数...
- 真実は外科手術のよう...
- 真実に値しない者たち...
- 知る者は言わず、言う...
- 思慮は勇気の...
- 初心忘る...
- 諸行無...
- 証明の不在は、不在の...
- 小人は怒り...
- 小説とは虚偽の中の...
- 盛者...
- 正直は一生の...
- 生涯放浪し、また旅も...
- 熟慮...
- 習慣は第二の...
- 蛇の道は...
- 自分を脱け出て他人の...
- 自分の息子を知って...
- 自分の判断だけに頼る...
- 自分のチームが勝って...
- 自分の家を燃やす者は...
- 自分にとって真となる...
- 自分がプレイするよう...
- 自分が自分に味方...
- 芝居こそずばり...
- 死人に口...
- 実例は教訓に...
- 失敗は成功の...
- 実践家の如く思考し...
- 親しき仲にも礼儀...
- 自然は最良の...
- 自縄...
- 事実は科学者にとって...
- 仕事を操れ、仕事に...
- 自己欺瞞ほど安易な道...
- 思考とは、行動の予行...
- 仕方のないことは我慢...
- 死があるから生は事件...
- 芸術は長く、人生は...
- 知らぬが...
- 因果...
- 真実にとって信念は...
- 待つ身は長い...
- シーザーの妻は疑惑を...
- 自分を信じなさい...
- 人類史上、一番...
- 人生は悲しむには...
- 人生の生き方は二通り...
- 後悔先に立たず...
- 死ぬことよりむしろ...
- 小過も大過も...
- 死ぬまで偽りの人生を...
- 人生とは変化生成の...
- しっかりした垣根が...
- 人生はいつも勉強...
- 一日一日を自身の...
- 情熱があれば、どんな...
- 少年よ、大志を...
- 人民の、人民による...
- 辛抱強く歯痛に耐え...
- 深刻過ぎて、笑い...
- 真実の大海原は、目の...
- 死ぬ覚悟ができて...
- 冥途の道には...
- 自分の荷馬車を星に...
- 能ある鷹は爪を隠す...
- 自分の知っていることを...
- 事実は小説より...
- 一難去って...
- 後の...
- 写真は真実を伝える...
- 知られていないことを...
- 初心の人ふたつの矢を...
- 小説を書くにあたり...
- 人生の悲劇は目標に...
- 努力に勝る...
- 人格の発達は、順風...
- 人生の目標は、見出す...
- 汝自身を...
- 嘘から出た...
- (自分を愛するように...
- 柔能く剛を...
- 好きこそものの...
- 幸せはあたたかい...
- 幸せなら手をたたこう...
- 色即是空、空即是色...
- 人生という旅は、人が...
- 人生という織物は...
- 人生は歩く影...
- 人生における自分の...
- 春眠暁を覚えず...
- 充実した一日が...
- 我が雪と思へば軽し...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ス : ス で始まる日本語の名言
- 蓼食う虫も...
- 全てを見渡し、多くを...
- すべて隣人は...
- すべての極端は悪徳...
- すべて芸術とは...
- どんなよいことにも...
- 優れた真理は、その逆...
- すき腹にまずいもの...
- 崇高な理想に応えて...
- 芸は身を...
- すべての事物が崩れ...
- 全てが運命づけられて...
- 少ししか知らない人は...
- 素晴らしい主の恵み...
- 何が始まるんだい...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- 優れた運動能力を示す...
- スピードアップする...
- すべては過ぎ行く...
- 生兵法は大怪我のもと...
- パン半分でもないより...
- 住めば...
- すべてを欲すると...
- すべては気の...
- 全ての卵を一つの籠に...
- すべてに救いがある...
- 全てが不確実なときは...
- 脛に疵を持つ身は...
- 同情するなら少しでも...
- 好きなことをやり...
- さあ、座り込んで何故...
- 崇拝し、追随し、行動...
- ステーキを食うための...
- 糠に釘...
- 三つ子の魂...
- すこしのことにも先達...
- 覆水盆に...
- 過ぎたるは猶...
- 全ての鍵は忍耐に...
- 鋤は鋤と...
- 一か...
- 好きなことを書き...
- なす価値のあることは...
- 優れたストーリーは...
- 骨折り損の...
- 過ぎたことは水に...
- 水金地火木...
- 百川海に...
- 全ての混沌には調和が...
- ストライクを取られる...
- 好きこそものの...
- 素晴らしいものも...
- Japanese Quotes starting with セ : セ で始まる日本語の名言
- 世界は、闘うだけの...
- 珍客も三日目には...
- 大魚は小池に...
- 旋律はその前後の静寂...
- 船頭多くして船山に...
- 洗濯物のリストが...
- 狭き門より入れ、滅び...
- 絶望は臆病者を勇敢に...
- 世界は、冷静さを...
- 生も死も同じく...
- 生は短く、時は...
- 青年は教わり、老いて...
- 晴天のうちに荒天に...
- 青春は人生にただ一度...
- 静寂は、大いなるもの...
- 政治が誤っているとき...
- 成功とは一般に、失敗...
- 成功者とは、敗者の...
- 生計の道を...
- 生あるものもいつかは...
- 佳人薄...
- 成功とは、失敗しても...
- 成功はたいてい、成功...
- 性的魅力の半分は...
- 世界ではなく自分を...
- 念力岩を...
- 成功を祝うのは結構だ...
- 世界最高のごみ収集員...
- 世界を変えようと誰も...
- 今しか...
- 世界を滅ぼすのは...
- 「生活」を送ることは...
- 生は楽しい。死は...
- 世界が落ちてきそうな...
- 善を以って悪を克服...
- 善良なこの自分が世間...
- 全能の人この世に...
- 善といれば...
- 前事の忘れざるは後事...
- 背に腹は...
- 指針に従って...
- 節制は最良の...
- 世界は丸い。終わり...
- 成否は時の...
- 生の豊かさは生の...
- 青天の...
- 水清ければ魚...
- 政治屋は次の選挙の...
- 誠実な人間は、自分に...
- 成功はその手で掴み...
- 成功する人間は失敗...
- 成功したことで一つ...
- 性格において、物腰に...
- 勝てば官軍...
- 成功とは、成り得る...
- 世界に求める変化を...
- 為せば成る、為さねば...
- 急いては事を...
- 迫り来る軍隊なら阻止...
- 成功することで、人は...
- 責任逃れをしないと...
- せっかくの気持ちも...
- 世界市場に於ける言葉...
- 正常な男がいたら...
- 成功の確率が...
- 生命の崇高な務めとは...
- 西暦2100年までには...
- 成功が努力より先に...
- ぜひ結婚しなさい...
- 世界は苦難に満ちて...
- 千里の道も...
- 生産高の8割が...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ソ : ソ で始まる日本語の名言
- 外面は良くても...
- 杞...
- 聡明な人もいれば...
- 存在するものは全て...
- 曾祖母が祖母に語り...
- 創造性とは無秩序な...
- 俗に人生の十字路と...
- それでも地球は回って...
- 想像し得るあらゆる...
- それは、世に来て...
- そう、その外見からは...
- 創造的作品に...
- 素朴な文体に堪え得る...
- 備えあれば...
- 想像力が露骨なものに...
- 創造性がいかにあろう...
- それ自体、汚れている...
- 想像力はややもすれば...
- 創造的刺激は、日々の...
- 創造性とは、日常の...
- その木はおいしそう...
- 存在し続けるためには...
- それが「学ぶ」という...
- 外に出る必要はない...
- そして結局、愛される...
- そうは問屋が...
- 想像力は自分の内に...
- 創造力とは、一見...
- 創造的作家にとって...
- そう、書くことは...
- 空が青いから...
- そのうち、独りで...
- それだから彼らは...
- (そう…)今日の...
- Japanese Quotes starting with サ : サ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with タ-ト : タ-ト で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with タ : タ で始まる日本語の名言
- 誰にでも、それぞれの...
- 人のふり見て我がふり...
- 働かざる者食う...
- ただもう今は運がない...
- 取らぬ狸の...
- 誰も二人の主人に...
- 誰もが持っている...
- 誰でも銀のさじを口に...
- 誰が猫の首に鈴を...
- ためらう者は...
- たまの病気がひどい...
- 鶏が先か卵が...
- 食べたケーキは後に...
- 旅は...
- 他人を批判する前に...
- 他人と幸せに暮らして...
- 蓼食う虫も...
- たった一度の敗北を...
- 多多益益...
- 喬木は風に...
- 大人は為す方法を論じ...
- 大山鳴動して鼠...
- 大魚は小池に...
- 何でも来いに名人...
- 海老で鯛を...
- たった一日のことで...
- だがダマスコに向かう...
- 他人との論争から...
- 絶えず自分を変え...
- 誰もがまちがって...
- 誰かを愛している...
- 怠惰とは疲れぬうちの...
- 楽しまないなら...
- 太陽の下の全ての病は...
- 他者への奉仕は、この...
- 誰でも怒ることは...
- 絶えずあなたを何か他...
- だから、ぼくは...
- 誰だってそう―所詮は...
- 正しいとき、急進的に...
- 単純であることは複雑...
- 第一歩こそが...
- 目から鱗が...
- 人を呪わば穴...
- 人の褌で相撲を...
- 情けは人の為...
- だが人は負けるために...
- 誰かが信頼できるか...
- 正しいことはいつ...
- 誰にも得意な時が...
- 誰でも二十五の時には...
- 誰からも善く言われる...
- 便りのないのはよい...
- 玉磨かざれば光り...
- 玉に...
- 多弁能...
- 旅をしなさい...
- 楽しみの前にまず...
- 楽しい時だってあった...
- 他人の間違いに...
- 他人に決して言えない...
- たとえ私たちの外なる...
- 盾の両面を...
- 立ち止まるな、明日を...
- 高みに土...
- 大胆とは盲目のこと...
- 大衆は小さな嘘より...
- 訊いて失うものは...
- 風がふけば桶屋が...
- 因果...
- 井の中の蛙大海を...
- 一を知って二を...
- 魂って何だい? 電気...
- 大切な事は、負ける...
- 世界に求める変化を...
- 誰であれ、自らを高く...
- 誰かが「できぬ」と...
- ダイヤモンドは...
- 助けて!僕には誰かが...
- たびたび、直感が...
- 団結は...
- 黒に黒を重ねても...
- 太陽を黄色い染みに...
- 宝の持ち腐れ...
- たとえ私が自分の...
- 誰もが月、決して...
- 誰もが驚嘆すべきは...
- 誰でも満たされない...
- 誰の人生にも雨は降る...
- ローマは一日にして...
- 第三次世界大戦で...
- Japanese Quotes starting with チ : チ で始まる日本語の名言
- 珍客も三日目には...
- 塵も積もれば山と...
- 長所と見えるところに...
- 血は水よりも...
- 知性を強化する唯一の...
- 智者、必ずしも古典語...
- 地球での任務完了を...
- 遅延は危険を...
- 「知識」で成功する人...
- 好機が二度訪れる...
- 知識は実践され...
- 知識はすぐ手に入るが...
- 知識だけでは不十分...
- 「地球には」と彼は...
- 読書っていうのは冒険...
- 覚えとけよ、選手が...
- ちょっと、監督、今日...
- ペパーミント・パティ...
- ぼく退屈な奴だと...
- ちょっと‥起きて...
- おばあちゃんが言う...
- で、もし正直にする...
- ぼくらのような友情は...
- チャールズさま、毎日...
- ぼくこの試合を重大に...
- さあ、みんな...
- 同時にふたりの子を...
- ウォルター・ヘイゲン...
- 起きるんだ、サリー...
- 人生という本には...
- 知性は進化の偶然で...
- 知的な人々の中に幸福...
- 沈黙は承諾の...
- 知力は事物の相違点を...
- 腸詰を食わせすぎれば...
- 忠言は最も必要なとき...
- 父が言ってたよ...
- 智者は敵から多くを...
- 知識が増えても頭の中...
- 力を尽くせば...
- 小さな一歩が大きな...
- 今日は人の身、明日は...
- 勝てば官軍...
- 知識人はほとんど全て...
- 小さな一時的安全の...
- 智慧ある者は、この世...
- 知識は「これほど...
- 父親が子供たちにして...
- 知性は可能性の有無を...
- 力を自覚することで...
- 知は...
- 月と...
- 忠告は雪の如し...
- 小さな歯車によって...
- チェックアウトなら...
- 知識という名の島が...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ツ : ツ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with テ : テ で始まる日本語の名言
- 天を仰ぎて...
- 点滴石を...
- 伝達手段が複雑に...
- 天気への賛辞は一日の...
- 手前...
- 徹底して何かに...
- 適切に選んだ言葉が...
- 喬木は風に...
- 「伝統」とは、過去...
- できるうちにバラを...
- 手を打てば 仲居茶を...
- できると思うか...
- テレビは実生活では...
- できると思う人は...
- では、自分自身を裁く...
- シェーン...
- で、もし正直にする...
- できれば皆さんを...
- 亭主元気で留守が...
- 青は藍より出でて...
- 天は自ら助くる者を...
- 転石に苔...
- 出物腫れ物所...
- 手に入れることより...
- できるかどうかなんて...
- 適切な外界物が、内面...
- 敵意のこもった抑圧的...
- 氏より...
- 鉄は熱いうちに...
- 適切な人々が一丸と...
- 彼を知り己を知れば...
- 手を汚さずに、革命...
- 出来ると思えば...
- 手紙が長めになった...
- 恋は盲目いつだって...
- 明日の百より...
- 天才に出会ったこと...
- 哲学者たちは...
- 敵対者との取っ組み...
- テレビは、目のための...
- 天才とは、1%の...
- 手の中の鳥には...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ト : ト で始まる日本語の名言
- 時が過ぎて行く、と...
- どんなものにも時機が...
- どんな目的であれ...
- どんなに長い日にも...
- どんな男にもそれ相応...
- 団栗の背...
- トラブルは経験を...
- 取らぬ狸の...
- 飛ぶしかないなら...
- どのみち迷惑なら迷惑...
- 隣の芝生は青く...
- どっちも...
- どちら側を支持しよう...
- どこかに区切りを...
- 時計を一個持っている...
- 毒を以て毒を...
- 独創など存在しない...
- 読書百遍義自ずから...
- 時は流れ、人も...
- 時に成功は才より熱意...
- 時あり、ありき...
- どうにもならないこと...
- 灯台下...
- どんな人生にも...
- 時は春、日は朝...
- どんなよいことにも...
- どの鳥も自分の歌を...
- 骨肉相...
- 我田...
- 年をとるにつれ、人々...
- トラブルを笑い...
- 時は...
- 鳥無き里の...
- 時に望むものが手に...
- 時に人生はあなたがた...
- 時が過ぎ、少しずつ...
- どんな大人もかつては...
- 読書っていうのは冒険...
- どうしてわたしに一度...
- 同時にふたりの子を...
- 時々あなたは...
- どこで不正が...
- 四. 得牛...
- どれだけ多く行うか...
- 年老いた愚か者ほどの...
- どんなものかわかった...
- どんな道にも水溜まり...
- どんな家でも戸棚を...
- とろ火がおいしい...
- トラブルとは、作業着...
- 友を愛するなら欠点も...
- ドアに近づかない人...
- どの道の達人も...
- ドアは閉まっているか...
- 年寄りは二度目の...
- 所変われば品...
- 時計の針を戻すことは...
- 毒を食らわば皿...
- 毒舌はふるえばふるう...
- 読書は時に、考える...
- 時が全ての傷を...
- 時が変われば風俗も...
- 同病相...
- 道徳的に見て間違って...
- 道具は職人に...
- 出物腫れ物所...
- 同情するなら少しでも...
- 諸行無...
- 蛇の道は...
- 自縄...
- 井戸の中の独り言も...
- 綺麗な薔薇には...
- 富とはそれを持つ人間...
- 歳を取るにしたがって...
- 転ばぬ先の杖...
- 時が経てば変わるとは...
- 閉ざされた扉があれば...
- 時は偉大な教師である...
- 合わぬ蓋あれば...
- 時には立派な...
- どれほど高名な偉人で...
- 努力に勝る...
- 夜目遠目笠の...
- 待つうちが花...
- 跳ぶ前に、今一度よく...
- 時折自分自身、想像の...
- 光陰矢の如し...
- どんなふうに死んで...
- Japanese Quotes starting with タ : タ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ナ-ノ : ナ-ノ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ナ : ナ で始まる日本語の名言
- 不言...
- 何でも楽になるまでは...
- 成りたい人物の真似を...
- 習うより...
- 怠け者がいちばんの...
- 何事も小さな仕事に...
- 何かをすることより...
- 情けは...
- 嘆き悲しむ者の手には...
- 無い物...
- 天を仰ぎて...
- 小人閑居して不善を...
- 何ひとつ間違わない人...
- 骨肉相...
- 何でも来いに名人...
- 存在するものは全て...
- なぜ、創るのかって...
- 泣きっ面に...
- 何かあなたの曲を今...
- 何かを言葉で表わそう...
- 難題に出くわしたなら...
- 何でも小さな仕事に...
- 何が始まるんだい...
- 七. 忘牛存人...
- 何度でも言うが...
- 汝自身に忠実で...
- 汝は額に汗してパンを...
- 生兵法は大怪我のもと...
- 何も驚くに当たらない...
- 何事においても、その...
- パン半分でもないより...
- 情けは人の為...
- 無くて七癖...
- 親しき仲にも礼儀...
- 枯れ木も山の...
- 薬も過ぐれば...
- 目糞鼻糞を...
- ながらうべきか、死す...
- 何も真似ようとしない...
- 為せば成る、為さねば...
- 後悔先に立たず...
- 何かの存在を信じ...
- 何事にせよ成し遂げ...
- 七転び八起き...
- 何かに熱中する時は...
- 長く曲がりくねった道...
- 何ヶ月も、何年も...
- 何かを愛するには...
- 案ずるより...
- 梨の実の味が知りたい...
- なす価値のあることは...
- 何かを成し遂げるに...
- 汝自身を...
- 無い袖は...
- 「なぜ?」や...
- 内面的により真剣な...
- なあ、ジュード...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ニ : ニ で始まる日本語の名言
- 忍耐はあらゆる悩みに...
- 人間は自由の刑を宣告...
- 人間は決して希望を...
- 人間についてはずっと...
- 人間が研究すべきは...
- 人間が生きていく中で...
- 似た者は...
- 肉屋さん、ナイフ...
- 逃がした魚は...
- 苦い思いで耐え忍んだ...
- 無い物...
- 鶏が先か卵が...
- 漁夫の...
- 良薬は口に...
- 二度あることは...
- 人間負けたとなれば...
- 人間の賢さは...
- 憎しみ、それによって...
- 十. 入鄽垂手...
- 二. 見跡...
- 人間の価値は、その人...
- 虹の向こうのどこか...
- 人間は万物の...
- 人間は決して...
- 人間は一度しか...
- 人間性など哀れなもの...
- 人間が抱く希望の前に...
- 人間いつまでも若くは...
- 二者の論争では、より...
- 憎まれっ子世に...
- 二階から...
- 目糞鼻糞を...
- 人間は誰もかも頭が...
- 人間のやることには...
- 人間はまけた時に...
- 人間の知識など、未知...
- 二兎を追うものは...
- 人間は一本の葦に...
- 人間はあらゆる形の...
- 人間は、自分の愛する...
- 日光を見ずして結構と...
- 熟田津に船乗りせむと...
- 人間万事塞翁が馬...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヌ : ヌ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ネ : ネ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ノ : ノ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ナ : ナ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ハ-ホ : ハ-ホ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ハ : ハ で始まる日本語の名言
- 万物は理法の下に...
- 繁栄は友を作り、逆境...
- 早く咲けば早く...
- 浜辺には他にいくら...
- 花は桜木、人は...
- 話の途中に辿り着く...
- はっきり言っておく...
- 働かざる者食う...
- 走る前に、まず歩く...
- 始める前に終わりを...
- 始め良ければ終わり...
- 化けの皮が...
- 馬鹿の一つ...
- 敗北を恐れるな...
- 飼い犬に手を...
- 運は天にあり、鎧は...
- 白状するが私自身...
- できるうちにバラを...
- 始めるための方法は...
- ばかげていると...
- 今しか...
- はい、先生‥それって...
- はい、先生...
- 歯の検査? また?!...
- 発明には、良質の...
- 花の色は うつりに...
- 煩雑さの中から簡潔な...
- 八. 人牛倶忘...
- 第一歩こそが...
- 万物は流転...
- パンの味を知るまでは
- 速く走る者は長く...
- 早い者...
- 花より...
- 話半分...
- 「発見の旅」の本質は...
- 破竹の...
- 恥を知ればそれだけ...
- 走る気でいる馬に拍車...
- 初めは人が習慣を作り...
- 橋に来れば橋を...
- 博愛はまず...
- 歯が痛みだすのは...
- 薔薇は赤く、菫は青い...
- 節制は最良の...
- 勝てば官軍...
- 馬の耳に...
- よく学び...
- 早起きは三文の得...
- 蜂はお花のなかに...
- 激しい感情が真実を...
- 果てしないものが二つ...
- 俳優というものは...
- 腹が立って腹が立って...
- 早寝早起きは人を...
- 初めに言葉があった...
- 始まりがあるものには...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヒ : ヒ で始まる日本語の名言
- 貧に臆せず、富に...
- 貧困は勤勉の...
- 昼には目があり、夜に...
- 美は見る者...
- 美はただ皮...
- 日の照るうちに干草を...
- 人を見たら泥棒と...
- 独りに...
- 人は皆自分の運命の...
- 人はその交わる友に...
- 人は信ずるものには...
- 人は環境に支配される...
- 人のふり見て我がふり...
- 人の真価はその目指す...
- 人の噂も...
- 人と山が出逢うとき...
- ひとたびゲームが...
- 人が「私は三回失敗...
- 人が仕事で成功する...
- ひどい仕打ちも、ただ...
- 羊飼いはいつだって...
- 久しく岸さえ見えぬ...
- 東にも西にも我が家に...
- 比較することで人は幸
- 化けの皮が...
- 月満つれば則ち...
- 蓼食う虫も...
- すき腹にまずいもの...
- 朱に交われば...
- 佳人薄...
- 子を知ること父に...
- 甲の薬は乙の...
- 一人の文筆家の文を...
- 日々の暮らしの塵を...
- 人が歩くことは...
- 日々鍛錬し、いつ来る...
- 一人の人間にとっては...
- 人は目標を追い求める...
- 飛行機が落ちないのは...
- 人々はしばしば、この...
- 一人で見る夢はただの...
- 人々はあらゆる物や人...
- 人は、不幸の下での...
- 美よ! 知性も感性も...
- 人は自分の...
- 人は一歩を踏み出す...
- 光は闇の中に輝き...
- ひとつ質問があるんだ...
- ひとつ質問があるの...
- 人々は誤った価値観の...
- 人は、個人に関わる...
- 人は、快適で便利な...
- 必要性や正当性が...
- 人は自身の思考の産物...
- 八. 人牛倶忘...
- 人が恋に落ちるのは...
- 人知れず善いことを...
- 人が歴史の教訓から...
- 一人はみんなのために...
- 人々が天使だったなら...
- 人に従うことが...
- 貧乏な人にはいくつか...
- 貧すれば...
- 拾い物は...
- 美貌と魅力には違いが...
- 批判されるのが嫌なら...
- 美は真なり、真は美...
- 火の無い所に煙は...
- 人を呪わば穴...
- 人は二つのことを同時...
- 美とはそれ自身、知覚...
- 人はすべて、目指し...
- 人は環境の創造物では...
- 人の褌で相撲を...
- 身より可愛いものは...
- 人の心は十人...
- 人の噂は倍に...
- 人手が多いと仕事が楽...
- 人から学識を奪い去る...
- 人が懸命に努力する...
- 必要は発明の...
- 引越し...
- 東は東、西は西...
- 日が差せば必ず影も...
- 無くて七癖...
- 背に腹は...
- 一人の子ども、一人の...
- 枯れ木も山の...
- 金の切れ目が縁の...
- 百聞は一見に如かず...
- 三つ子の魂...
- 人の不幸を決して...
- 人を押さえつけて...
- 人はその保たれる...
- 貧苦が自然界の摂理で...
- 美徳は、それ自体が...
- 絵に描いた...
- 油断大敵...
- 百川海に...
- 宝の持ち腐れ...
- 一人の男が、大聖堂像...
- 人が一度や二度...
- 人は一歩一歩着実に...
- 一人一人の人生の中に...
- 一人、独り、全く...
- 聞くは一時の恥...
- 否定的な考えが一度...
- 広く、深く、一心に...
- Japanese Quotes starting with フ : フ で始まる日本語の名言
- プロの作家とは書く...
- 不用の品を...
- 踏み出すことが...
- 仏道を習ふといふは...
- 二人は伴侶、三人は...
- 不言...
- 不運も何かの役に...
- 不安の目で将来を展望...
- 怠け者がいちばんの...
- 不幸な者は仲間を...
- 温故...
- 馬子にも...
- 泣きっ面に...
- 二度あることは...
- 物質とは、空間とは...
- 二人の人間が同じ...
- 文は短く。段落は最初...
- 振り向くな、さあ...
- ブラックホールは...
- 武士に二言...
- 彼方立てれば此方が...
- 文は人...
- 古池や 蛙飛び込む...
- 冬来たりなば春...
- 不満は進歩の...
- 普段の環境から...
- 不誠実とは目先の利益...
- 不安は総て心の...
- 同病相...
- 青天の...
- 亀の甲より年の...
- 親の...
- 「文体がどう」とか...
- 不可能だと...
- 船一隻に全てを...
- 覆水盆に...
- ブルータス...
- 浅瀬に...
- 富者が財を誇っても...
- 猫に...
- 論より...
- 二兎を追うものは...
- (勇気とは何か?)...
- 風船の一端を絞めつけ...
- 不可能なものとは何...
- フォースがあなたと...
- 不可能なことをする...
- 不思議さを感じ取り...
- 人間万事塞翁が馬...
- ペンは剣よりも...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヘ : ヘ で始まる日本語の名言
- 平和は力では維持...
- 下手に...
- 隣の芝生は青く...
- 羹に懲りて...
- 一将功成りて...
- はい、先生‥それって...
- ヘイ! マーシー!...
- はい、先生...
- ペパーミント・パティ...
- ひとつ質問があるの...
- 世の中の心配せずに...
- 『カラマーゾフの兄弟...
- 平和への道は...
- 九. 返本還源...
- ベンジャミン...
- 毒を食らわば皿...
- 勉学するのに年を...
- 平安とは心の内に...
- 下手の長...
- 変なことをする奴は...
- 平和とは、単に探し...
- 変化を付けることは...
- 蛇は脱皮できなければ...
- 平和を望むなら...
- 弘法は筆を...
- 平時戦時を問わず...
- 下手の横好き...
- ペンは剣よりも...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ホ : ホ で始まる日本語の名言
- 星に手を伸ばすあいだ...
- 惚れて通えば千里も...
- 褒めれば、善人はより...
- 褒め...
- 欲しくない物は...
- 僕は事物を描かない...
- すき腹にまずいもの...
- 河童の川...
- ぼくが芸術というのは...
- 本当に偉大な作家とは...
- 「本当の自分」を...
- ボートを漕いで…
- 他の人が書いたものに...
- ぼく退屈な奴だと...
- ぼくらのような友情は...
- ぼくこの試合を重大に...
- 暴力は無能な人の最後...
- 十牛図[牧牛図]一覧
- 七. 忘牛存人...
- 五. 牧牛...
- 惚れた...
- 褒めてばかりいる男を...
- Ploughing the field...
- 仏作って魂...
- 僕はロック・スターさ...
- 他の芸術家は皆...
- 隴を得て蜀を...
- 本物の書物は、私たち...
- 忙中...
- 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟まで...
- 本のない部屋は、魂の...
- 星に向かって手を...
- 骨折り損の...
- 本を読んでも...
- 本物の学問はいつの...
- 本当の幸福は、自己の...
- ボスとリーダーの違い...
- 吠え立てる犬は...
- 茫漠とした広がりの...
- ぼくが数字で満足する...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ハ : ハ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with マ-モ : マ-モ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with マ : マ で始まる日本語の名言
- 丸い卵も切りようで...
- 学ぶのに遅すぎること...
- 馬子にも...
- またの機会が必ず...
- 薪は自分で割れ...
- マネジメントは、事を...
- 毎日世人は、髪を...
- 満杯まで注がれても...
- 間違いを犯さないこと...
- ちょっと‥起きて...
- チャールズさま、毎日...
- 学んだこと、それは...
- 学んだら、教える...
- 十. 入鄽垂手...
- 間違いを犯したことの...
- 学びて時にこれを習う...
- 迷いは...
- 間違っていると思う...
- 蒔かれしものは...
- 万物は流転...
- 嵐の後に凪が...
- 今日の一針、明日の...
- 訊いて失うものは...
- 間違いを幾度となく...
- 待つ身は長い...
- 学びて思わざれば則ち...
- 周りの人たちより...
- マイホームは一日に...
- 学ぶことをやめたら...
- まさかの時の友こそ...
- 間違いなく間違い...
- 鞠もかたき所を...
- 待つうちが花...
- 間違いとは単に、ある...
- まだ悩むほどの悩み...
- 周りの期待を...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ミ : ミ で始まる日本語の名言
- 道は見つけるか...
- 自らの言葉の支配者...
- 惨めな気持ちを避ける...
- ミイラ取りがミイラに...
- 道に迷わないで...
- 天を仰ぎて...
- 月満つれば則ち...
- 名物にうまい物...
- 民衆の声は...
- 皆さん、どうして...
- 見るのもよいが...
- 未来は定められては...
- 未来について思うこと...
- 実るほど頭を垂れる...
- 自らを制御できない人...
- 雨垂れ石を...
- 未来に目を向けて点と...
- 未来は予測できないが...
- 身なりを整えなさい...
- 魅力的な唇のために...
- 見せびらかすのは...
- 見知らぬ人をもてなす...
- 見知らぬ人に不親切に...
- 未来は、私たちが現在...
- 観るために、私は目を...
- 未来に関して一番...
- 見目より...
- 港にいるかぎり船は...
- 皆さんには二つの耳と...
- 道[タオ]の道と...
- ミスした時に限って...
- 未熟な人は責めるもの...
- 惨めな気持ちでいる...
- 身より可愛いものは...
- 水清ければ魚...
- 自縄...
- 馬の耳に...
- 一寸先は...
- 百聞は一見に如かず...
- 未来はまだ白紙って...
- 自らの心に目を向けず...
- 三つ子の魂...
- みんな辛いときも...
- 魅力的な人というのは...
- みんないまだに...
- 見えぬけれども...
- 未来を予測する一番の...
- 自らの人生に起こった...
- みんなが第一...
- ミュージシャンに...
- 我が雪と思へば軽し...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ム : ム で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with メ : メ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with モ : モ で始まる日本語の名言
- 馬鹿の一つ...
- 取らぬ狸の...
- 灯台下...
- 喬木は風に...
- 物の貧しさはたやすく...
- もしも冬がなかったら...
- もっと光を!
- 物静かな人々が心の中...
- 問題はどちらが主人に...
- 鳥無き里の...
- もし何もかも上手く...
- 問題が修正可能で...
- もし何も存在せず...
- 最も輝かしい栄光は...
- 問題が生じたときと...
- ものの良し悪しは...
- 物事を単純なままに...
- 物事を単純にするのは...
- 問題は立ち向かおうと...
- もしかしたら、人生で...
- 目的を見つけなさい...
- 九. 返本還源...
- 最も恐ろしい貧困は...
- もし私たちに平和が...
- 破れ鍋に...
- 森が魚を...
- 物貰いに選り好みは...
- 物は...
- 物事にはすべて潮時が...
- 物言うべき時と...
- もっと高く手が届く...
- 持ちつ...
- 知る者は言わず、言う...
- 盲目が惨めなのでは...
- 問題は「どうやって...
- 元も子も...
- 七転び八起き...
- 求めよ、さらば与え...
- もしそうだったら...
- もし人々に真実を...
- もし何か意義深いこと...
- 嘘も...
- 勝って兜の緒を...
- もし、自分たちが軽蔑...
- もし君が死後にその名...
- もし人が自分は何か...
- もし人生から苦い...
- 元の木阿弥...
- ものを教えることなど...
- Japanese Quotes starting with マ : マ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ヤ-ヨ : ヤ-ヨ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヤ : ヤ で始まる日本語の名言
- 闇で闇を追い払うこと...
- 羹に懲りて...
- 優しさこそ、本当の...
- やることがあまりに...
- 今しか...
- やる価値のあることを...
- 約束は...
- 柔らかな応答は憤りを...
- やれたらやるけど...
- やることなすこと...
- やる気を起こさせる...
- やり始める勇気と...
- 病は気...
- やってきたのは...
- 安らかな夜を...
- 優しい言葉は論ずるに...
- 優しい言葉に費用は...
- 物は...
- 柳に雪折れ...
- 病に臥して...
- 安物買いの...
- 闇を怖がる子供は...
- 優しい言葉は短く...
- なす価値のあることは...
- やるべきことをやる...
- そうは問屋が...
- 闇夜に烏、雪に...
- やってみる勇気が何に...
- 役者ってのは...
- 寝ている子を...
- 闇が辺りを包む時こそ...
- 押してだめなら...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ユ : ユ で始まる日本語の名言
- 勇気ある人々は許す...
- 夢は追うべきです...
- ゆりかごをゆする手は...
- 唯一無二の幸福は...
- 勇気は、立ち上がって...
- 行く手を横切る黒猫が...
- 唯一の真の知恵は...
- 夢はしばしば、最も...
- 勇気とは恐れへの抵抗...
- ユーモアには優しさが...
- 有限の失望は...
- 夢を見ちゃいけない...
- 豊かな戦勝より貧しい...
- 豊かさは、貧しさ同様...
- 勇者のみが美人に...
- 夢はみるものではなく...
- 豊かなる森林の創造が...
- 夢見ることができる...
- 糠に釘...
- 夢を追い求めることで...
- 指差し、行くべき場所...
- ユーモアとは、自分に...
- 勇将の下に...
- 夢を実現する最上の策...
- 油断大敵...
- 誘惑するものと...
- 勇気とは恐怖に...
- 柔能く剛を...
- (勇気とは何か?)...
- 雄弁は銀、沈黙は...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヨ : ヨ で始まる日本語の名言
- ミイラ取りがミイラに...
- 丸い卵も切りようで...
- 夜は熟慮の...
- 地獄の沙汰も金...
- 酒は百薬の...
- 泣きっ面に...
- 喜んでお前を召し抱え...
- 良い女の子は天国に...
- 世の意見に従って...
- 世の中の心配せずに...
- 抑制は、俳優だけで...
- 弱い者は決して...
- 四. 得牛...
- 世の中を乗り切るのに...
- 年老いた愚か者ほどの...
- 弱きものよ、汝の名は...
- 四つの目は二つの目...
- 「良過ぎる」と...
- 予期せぬことほど...
- 良い物には、悪用...
- 良い助言なら誰の助言...
- 見目より...
- 善い忠告とは何かを...
- 善い人が一生涯に積む...
- よく学び...
- 欲望は苦しみを与え...
- 転ばぬ先の杖...
- 幼年時代からずっと...
- 足元から鳥が...
- 勇将の下に...
- 四十歳とは、青年期に...
- 夜目遠目笠の...
- 良い論説を書く...
- 予見された危険は...
- 良い木には良い実が...
- 良い羊飼いは羊の毛を...
- 勝って兜の緒を...
- 世の中で一番哀れな人...
- 邪なる道は言うに...
- 良いドラマを書こうと...
- 良い馬との旅は...
- Japanese Quotes starting with ヤ : ヤ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ラ-ワ : ラ-ワ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ラ : ラ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with リ : リ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ル : ル で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with レ : レ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ロ : ロ で始まる日本語の名言
- Japanese Quotes starting with ワ : ワ で始まる日本語の名言
- 私たちは日々のことを...
- 私は決して負けない...
- 人を見たら泥棒と...
- 私は聴くことが好きだ...
- 塵も積もれば山と...
- 我田...
- 売り言葉に買い...
- われわれほんとうに...
- 我々が生きていく中で...
- 私は、あなたの言う...
- 若者たちにとって...
- 私の目標は単純だ...
- われわれが唯一恐れ...
- 私は一人でしかない...
- 私たちは常に、今後...
- 私が誰に対しても...
- 若くなるには年を...
- 私って良い子のときは...
- 忘れずに、救いの手が...
- 私はそのクラブに...
- 笑いのない一日は...
- 私がいだく恐怖を...
- 私は対象を、見たまま...
- 私はいつも自分の...
- 私くらい偉大になると...
- 私は自分が無知だと...
- 若いうちの恥は名誉な...
- 私は自分の敵を征服...
- われわれの生は些末事...
- 私たちが知ることの...
- 私流のジョークとは...
- 私、生きる秘訣を発見...
- 私のせいにしないで!...
- 私を愛してる...
- 私にはまだ学ぶべき...
- 私が学んだのは、何が...
- 私自身が私に優しく...
- 私が気づいたのは...
- 私が学んだのは、人々...
- 私たちの最大の弱点は...
- 私は人生で働いたこと...
- 私は失敗していない...
- 笑いは涙に非常に近く...
- 私はあのキャラクター...
- 私の想像し得る最も...
- 私たちは考えることが...
- 私の痛みが誰かの笑い...
- 私はもうすぐ死ぬ...
- 私には特別な才能は...
- 我々は他人のように...
- 我々はしばしば...
- 我々の知るところは...
- 破れ鍋に...
- 笑えば人も一緒に笑う...
- 私がやらねば誰がやる...
- わずかの事で多くが...
- 災いは勇敢な心の...
- 分かち合えば苦労も...
- 若い時は二度と...
- 若いうちが...
- 私の目的は、自分が...
- 我々は好むと好まざる...
- わたしが弱い時にこそ...
- 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟まで...
- 後は野となれ...
- 私は豚が好きだね。犬...
- 我々が征服したのは...
- 笑いは最良の...
- 私は芸術を信じない...
- 私って人一倍辛抱強い...
- 禍を転じて...
- 私たち人間は...
- 悪事千里を...
- 我々の知るところは...
- 我思う、故に...
- 私は、自分の頭は...
- 私は自然を追い求めて...
- 私は数々の過ちを...
- 私に自由を...
- 私自身自由で在り得る...
- 私が死んで埋葬され...
- 我が家にまさる...
- 若い頃「自由」に...
- 我々が歴史から学ぶ...
- 若い頃、人生で一番...
- 若い時は一度しかない...
- 私は彼、あなたが彼で...
- 私の歩みは遅いが...
- 私がさびしいときに...
- 私には夢がある。私の...
- 私は失望しない...
- 我が雪と思へば軽し...
- Japanese(-E) Quotes starting with ア-オ : ア-オ で始まる日本語(-英)の名言
- Quotes by Subject 00-40 Life...Happiness: 主題別名言「人生...幸福」
- 00. Life and Death: 生と死
- We do not remember...
- 私たちは日々のことを...
- Don't be afraid to...
- 踏み出すことが...
- Once the game is...
- ひとたびゲームが...
- Soon ripe, soon...
- 早く咲けば早く...
- Think of the end...
- 始める前に終わりを...
- Man's main task in...
- 人間が生きていく中で...
- The world is a fine...
- 世界は、闘うだけの...
- The longest day has...
- どんなに長い日にも...
- Times change and we...
- 時は流れ、人も...
- Praise day at night...
- 天気への賛辞は一日の...
- Every flow has its...
- 月満つれば則ち...
- Which came first...
- 鶏が先か卵が...
- Dying is as natural...
- 生も死も同じく...
- Life is short and...
- 生は短く、時は...
- All life shall one...
- 生あるものもいつかは...
- Don't cut the bough...
- 自分が乗っている枝を...
- Do or...
- 死ぬ気で...
- Let the dead bury...
- 死者をして死者を...
- Accidents will...
- 事故は起きる...
- The good die...
- 佳人薄...
- This world is a...
- この世は考える者に...
- Beggars mounted run...
- 乞食を馬に乗せると...
- He that is truly...
- 孔子も時に...
- Health is better...
- 健康は富に...
- It is not work that...
- 勤労ではなく心労が...
- Life is very long...
- 人生はとても長いよ...
- A genius grown old...
- 騏驎も老いては駑馬に...
- The most drastic and...
- 恐怖心への最も抜本的...
- The sky is not going...
- 杞...
- Nobody's...
- 完璧な人間など...
- Life is not lost by...
- 命は死ぬことで失われ...
- A long life hath...
- 命長ければ恥...
- One day in...
- いつの日か追憶の中で...
- Fear is like fire...
- 恐怖心は火の如し...
- My great-grandmama told...
- 曾祖母が祖母に語り...
- It is commonly said...
- 俗に人生の十字路と...
- I disapprove of what...
- 私は、あなたの言う...
- Everyone seems to...
- 人生は積み重ねだと...
- For me, art is life...
- ぼくが芸術というのは...
- He that is out at...
- 乗りかかった...
- All things fall and...
- すべての事物が崩れ...
- Tell me not, in...
- 悲しげな詩で、私に...
- Go and beg poppy...
- 死が一度も訪れたこと...
- More light!
- もっと光を!
- Look at everything as...
- 生まれて初めて目に...
- The worst is not...
- 「最悪だ」と口に...
- There are things you...
- 暗闇でしか見えぬもの...
- If I wasn't hard...
- 強くなければ生きては...
- Yesterday, all my troubles...
- 昨日までは、悩みとは...
- I am only one, but...
- 私は一人でしかない...
- The best fish smell...
- いくら良い魚でも...
- There is not a moment...
- 生きている限り...
- Row, row, row your...
- ボートを漕いで…
- Don't scold children...
- 子ども叱るな、来た道...
- Any port in a...
- 嵐の時は港を...
- While I thought that...
- 生き方を学んでいると...
- It is not enough for...
- 乗馬の仕方を知るだけ...
- We make a living by...
- 得るもので生計が...
- Life can be long...
- 人生はまだ続く...
- Living is easy with...
- 生きることなんて目を...
- People will do anything...
- 己の魂と向き合わずに...
- When I was 17, I...
- 17歳のとき、次の...
- Television is not...
- テレビは実生活では...
- We always...
- 私たちは常に、今後...
- The best advice I...
- 私が誰に対しても...
- You are never too...
- 若くなるには年を...
- Do not pray for an...
- 楽な人生を求めて...
- After all, drama is...
- 結局、ドラマは退屈な...
- The life given us...
- 与えられた人生は...
- Our life is...
- われわれの生は些末事...
- You will never be...
- 幸せの構成要素を探索...
- All grown-ups were...
- どんな大人もかつては...
- I think I've...
- 私、生きる秘訣を発見...
- My grampa had...
- おじいちゃんはまた...
- Well, Brother of...
- さて、兄貴よ、ぼくは...
- What's going on...
- 何が始まるんだい...
- So what I'm going to...
- だから、ぼくは...
- Take the bull by the...
- 雄牛をつかまえるには...
- Learn from yesterday...
- 昨日から学び...
- This is my report on...
- いかに生きるかに...
- I've learned that...
- 「生活」を送ることは...
- I've learned that no...
- 私が学んだのは、何が...
- Life is pleasant...
- 生は楽しい。死は...
- The trouble is you...
- 問題は立ち向かおうと...
- They wrote in the...
- 昔の人たちはお国の...
- Act like you have...
- 自身が新型コロナ...
- On a quiet Friday...
- 静かな金曜の午後...
- Remembering that...
- 私はもうすぐ死ぬ...
- Being the richest...
- 自分の死後、埋葬...
- Strumming my pain...
- ギターで心疼かせ...
- If today were the...
- 今日が人生最後の日...
- I believe that a...
- シンプルで控えめな...
- There is no fool...
- 年老いた愚か者ほどの...
- An honest man's word...
- 武士に二言...
- The first breath is...
- 産声は死の...
- You're only young...
- 若い時は二度と...
- Youth will be...
- 若いうちが...
- Better a lean peace...
- 豊かな戦勝より貧しい...
- Forests grow...
- 森が魚を...
- I got the message...
- メッセージが...
- A ship in harbor is...
- 港にいるかぎり船は...
- Youth condemns...
- 未熟な人は責めるもの...
- What you sow does...
- 蒔かれしものは...
- Ploughing the field...
- 仏作って魂...
- If Winter comes, can...
- 冬来たりなば春...
- Harm set, harm...
- 人を呪わば穴...
- All men have aimed...
- 人はすべて、目指し...
- A man can die but...
- 人間は一度しか...
- Youth's a stuff will...
- 人間いつまでも若くは...
- Half a loaf is...
- パン半分でもないより...
- But man is not made...
- だが人は負けるために...
- In order to write...
- 人生について書くため...
- Life is half spent...
- どんなものかわかった...
- Every family has its...
- どんな家でも戸棚を...
- Old men are twice...
- 年寄りは二度目の...
- Make voyages...
- 旅をしなさい...
- The fullness of life...
- 生の豊かさは生の...
- You cannot do much...
- 人生を長くすることは...
- Every man's life is...
- 人生は皆、神の手に...
- The tragedy of life...
- 人生の悲劇とは...
- The only thing that...
- 諸行無...
- The fairest rose is...
- 盛者...
- I have wandered all...
- 生涯放浪し、また旅も...
- Death is what makes...
- 死があるから生は事件...
- Doom is dark and...
- 定めは暗く、いかなる...
- The fish always...
- 魚は頭から...
- You can't take it...
- 財産はあの世に持って...
- This world is but a...
- この世は仮の宿に...
- Minds, like bodies...
- 心も体同様、安楽を...
- Curiosity killed the...
- 好奇心も...
- Art is long, life is...
- 芸術は長く、人生は...
- You gain strength...
- 恐怖に真正面から...
- Today for me...
- 今日は人の身、明日は...
- Accomplishments will...
- 業績とは、行き先では...
- If you can spend a...
- 完璧に無益な方法で...
- A bad bush is better...
- 枯れ木も山の...
- We shall lie all...
- 落ちれば同じ谷川の...
- I have made a lot of...
- 間違いを幾度となく...
- The creation of a...
- 豊かなる森林の創造が...
- Tell me how he...
- 彼はどんな死に方を...
- In the last analysis...
- 結局、死の捉え方が...
- The rest is...
- あとは沈黙...
- To be, or not...
- ながらうべきか、死す...
- Want makes...
- 窮すれば...
- Do not fear death so...
- 死ぬことよりむしろ...
- A creaking gate...
- 一病...
- There are two things...
- 生きる上で目的は二つ...
- Safety lies in the...
- 安全は...
- Turn up the lights...
- 灯りを点けてほしい。...
- Treasure every encounter...
- 一期に一度の...
- The Child is father...
- 三つ子の魂...
- You can live a lie...
- 死ぬまで偽りの人生を...
- Life is a process of...
- 人生とは変化生成の...
- The question was not...
- 問題は「どうやって...
- Change of fortune is...
- 月に叢雲(むらくも)...
- We are born weak, we...
- 生まれたての人間は...
- We are not limited...
- 老齢は人を制限する...
- Sickness shows us...
- 病に臥して...
- You live and...
- 人生はいつも勉強...
- Make each day your...
- 一日一日を自身の...
- Old soldiers never die...
- 老兵は死なず、ただ...
- Man lives freely only...
- 死ぬ覚悟ができて...
- Death is the grand...
- 冥途の道には...
- Some beautiful, sacred...
- 幼年時代からずっと...
- I want to live...
- 生きていたい、与え...
- Truth is stranger than...
- 事実は小説より...
- A baby is God's...
- 赤ん坊は、命続く...
- A photograph can be...
- 一枚の写真が、人生の...
- I just take one day...
- 一日一日を...
- Eat to live, not...
- 生きるために食え...
- You got to live; You...
- 生きなきゃならない。...
- The great business of...
- 生命の崇高な務めとは...
- The snake which cannot...
- 蛇は脱皮できなければ...
- We must change in...
- 存在し続けるためには...
- It is not necessary...
- 外に出る必要はない...
- Jump in, let's go...
- 車に飛び乗り、さあ...
- It is not until we...
- 失って初めてわかる...
- Give me liberty, or...
- 私に自由を...
- When I am dead...
- 私が死んで埋葬され...
- You cannot burn the...
- ろうそくの両端に火を...
- Forty is the old age...
- 四十歳とは、青年期に...
- A danger foreseen is...
- 予見された危険は...
- What would life be...
- やってみる勇気が何に...
- Never trouble trouble...
- まだ悩むほどの悩み...
- Today is a microcosm...
- 今日はあなたの人生...
- The man who has...
- 内面的により真剣な...
- Sometimes it takes years...
- 自らの人生に起こった...
- Today is the first...
- 今日はあなたの残りの...
- Monday's child is fair...
- 月曜の子は器量良く...
- The journey of life...
- 人生という旅は、人が...
- You don't get to...
- どんなふうに死んで...
- On a long enough...
- 遅かれ早かれ人は...
- Live as if you...
- 明日死ぬつもりで...
- Life's but a walking...
- 人生は歩く影...
- Time is dead as...
- 小さな歯車によって...
- As a well-spent...
- 充実した一日が...
- Everything that has...
- 始まりがあるものには...
- Life has its ups...
- 人間万事塞翁が馬...
- You can check out...
- チェックアウトなら...
- An aged man is...
- 老いぼれなんて全く...
- 10. Love and Friendship: 愛と友情
- Courageous people do...
- 勇気ある人々は許す...
- I once held her in...
- かつて彼女をこの腕に...
- Love laughs at...
- 惚れて通えば千里も...
- Two is company...
- 二人は伴侶、三人は...
- I want to be...
- 独りに...
- A man is known by...
- 人はその交わる友に...
- I must be cruel...
- ひどい仕打ちも、ただ...
- East and West, Home...
- 東にも西にも我が家に...
- Prosperity makes...
- 繁栄は友を作り、逆境...
- Like attracts...
- 似た者は...
- Every Jack has his...
- どんな男にもそれ相応...
- Every time you go...
- 君が去るたびに...
- Blood is thicker...
- 血は水よりも...
- Well, we all have a...
- 誰もが持っている...
- Good company makes...
- 旅は...
- Misery loves...
- 不幸な者は仲間を...
- To live happily with...
- 他人と幸せに暮らして...
- There is no...
- 蓼食う虫も...
- Fair without, false...
- 外面は良くても...
- Always remember...
- 龍がいるから、冒険譚...
- It is dangerous to...
- 政治が誤っているとき...
- Every man's neighbor...
- すべて隣人は...
- Confidence is a...
- 信頼とはゆっくり育つ...
- Love truth, but...
- 真実を愛せ。ただし...
- Books and friends...
- 書物と友人は数は...
- He who touches pitch...
- 朱に交われば...
- When the word is out...
- 駟も舌に...
- To handle yourself...
- 自分の扱いには頭を...
- One father is more...
- 子を知ること父に...
- A child is a good...
- 子は親を映す...
- If you love your...
- 子供たちを愛している...
- It's dog-eat...
- 骨肉相...
- Love is the wisdom...
- 恋すれば愚者は賢く...
- To be wise and love...
- 賢明さと恋心の両立は...
- Think with the wise...
- 賢者とともに考え...
- One bad apple spoils...
- 腐ったりんごは周り...
- Opposites...
- 逆同士は...
- Spare the rod and...
- かわいい子には旅を...
- Lend your money and...
- 金を貸せば友を...
- No child knows how...
- 親の心子...
- Men make houses...
- 男は家屋を造り、女は...
- Boys will be...
- 男の子はやはり...
- A gossip is one who...
- おしゃべりな人は他人...
- With age, you must...
- 老いては子に...
- The voice of the...
- 民衆の声は...
- Courtesy costs...
- 礼儀に費用は...
- Gather roses while...
- できるうちにバラを...
- Darkness cannot drive...
- 闇で闇を追い払うこと...
- I have a picture...
- 写真を一枚...
- Absence is to love...
- 愛にとっての不在は...
- True friendship...
- 真の友情が生まれる...
- Love means never having...
- 愛とは決して...
- If you love somebody...
- 誰かを愛している...
- At the risk of...
- ばかげていると...
- Remember, if you...
- 忘れずに、救いの手が...
- What is hell? I...
- 地獄とは何か? 断言...
- Love is an...
- 愛とは、相手が自分を...
- Love is the only...
- 愛は、人間存在の問題...
- Paradoxically, the...
- 逆説的に言えば、一人...
- True love begins...
- 真の愛は、見返りに...
- When I wake up in...
- 朝起きて陽の光が...
- Sometimes in our...
- 生きていれば誰だって...
- Dear Sweetheart...
- 恋人よ...
- I think Peppermint...
- ペパーミント・パティ...
- I have a question...
- ひとつ質問があるんだ...
- So if I'm going to...
- で、もし正直にする...
- Do you still like...
- いまでもペギー...
- A friendship like...
- ぼくらのような友情は...
- Ahem...
- オホン...
- I can't believe it...
- 信じられないよ...
- How come you never...
- どうしてわたしに一度...
- Dear Charles, I...
- チャールズさま、毎日...
- Do you love me...
- 私を愛してる...
- So long, Ol' Pal...
- さよなら…寂しいよ...
- Are you going to...
- この夏はうちにいるの...
- I wonder if it's...
- 同時にふたりの子を...
- Be not inhospitable...
- 見知らぬ人に不親切に...
- I do not trust...
- 自分自身を愛して...
- Love is the only...
- 愛は敵を友に変える...
- She's got a smile...
- 彼女の笑顔を見れば...
- When the world is...
- 世界が落ちてきそうな...
- When you get caught...
- 月とニューヨークの間...
- The most terrible...
- 最も恐ろしい貧困は...
- If we have no peace...
- もし私たちに平和が...
- It's gonna take a...
- 溢れる愛が要る...
- Keep your eyes wide...
- 結婚する前は両目を...
- A good husband is...
- 亭主元気で留守が...
- Children are poor...
- 子に過ぎたる宝...
- Let the cat wink and...
- 猫には目をつぶって...
- You can't please...
- 彼方立てれば此方が...
- We never meet...
- 会うは別れの...
- A trouble shared is...
- 分かち合えば苦労も...
- Frailty, thy name is...
- 弱きものよ、汝の名は...
- Four eyes see more...
- 四つの目は二つの目...
- One for all, all for...
- 一人はみんなのために...
- Here comes the...
- やってきたのは...
- Good words cost...
- 優しい言葉に費用は...
- Beggars can't be...
- 物貰いに選り好みは...
- Give and...
- 持ちつ...
- If Jack's in love...
- 惚れた...
- Dishonesty is a...
- 不誠実とは目先の利益...
- There's a difference...
- 美貌と魅力には違いが...
- So many men, so many...
- 人の心は十人...
- Charity begins at...
- 博愛はまず...
- The best way to find...
- 誰かが信頼できるか...
- Roses are red...
- 薔薇は赤く、菫は青い...
- Love a friend...
- 友を愛するなら欠点も...
- By the look in your...
- 君の目を見て、泣く...
- Misery makes strange...
- 同病相...
- Advice when most...
- 忠言は最も必要なとき...
- No news is good...
- 便りのないのはよい...
- I took the good...
- 楽しい時だってあった...
- There are many...
- 他人に決して言えない...
- Don't stop, thinking...
- 立ち止まるな、明日を...
- Boldness is...
- 大胆とは盲目のこと...
- With the good we...
- 善といれば...
- It is a wise father...
- 自分の息子を知って...
- Familiarity breeds...
- 親しき仲にも礼儀...
- Out of sight, out of...
- 去る者は日々に...
- Alison, I know this...
- アリスン、この世は...
- Like master, like...
- この主人にしてこの...
- Well, it ain't no...
- さあ、座り込んで何故...
- Ignorance is...
- 知らぬが...
- The greatest hate...
- 可愛さあまって憎さ...
- Beware the fury of a...
- 我慢強い人間が...
- The owl thinks her...
- 親の...
- Write down the...
- 親の意見と冷酒は後で...
- Man with the head...
- 男は考え、女は...
- Every gift, though...
- 贈り物はすべて...
- When the wolf comes...
- 金の切れ目が縁の...
- United we stand, divided...
- 結合すれば立ち、分裂...
- You may take a horse...
- 馬を水際へ連れては...
- We are participants...
- 我々は好むと好まざる...
- The people sensible...
- 善い忠告とは何かを...
- The one word you'll...
- "NO"と思えば...
- The gentleman is harmonious...
- 君子は和して同ぜず...
- Love me, love my...
- 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟まで...
- There are places I'll...
- 一生涯忘れない場所が...
- While I wait for...
- 君待つと我が恋ひ...
- No man can draw...
- 利害を越えた究極の...
- Whatever's begun in...
- 怒りで始められた事は...
- Absence sharpens love...
- 愛は会えないとき鋭く...
- To love is to admire...
- 愛するとは心で称える...
- Even in small matters...
- すこしのことにも先達...
- What the heart thinks...
- 胸の思いは...
- I used to think that...
- 変なことをする奴は...
- Those who have suffered...
- 苦しい体験を積んだ...
- Out of the mouth...
- 口は禍の...
- Good fences make good...
- しっかりした垣根が...
- Extremes...
- 両極...
- You don't lead by...
- 指差し、行くべき場所...
- It's really hard to...
- 周りの人たちより...
- She asked me to...
- ここにいて。どこでも...
- Love is like a...
- 愛は、めったに手に...
- A friend in need...
- まさかの時の友こそ...
- (For) Love is blind...
- 恋は盲目いつだって...
- Love conquers...
- 愛はすべてを...
- Since love and fear...
- 愛と恐れがめったに...
- I think one's feelings...
- せっかくの気持ちも...
- Friends come in and...
- レストランの下げ膳係...
- The way to love...
- 何かを愛するには...
- Anger and haste hinder...
- 怒りとあせりは...
- A person who is nice...
- あなたに親切でも...
- Absence makes the heart...
- 会えねばつのる...
- Love covers many...
- 愛は多くの欠点を...
- Faults are thick where...
- 愛情が薄いと...
- A good master a...
- 勇将の下に...
- 男はいつだって女に...
- Men always want to...
- Help! I need somebody...
- 助けて!僕には誰かが...
- There's nothing you...
- 知られていないことを...
- No man, however great...
- どれほど高名な偉人で...
- The liberty of the...
- 個人の自由には制限が...
- Union is...
- 団結は...
- And in the end...
- そして結局、愛される...
- Scratch me and I'll...
- 魚心あれば...
- O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore...
- ああ、ロミオ、ロミオ...
- My own freedom can...
- 私自身自由で在り得る...
- Manners know...
- 礼節は、距離という...
- Love your neighbor...
- (自分を愛するように...
- I keep my ideals...
- 理想を捨てたりは...
- The tempter, or the...
- 誘惑するものと...
- Eyes are as eloquent...
- 目は口ほどに...
- Love without end has...
- 無償の愛は...
- What you do not wish...
- 己の欲せざる所は人に...
- It is the duty of a...
- 良い羊飼いは羊の毛を...
- He that wrestles with...
- 敵対者との取っ組み...
- He made me so mad...
- 腹が立って腹が立って...
- Always remember you're...
- 常に忘れないで、自分...
- You have heard that...
- 隣人を愛し、敵を憎め...
- Hey Jude, don't make...
- なあ、ジュード...
- One of these days...
- そのうち、独りで...
- So they are no...
- それだから彼らは...
- Loneliness is not cured...
- 孤独は、仲間と群れ...
- "Goodbye," said the...
- 「さようなら」と...
- Love is blind...
- 恋は盲目。あばたも...
- Advice is like snow...
- 忠告は雪の如し...
- Ebony and ivory / Live...
- 黒鍵と白鍵とが...
- Birds of a feather...
- 類は友を呼ぶ...
- Nothing takes the taste...
- 報われない恋ほど...
- Half of what I...
- 言っていることの...
- 20. Work and Play: 仕事と遊び
- A thing you don't...
- 欲しくない物は...
- Want is the mother...
- 貧困は勤勉の...
- There is no such...
- 働かざる者食う...
- You have to learn to...
- 走る前に、まず歩く...
- Too much zeal spoils...
- 熱中し過ぎて全て...
- Practice makes...
- 習うより...
- Idle folks have the...
- 怠け者がいちばんの...
- Nothing is...
- 何事も小さな仕事に...
- It is more pain to...
- 何かをすることより...
- The writer's job is...
- 作家の仕事は判断する...
- If you must fly, fly...
- 飛ぶしかないなら...
- Little strokes fell...
- 点滴石を...
- No thoroughly...
- 徹底して何かに...
- Delay breeds...
- 遅延は危険を...
- No man can serve two...
- 誰も二人の主人に...
- Who is to bell the...
- 誰が猫の首に鈴を...
- He who hesitates is...
- ためらう者は...
- A great ship asks...
- 大魚は小池に...
- Don't quarrel with...
- 生計の道を...
- True genius lies not...
- 真の天分とは...
- Many people quit...
- 職探しが終われば...
- He that would the...
- 将を射んと欲すれば...
- An idle brain is the...
- 小人閑居して不善を...
- It's the change of...
- 自分の元気の素は...
- He who makes no...
- 何ひとつ間違わない人...
- Money makes the mare...
- 地獄の沙汰も金...
- The end crowns the...
- 仕上げが...
- If money go before...
- 先立つものは...
- Talent wins games...
- 才能は普段の試合を...
- It is a good rule to...
- 困難は生じた時にすぐ...
- Offense is the best...
- 攻撃は最大の...
- Wise men learn by...
- 賢者は他人の過ちから...
- He who laughs on...
- 金曜日に笑う者は...
- Jack of all trades...
- 何でも来いに名人...
- Today's shocks are...
- 今日はびっくりする...
- Manners make the...
- 行儀作法が人を...
- Money comes and...
- 金は天下の...
- Money makes the...
- 金が金を...
- Good swimmers are...
- 河童の川...
- Mind your own...
- 己の頭の蠅を...
- Fine feathers make...
- 馬子にも...
- Better late than...
- 遅くともせぬよりは...
- Who begins many...
- 多くを始める者は...
- You can laugh now...
- 今笑って後で泣くか...
- Cut your coat...
- 衣服は布地に従って...
- There should be two...
- 人生には、世渡りと...
- Do the hard jobs...
- 難しい仕事を先に...
- It is easy when you...
- 人間負けたとなれば...
- Time is...
- 時は...
- Managing is like holding...
- 監督するってことは...
- He's a real nowhere...
- あいつは本当にどこに...
- The question is which...
- 問題はどちらが主人に...
- It is not because...
- 難しいから思い切って...
- A problem is a...
- 難題に出くわしたなら...
- No sweet without...
- 汗をかいた者が甘い物...
- The way to get...
- 始めるための方法は...
- Nothing is...
- 何でも小さな仕事に...
- When I have a tough...
- 工場で大変な仕事が...
- Most of the chance...
- 無駄な動作を省いて...
- I don't think of...
- 仕事は仕事、遊びは...
- Don't do it if you...
- 楽しまないなら...
- The most important...
- コミュニケーションで...
- Time is the scarcest...
- 時間は最も希少な資源...
- Management is doing...
- マネジメントは、事を...
- Empty your cup so...
- 満杯まで注がれても...
- The only way to get...
- 私がいだく恐怖を...
- You could be the...
- 世界最高のごみ収集員...
- Know how to listen...
- 聴き方を知っていれば...
- By working...
- 1日8時間忠実に働けば...
- Yes, ma'am...
- はい、先生...
- I wonder if I take...
- ぼくこの試合を重大に...
- Isn't it nice lying...
- 世の中の心配せずに...
- I feel stupid...
- 雨の中をこんな所に...
- "Z" "I'm awake!!"...
- 「グー」「起きてます...
- Who are all those...
- 車を運転してゆくのは...
- Walter Hagen said...
- ウォルター・ヘイゲン...
- How I Spent My...
- クリスマス休みをどう...
- A dental checkup?...
- 歯の検査? また?!...
- If you don't like...
- 気に入らない事がある...
- To invent, you need...
- 発明には、良質の...
- I never did a day's...
- 私は人生で働いたこと...
- The best thinking...
- 最良の考えは独り...
- That's all any of us...
- 誰だってそう―所詮は...
- Restraint is a great...
- 抑制は、俳優だけで...
- I had no idea of the...
- 私はあのキャラクター...
- Making fun is...
- 面白いことをするのは...
- Simplicity is a...
- 物事を単純にするのは...
- You are not only...
- あなたは自分の言う...
- Simple can be harder...
- 単純であることは複雑...
- Stay hungry. Stay...
- 飢えていなさい。愚か...
- I have no special...
- 私には特別な才能は...
- A bargain is a...
- 約束は...
- The foolish ostrich...
- 頭隠して尻...
- If I don't do it...
- 私がやらねば誰がやる...
- If you don't think...
- 「良過ぎる」と...
- None but the brave...
- 勇者のみが美人に...
- You sometimes have...
- やる気を起こさせる...
- There is a time for...
- 物事にはすべて潮時が...
- There is a time to...
- 物言うべき時と...
- Utilizing one's...
- 昔操った...
- There are two kinds...
- 決して大成しない...
- The style is the man...
- 文は人...
- He that cannot obey...
- 人に従うことが...
- No man can do two...
- 人は二つのことを同時...
- Many hands make...
- 人手が多いと仕事が楽...
- Three removes are as...
- 引越し...
- Trouble is only...
- トラブルとは、作業着...
- The expert at...
- どの道の達人も...
- Like workman, like...
- 道具は職人に...
- Many words will not...
- 多弁能...
- Business before...
- 楽しみの前にまず...
- No living man all...
- 全能の人この世に...
- Necessity knows no...
- 背に腹は...
- Do what you love and...
- 好きなことをやり...
- Play like you play...
- 自分がプレイするよう...
- Drive your business...
- 仕事を操れ、仕事に...
- Let's look at this...
- 今回のことは良い教訓...
- Once a beggar...
- 乞食を三日すれば...
- Desert and reward...
- 功績と褒賞はめったに...
- A stitch in time...
- 今日の一針、明日の...
- Walls have...
- 壁に耳...
- A bell is known by...
- 鐘はその音によって...
- Jack would be a...
- 金があれば馬鹿も...
- Be sure to build on...
- 堅い地盤に家を...
- Lookers-on see most...
- 傍目...
- In little business...
- 大きな安らぎは小さな...
- Great deeds are...
- 大いなる功績は...
- The frog in the well...
- 井の中の蛙大海を...
- Busiest men find the...
- 忙中...
- Strike the iron while...
- 鉄は熱いうちに...
- I cannot afford to...
- 金儲けに時間をつぶす...
- We cannot control the...
- いつ災難に遭うかは運...
- When words leave off...
- 言葉が止むとき...
- A miss is as good as...
- 小過も大過も...
- To catch the wind...
- 無駄骨...
- Never venture out of...
- 敢えて浅瀬を離れる...
- Problems can become...
- 適切な人々が一丸と...
- If someone says can't...
- 誰かが「できぬ」と...
- Inspiration comes of...
- 創造的刺激は、日々の...
- The best carpenter makes...
- 腕のいい大工ほど...
- All work and no play...
- よく学び...
- Buy cheap and waste...
- 安物買いの...
- Creativity is merely...
- 創造性とは、日常の...
- Opportunities are usually...
- 通常、好機はきつい...
- An idea that is not...
- 危険を伴わぬアイデア...
- There is no time...
- 思い立ったが吉日...
- You must learn to be...
- 活動の最中に在っては...
- The day you take...
- 責任逃れをしないと...
- The early bird catches...
- 早起きは三文の得...
- Anyone who stops learning...
- 学ぶことをやめたら...
- By writing you learn...
- 書くことで書ける...
- Easier said than...
- 言うは易く行うは...
- Cool, calm, and...
- 慌てず、騒がず...
- It is never too late...
- 過ちては則ち改むるに...
- I pray hard, work...
- 一生懸命お祈りをし...
- Write what you like...
- 好きなことを書き...
- It's necessary to be...
- もし何か意義深いこと...
- A beginner ought never...
- 初心の人ふたつの矢を...
- Whatever is worth doing...
- なす価値のあることは...
- It's not enough to...
- 忙しいだけでは十分と...
- If you don't have...
- 何かを成し遂げるに...
- It is easier to do a...
- やるべきことをやる...
- Keep your shop and...
- 商い...
- A change is as good...
- 変化を付けることは...
- Roast geese don't come...
- そうは問屋が...
- Don't put the cart...
- 馬の前に荷馬車を...
- Great pains but all...
- 骨折り損の...
- Actors are the jockeys...
- 役者ってのは...
- You can kick the...
- 鞠もかたき所を...
- Without wonder and...
- 「なぜ?」や...
- One of the symptoms...
- ノイローゼの徴候の...
- I've never met a...
- 天才に出会ったこと...
- Iron not used soon...
- 使わぬ鉄はすぐ...
- Doing business without...
- 広告なしでビジネスを...
- Nothing is hard to...
- 好きこそものの...
- In the time of mirth...
- 勝って兜の緒を...
- A career is born in...
- 経歴は人が見ている時...
- Tomorrow today will...
- 明日になれば今日は...
- He that is good...
- 言い訳が上手い奴は...
- Seize the day...
- 今日をつかみ取れ...
- Give me a fish...
- 魚を一尾分けてもらえ...
- When I was a boy...
- 子供の頃は...
- Do not dwell in...
- 過去に生きるな、未来...
- It's kind of fun...
- 不可能なことをする...
- When written in Chinese...
- クライシスという言葉...
- If we were all...
- みんなが第一...
- Musicians don't retire...
- ミュージシャンに...
- Be aware of wonder...
- 不思議さを感じ取り...
- Everybody's got a hungry...
- 誰でも満たされない...
- The wheel is come...
- 元の木阿弥...
- All the world's a...
- この世は全てひとつの...
- Genius is one percent...
- 天才とは、1%の...
- Don't change horses...
- 川中で馬を...
- Rome was not built...
- ローマは一日にして...
- I cannot be satisfied...
- ぼくが数字で満足する...
- A voluntary burden is...
- 我が雪と思へば軽し...
- 80% of the production...
- 生産高の8割が...
- Good horses make short...
- 良い馬との旅は...
- 30. Hopes and Dreams: 希望と夢
- Keep your feet on...
- 星に手を伸ばすあいだ...
- You should follow...
- 夢は追うべきです...
- We will either find...
- 道は見つけるか...
- It is never safe to...
- 不安の目で将来を展望...
- Don't lose your way...
- 道に迷わないで...
- Make hay while the...
- 日の照るうちに干草を...
- Every man is the...
- 人は皆自分の運命の...
- The true worth of a...
- 人の真価はその目指す...
- The best augury of a...
- 人が仕事で成功する...
- One doesn't discover...
- 久しく岸さえ見えぬ...
- There are plenty of...
- 浜辺には他にいくら...
- Hope springs eternal...
- 人間は決して希望を...
- All things are...
- 何でも楽になるまでは...
- I pretended to be...
- 成りたい人物の真似を...
- Sometimes success is...
- 時に成功は才より熱意...
- Whatever limits us...
- どうにもならないこと...
- Many a little makes...
- 塵も積もれば山と...
- Despair makes...
- 絶望は臆病者を勇敢に...
- Once Zhuang Zhou...
- 昔者、荘周、夢に胡蝶...
- The world belongs to...
- 世界は、冷静さを...
- Hearts are the...
- 崇高な理想に応えて...
- The purpose of life...
- 人生の目的は、目的の...
- Suppose I try...
- 人生において何かを...
- If you are not...
- 自分の夢に情熱を...
- You have to know...
- 自分の望むものが...
- He that thinks...
- 自分に限ってと思って...
- Hope for the best...
- 最善を望み最悪に...
- Power should not be...
- これほど少数の手に...
- There is no security...
- この地上で確信できる...
- He ventures too much...
- Opportunity seldom...
- 好機が二度訪れる...
- A consistent man...
- 堅実な人は必然を...
- Hope is such a bait...
- 希望というのは...
- If you don't like it...
- つべこべ...
- Expectation is...
- 名物にうまい物...
- It is a paradoxical...
- 逆説的だが深く真を...
- Thought is...
- 考えを束縛することは...
- Fair words make...
- 空世辞は馬鹿を...
- The net of the...
- 果報は寝て...
- Life is either a...
- 人生とは思い切った...
- I wonder why people...
- 皆さん、どうして...
- He is building a...
- 雲に...
- Throw a sprat to...
- 海老で鯛を...
- It is really important...
- 若者たちにとって...
- Beauty remains, even...
- 美しさは残ります...
- No chance but comes...
- またの機会が必ず...
- The future's not set...
- 未来は定められては...
- The thing you have...
- 覚悟しておかなければ...
- We must always change...
- 絶えず自分を変え...
- Two men look out...
- 二人の人間が同じ...
- Train every day and...
- 日々鍛錬し、いつ来る...
- Man is a goal...
- 人は目標を追い求める...
- I am neither an...
- 楽観論も悲観論も...
- Great minds have...
- 偉人たちには目標が...
- A dream you dream...
- 一人で見る夢はただの...
- Tomorrow is another...
- 明日は明日の...
- A Very Merry...
- 心からメリー...
- Remember that...
- 時に望むものが手に...
- Your work is going...
- 仕事はあなたがたの...
- Sometimes life hits...
- 時に人生はあなたがた...
- You can't connect...
- 未来に目を向けて点と...
- For attractive lips...
- 魅力的な唇のために...
- For beautiful eyes...
- 美しい目のために...
- What if nothing...
- もし何も存在せず...
- He can who thinks he...
- できると思う人は...
- I am always doing...
- 私はいつも自分の...
- Those who aim at...
- 大いなる行いを志す者...
- Our greatest glory...
- 最も輝かしい栄光は...
- Everyone thinks of...
- 世界を変えようと誰も...
- Conscience is the...
- 良心は魂の声、その...
- Dreams are often...
- 夢はしばしば、最も...
- A man should not...
- 人は自分の...
- What saves a man is...
- 人は一歩を踏み出す...
- What are you doing...
- あんたここで何...
- Shane...
- シェーン...
- Okay, Pitcher...
- さあ、ピッチャー...
- All right, Team...
- さあ、みんな...
- Wake up, Sally...
- 起きるんだ、サリー...
- If I am not good to...
- 私自身が私に優しく...
- Hoping for the best...
- 最善への希望を、最悪...
- The three great...
- やる価値のあることを...
- I have not failed...
- 私は失敗していない...
- I should like to...
- できれば皆さんを...
- Swing, little girl...
- 漕げよ、少女よ...
- We must accept...
- 有限の失望は...
- Out of clutter, find...
- 煩雑さの中から簡潔な...
- Tomorrow belongs to...
- 明日という日は、今日...
- Find purpose. The...
- 目的を見つけなさい...
- We can work it out...
- うまくゆくよ...
- Men marry women with...
- 男は女が変わらない...
- Don't look back...
- 振り向くな、さあ...
- A person who never...
- 間違いを犯したことの...
- Somewhere over the...
- 虹の向こうのどこか...
- It is the first step...
- 第一歩こそが...
- Don't dream a dream...
- 夢を見ちゃいけない...
- Ever tried. Ever...
- やることなすこと...
- Courage to start and...
- やり始める勇気と...
- You'll never know...
- 物は...
- If I could reach...
- もっと高く手が届く...
- My mind is...
- 迷いは...
- Necessity is the...
- 必要は発明の...
- If wishes were...
- 願って馬が手に入る...
- The worst enemy of...
- 人間が抱く希望の前に...
- Every path has a...
- どんな道にも水溜まり...
- Some people stay far...
- ドアに近づかない人...
- A door must be...
- ドアは閉まっているか...
- You never know what...
- できるかどうかなんて...
- My father taught me...
- 父が言ってたよ...
- The harder you work...
- 力を尽くせば...
- From small...
- 小さな一歩が大きな...
- Success doesn't come...
- 成功はその手で掴み...
- The successful man...
- 成功する人間は失敗...
- When nothing is sure...
- 全てが不確実なときは...
- The sweaty players...
- 人生というゲームでは...
- Don't forget your...
- 初心忘る...
- 自分の判断だけに頼る...
- No one ever says...
- 自分のチームが勝って...
- The belief that...
- 自分にとって真となる...
- Don't meet trouble...
- 災難を途中まで迎えに...
- Things at the worst...
- 最悪になれば...
- One child, one...
- 一人の子ども、一人の...
- A wise man will make...
- 賢者は機会を見つける...
- Don't just dream...
- 夢はみるものではなく...
- Fancy may kill or...
- 空想は人を生かしも...
- After a storm comes...
- 嵐の後に凪が...
- He who plants a tree...
- 木を植える人は、希望...
- If today will not...
- 今日はだめでも明日が...
- Think today and...
- 今日考えて明日...
- Nothing will ever be...
- 思いつく限りの反論に...
- You shape your own...
- 運命は自分の手で作り...
- Most of the important...
- 今世の中に役立って...
- While there is life...
- 命ある限り希望...
- It's getting better...
- いつだってだんだん...
- You can never be too...
- 一寸先は...
- I must have a heroine...
- 崇拝し、追随し、行動...
- It means your future...
- 未来はまだ白紙って...
- You have to believe...
- 自分を信じなさい...
- If you can dream...
- 夢見ることができる...
- You must be the...
- 世界に求める変化を...
- The beautiful thing...
- 学問が素晴らしいのは...
- Make haste...
- 急いては事を...
- All human wisdom is...
- あらゆる人間の知恵は...
- If my mind can...
- 頭に浮かび、心が...
- By believing passionately...
- 何かの存在を信じ...
- A man has always to...
- 何事にせよ成し遂げ...
- We would accomplish...
- 不可能だと...
- Reality is something...
- 現実とは、踏み越えて...
- There's always something...
- いつだって、何か...
- I was not looking...
- 夢を追い求めることで...
- Kill not the goose...
- 元も子も...
- Imagination will often...
- 想像力はややもすれば...
- The great thing about...
- ロックンロールが...
- Desire torments us and...
- 欲望は苦しみを与え...
- One's eyes are what...
- 目は何者であるかを...
- When you reach for...
- 星に向かって手を...
- We all have ability...
- 能力なら誰にでもある...
- When one door closes...
- 閉ざされた扉があれば...
- You can do anything...
- 情熱があれば、どんな...
- Boys, be...
- 少年よ、大志を...
- Life is what happens...
- あれこれ考えていても...
- Reality can destroy...
- 現実は夢を打ち砕く...
- One day we must...
- 平和とは、単に探し...
- You can't hold a...
- 人を押さえつけて...
- Learn from yesterday...
- 昨日に学び、今日に...
- Hitch your wagon to...
- 自分の荷馬車を星に...
- All or...
- 一か...
- Slow and steady wins...
- 遅くても着実なものが...
- Great people just do...
- 偉人は自分のできる...
- Patient men win the...
- 石の上にも...
- Reality leaves a lot...
- 現実は多くを想像...
- The tragedy of life...
- 人生の悲劇は目標に...
- There is no genius...
- 努力に勝る...
- It's one thing to...
- 才能が有るということ
- A man is not finished...
- 人間はまけた時に...
- Focus on remedies...
- 欠点ではなく...
- Character cannot be...
- 人格の発達は、順風...
- The best way to...
- 未来を予測する一番の...
- An aim in life is...
- 人生の目標は、見出す...
- The wish is father...
- 願っていればそのうち...
- Behind the clouds is...
- 雲の後ろには太陽が...
- The best way to make...
- 夢を実現する最上の策...
- It is better to travel...
- 待つうちが花...
- Every strike brings...
- ストライクを取られる...
- When it is dark...
- 闇が辺りを包む時こそ...
- It is difficult to...
- 不可能なものとは何...
- The charm of fishing...
- 釣りの魅力は、捕まり...
- You see things; and...
- 君たちは既にあるもの...
- Dream as if you'll...
- 永遠に生きるつもりで...
- Ask not what your...
- 国が自分に何をして...
- I'm a slow walker...
- 私の歩みは遅いが...
- We invent what we...
- 人間は、自分の愛する...
- I have a dream...
- 私には夢がある。私の...
- Great oaks from little...
- 樫の大木も始まりは...
- As you think, so...
- 考えていることに応じ...
- Between the idea / And...
- 観念と/実在との間に...
- You can reach the...
- 人は一歩一歩着実に...
- There are more things...
- この天地には君の...
- Once you replace negative...
- 否定的な考えが一度...
- Into each life some...
- 誰の人生にも雨は降る...
- A journey of a...
- 千里の道も...
- 40. Success and Happiness: 成功と幸福
- The only way to...
- 惨めな気持ちを避ける...
- Ill luck is good for...
- 不運も何かの役に...
- Neither be daunted...
- 貧に臆せず、富に...
- Notice the...
- 人が「私は三回失敗...
- It is comparison...
- 比較することで人は幸
- Do not be afraid of...
- 敗北を恐れるな...
- Man is condemned to...
- 人間は自由の刑を宣告...
- To ask pears of an...
- 無い物...
- A strong passion for...
- どんな目的であれ...
- The grass is greener...
- 隣の芝生は青く...
- The right word may...
- 適切に選んだ言葉が...
- Not every man is...
- 誰でも銀のさじを口に...
- In every life we...
- どんな人生にも...
- Never confuse a...
- たった一度の敗北を...
- The highest branch...
- 喬木は風に...
- Success is usually...
- 成功とは一般に、失敗...
- The successful...
- 成功者とは、敗者の...
- All good things come...
- どんなよいことにも...
- Some men succeed by...
- 「知識」で成功する人...
- A good marksman may...
- 上手の手から水が...
- You can go your own...
- 自分の道を行け...
- Failure is the...
- 失敗は、成功を...
- He who fights and...
- 三十六計逃げるに...
- Fortune favors the...
- 幸運は勇者に...
- Striving for success...
- 懸命に働かず成功だけ...
- What exactly is...
- 結局、成功って何...
- Don't cry before you...
- 怪我をしないうちから...
- Better be the head...
- 鶏口となるとも牛後と...
- Yesterday is history...
- 昨日は去る物、明日は...
- Money, like dung...
- 金は、肥やし同様...
- It is good to have...
- 金が有り、金で買える...
- I can think of...
- 思うに、快楽に耽る...
- Remember happiness...
- 覚えておきなさい...
- Ambition is a...
- 大きな望みを抱くのは...
- Eagles don't catch...
- 大いなる人は小事に...
- Pleasure and joy...
- 一炊の...
- Quite paradoxically...
- きわめて逆説的に...
- Success is going from...
- 成功とは、失敗しても...
- Success usually comes...
- 成功はたいてい、成功...
- Success always occurs...
- うまくいく時は人目に...
- When work is a...
- 労働が楽しみなら...
- The only true happiness...
- 唯一無二の幸福は...
- The key to failure...
- 失敗の秘訣は...
- Happiness is the...
- 幸福とは生きている...
- If we had no winter...
- もしも冬がなかったら...
- A single day is...
- たった一日のことで...
- If a free society...
- 自由主義社会で大多数...
- Listen to the red...
- 小豆の声を聴け。時計...
- Conquer yourself...
- 世界ではなく自分を...
- What is not started...
- 今日着手されていない...
- In the country of...
- 鳥無き里の...
- No man is free who...
- 自らを制御できない人...
- He that is sure is...
- 安心している者は...
- There are simply two...
- 音楽には二種類しか...
- There is joy in work...
- 仕事の中に喜びがある...
- It's fine to...
- 成功を祝うのは結構だ...
- I can accept failure...
- 失敗は受け入れられる...
- I've missed more...
- 今までに9000回以上...
- While money can't...
- お金は幸福を買えない...
- Showing off is the...
- 見せびらかすのは...
- Be happy, but never...
- 幸せであれ、だが...
- It's hard to be...
- 私くらい偉大になると...
- To make no mistakes...
- 間違いを犯さないこと...
- I count him braver...
- 私は自分の敵を征服...
- It is easy in the...
- 世の意見に従って...
- To be yourself in a...
- 絶えずあなたを何か他...
- Happiness does not...
- 幸福は幸福の中には...
- Gratitude is a duty...
- 感謝は支払われるべき...
- Yes, ma'am.. it's...
- はい、先生‥それって...
- What do you do when...
- 人生が不公平だって...
- Hey, Marcie! It's a...
- ヘイ! マーシー!...
- Hey, Manager, it's...
- ちょっと、監督、今日...
- I think you're...
- きみは幸せになるのを...
- I have a question...
- ひとつ質問があるの...
- Nothing can dim the...
- 内側から輝く光を...
- Our greatest...
- 私たちの最大の弱点は...
- Many of life's...
- 人生に失敗した人の...
- There is nothing...
- ものの良し悪しは...
- People miss...
- 人々は誤った価値観の...
- The saddest thing I...
- 私の想像し得る最も...
- Life can be...
- 人生は...
- Happiness in...
- 知的な人々の中に幸福...
- Some guys have all...
- 運のいい奴がいる...
- There is no path to...
- 平和への道は...
- There is more to...
- スピードアップする...
- Let us not use bombs...
- 世の中を乗り切るのに...
- I look up at the sky...
- 上を向いて歩こう...
- A good name is...
- 名声は、手に入れる時...
- A merry heart goes...
- 心が陽気であれば...
- We often discover...
- 我々はしばしば...
- Laugh and the world...
- 笑えば人も一緒に笑う...
- It is never a bad...
- 安らかな夜を...
- The fame outruns the...
- 名声は一人歩き...
- Fame is the penalty...
- 名声は成功の報いで...
- The Tao [Way] that...
- 道[タオ]の道と...
- There is no greater...
- 惨めな気持ちでいる...
- Discontent is the...
- 不満は進歩の...
- All fear is...
- 不安は総て心の...
- First come, first...
- 早い者...
- Pudding before...
- 花より...
- He is ready to leap...
- 破竹の...
- We are never so...
- 人間は決して...
- It cannot be too...
- 何度でも言うが...
- But remember how you...
- けど87日間一匹も...
- He was wise enough...
- いつであれ、どこで
- Accidents will occur...
- 出物腫れ物所...
- 手に入れることより...
- One hath more ado to...
- Every dog has his...
- 誰にも得意な時が...
- Success depends on...
- 成否は時の...
- One's home is one's...
- 住めば...
- Everything is as it...
- すべては気の...
- Don't put all your...
- 全ての卵を一つの籠に...
- There is a remedy...
- すべてに救いがある...
- Those who live in...
- 脛に疵を持つ身は...
- Failure teaches...
- 失敗は成功の...
- The fowler is caught...
- 自縄...
- Nothing is easier...
- 自己欺瞞ほど安易な道...
- The third time pays...
- 三度目の...
- He laughs best who...
- 最後に笑う者が最も...
- No weal without...
- 幸があれば不幸も...
- Luck is a matter of...
- 幸運とは、準備して...
- The art of being...
- 賢明になる術とは...
- Health is the thing...
- 健康とは、今が一年で...
- Never is a really...
- 「決して」というのは...
- Bridle passions and...
- 感情の手綱を締めよ...
- Diligence is the...
- 勤勉は成功の...
- Adversity reveals...
- 逆境は才能を開花させ...
- Much coin, much...
- 金多ければ、気がかり...
- All is well that...
- 終わりよければすべて...
- Pride will have a...
- 驕れる者...
- Whenever you see a...
- いつの時代に成功した...
- I have always felt...
- 常々思ってたこと...
- There's no substitute...
- 勤勉に代わる...
- The more you get...
- 隴を得て蜀を...
- Success is peace of...
- 成功とは、成り得る...
- It is not miserable...
- 盲目が惨めなのでは...
- Wealth is not his...
- 富とはそれを持つ人間...
- If you cannot find...
- 平安とは心の内に...
- Where there is a...
- 為せば成る、為さねば...
- What is done can't...
- 後悔先に立たず...
- Until you've lost your...
- 名声を失うまでは...
- Each day provides...
- 一日一日が、それ自身...
- Everybody had a hard...
- みんな辛いときも...
- The common idea that...
- 成功することで、人は...
- Never believe straight...
- 人の不幸を決して...
- Venture not all in...
- 船一隻に全てを...
- Laughter is the best...
- 笑いは最良の...
- Good comes out of...
- 禍を転じて...
- Of course there is...
- 無論、成功するための...
- They are able because...
- 出来ると思えば...
- The key to everything...
- 全ての鍵は忍耐に...
- Every man is enthusiastic...
- 何かに熱中する時は...
- The awareness of the...
- (最低の失敗と同様)...
- A human being is...
- 魅力的な人というのは...
- Those who dare to...
- 思い切って悲惨な失敗...
- The only real mistake...
- 間違いなく間違い...
- Good feeding before...
- 衣食足りて...
- Trade which, without...
- いかなる二地域間に...
- An attempt is sometimes...
- 案ずるより...
- Let the world know...
- 在るがままのあなたを...
- To have money is a...
- あっても苦労...
- Winter must be cold...
- あたたかい想い出の...
- A bird in the hand...
- 明日の百より...
- Our business in this...
- この世での我々の務め...
- The only cure for...
- 悲しみを治療する薬は...
- The probability of success...
- 成功の確率が...
- The art of living...
- 生きる術は、特定の...
- Variety is the spice...
- いろいろあるのも人生...
- Kill two birds with...
- 一石...
- There is no secret...
- 辛い仕事に堪え「幸運...
- Today we sing tomorrow...
- 楽あれば...
- For all sad words of...
- 口から出る、あるいは...
- Wine in the bottle...
- 絵に描いた...
- There is no place...
- 我が家にまさる...
- To get profit without...
- リスクのない利益...
- A mistake is simply...
- 間違いとは単に、ある...
- Real happiness comes...
- 本当の幸福は、自己の...
- The only place where...
- 成功が努力より先に...
- I was raised to...
- 周りの期待を...
- The greatest happiness you...
- 最上の幸福は、幸福で...
- What's the good of...
- 宝の持ち腐れ...
- Early to bed and...
- 早寝早起きは人を...
- You can't build a...
- 「これからやる」こと...
- In a minute there...
- 一瞬のうちに時間が...
- Happiness is a warm...
- 幸せはあたたかい...
- If you're happy and...
- 幸せなら手をたたこう...
- Because a fellow has...
- 人が一度や二度...
- Happiness is a very...
- 幸福とは、小さな...
- In the life of...
- 一人一人の人生の中に...
- Happiness is when what...
- 幸福とは、頭で考えて...
- When one's expectations are...
- 期待値がゼロまで...
- The web of our...
- 人生という織物は...
- I am not discouraged...
- 私は失望しない...
- If you limit your...
- 人生における自分の...
- No-one on earth...
- こんな気持ち、誰に...
- Learn to love broadly...
- 広く、深く、一心に...
- A bird in hand...
- 手の中の鳥には...
- X plus Y plus...
- X+Y+Z=成功、で...
- 00. Life and Death: 生と死
- Quotes by Subject 50-99 Knowledge...Misc: 主題別名言「知識...雑題」
- 50. Knowledge and Wisdom: 知識と知恵
- There is no such...
- この世にあるもので...
- I never lose. I...
- 私は決して負けない...
- You should be a king...
- 自らの言葉の支配者...
- You are never too...
- 学ぶのに遅すぎること...
- Night gives...
- 夜は熟慮の...
- Say well or be...
- 下手に...
- Waste not, want...
- 不用の品を...
- Men are blind in...
- 人は信ずるものには...
- One man's fault is...
- 人のふり見て我がふり...
- A good beginning...
- 始め良ければ終わり...
- He that knows little...
- 馬鹿の一つ...
- I have always known...
- 人間についてはずっと...
- I like to listen. I...
- 私は聴くことが好きだ...
- Trouble brings...
- トラブルは経験を...
- There are faults on...
- どっちも...
- One must draw the...
- どこかに区切りを...
- Repeated reading...
- 読書百遍義自ずから...
- The only means of...
- 知性を強化する唯一の...
- Wisdom doesn't...
- 智者、必ずしも古典語...
- In youth we learn...
- 青年は教わり、老いて...
- In fair weather...
- 晴天のうちに荒天に...
- A great truth is a...
- 優れた真理は、その逆...
- The most difficult...
- 人生で最も難しいこと...
- Common sense in an...
- 常識が非常識な度合い...
- He that corrects not...
- 小過を正さぬ者、大過...
- Freedom is just...
- 自由とは換言すれば...
- Two heads are better...
- 三人寄れば文殊の...
- To know the worst is...
- 最悪を知るのは善い...
- Fools are wise after...
- 下種の...
- Experience is the...
- 経験は知恵の...
- An emotional...
- 感情に基づく決断は...
- Experience without...
- 机上の...
- Carrying knowledge...
- 温故...
- No wisdom to...
- 言わぬが...
- All are not thieves...
- 犬が吠えるからと...
- Knowledge without practice...
- 知識は実践され...
- History (always)...
- 二度あることは...
- I confess myself to...
- 白状するが私自身...
- Look if you like...
- 見るのもよいが...
- It surprises me how...
- 物質とは、空間とは...
- April showers bring...
- 四月の雨は五月の花を...
- Knowledge comes, but...
- 知識はすぐ手に入るが...
- It is not the answer...
- 教え導くのは「答え」...
- The more I learn...
- 知れば知るほど無知を...
- People often say...
- 人々はしばしば、この...
- The greater our...
- 知れば知るほど、無知...
- Liberty without...
- 自由があっても学びが...
- The past can hurt...
- 過去が痛みを伴うこと...
- If a problem is...
- 問題が修正可能で...
- Knowing is not...
- 知識だけでは不十分...
- Employ your time in...
- 他の人が書いたものに...
- I know nothing...
- 私は自分が無知だと...
- The only true wisdom...
- 唯一の真の知恵は...
- I cannot remember...
- 今までに読んできた...
- Wise men speak...
- 賢明な人が話すのは...
- We can know only...
- 私たちが知ることの...
- The less men think...
- 考えることが少ない人...
- People who know...
- 少ししか知らない人は...
- Men are wise in...
- 人間の賢さは...
- Education: the path...
- 教育:うぬぼれた無知...
- As we know, there...
- 知ってのとおり...
- The secret to life...
- 人生の秘訣は、自分で...
- Then you shall judge...
- では、自分自身を裁く...
- We cannot solve our...
- 問題が生じたときと...
- Don't blame me!...
- 私のせいにしないで!...
- We're supposed to be...
- 『カラマーゾフの兄弟...
- I've learned that I...
- 私にはまだ学ぶべき...
- I've learned that...
- 私が学んだのは、人々...
- Intelligence is an...
- 知性は進化の偶然で...
- The saddest aspect...
- 今の世の中で一番...
- Better a witty fool...
- 愚かな利口者よりも...
- The fool doth think...
- 愚者は自分を賢人と...
- That which is...
- 明らかなことは終わる...
- If you have an apple...
- あなたと私にりんごが...
- The deeper the truth...
- 創造的作品に...
- I suppose that's one...
- 思うにそれこそ人生の...
- An individual has...
- 人は、個人に関わる...
- A man is but the...
- 人は自身の思考の産物...
- It is unwise to be...
- 自分の持つ知恵を過信...
- If you can't...
- 6歳の子供に説明...
- That men do not...
- 人が歴史の教訓から...
- By the little is...
- わずかの事で多くが...
- A mere scholar, a...
- 論語読みの論語...
- The man who doesn't...
- 良書を読まぬ者は...
- Nothing is so...
- 予期せぬことほど...
- If the counsel be...
- 良い助言なら誰の助言...
- He that knows...
- 無知な者は疑うことを...
- You may be wrong...
- 間違っていると思う...
- A man cannot be...
- 人から学識を奪い去る...
- Man errs so long as...
- 人が懸命に努力する...
- No sunshine but has...
- 日が差せば必ず影も...
- He that runs fast...
- 速く走る者は長く...
- We'll cross that...
- 橋に来れば橋を...
- Be faithful to...
- 汝自身に忠実で...
- A little learning is...
- 生兵法は大怪我のもと...
- Silence gives...
- 沈黙は承諾の...
- Reason respects...
- 知力は事物の相違点を...
- The wise learn many...
- 智者は敵から多くを...
- When a man's...
- 知識が増えても頭の中...
- Look on both sides...
- 盾の両面を...
- Today is the scholar...
- 前事の忘れざるは後事...
- Live within...
- 指針に従って...
- Clear water breeds...
- 水清ければ魚...
- Care killed the...
- 心配は身の...
- The greatest talkers...
- 知る者は言わず、言う...
- Deliberate in...
- 熟慮...
- I found out drama...
- 自分を脱け出て他人の...
- Think like a man of...
- 実践家の如く思考し...
- The bait hides the...
- 衣の下の...
- The height of...
- この上なく利口な人間...
- Too much taking heed...
- 凝っては思案に...
- Experience teaches...
- 経験は愚者の...
- Experience keeps a...
- 経験は高くつく学校だ...
- Nothing is a waste...
- 経験が知恵を以って...
- What the fool does...
- 愚人が最後にすること...
- Nothing is lost for...
- 訊いて失うものは...
- Adversities will...
- 艱難汝を玉に...
- Soon learned soon...
- 簡単に覚えたことは...
- Nothing is well said...
- 感情的になっても良い...
- Sense comes with...
- 亀の甲より年の...
- There is no royal...
- 学問に王道...
- The more faithfully...
- 己の内部の声に...
- No fish is caught...
- 同じ手は...
- Teaching is...
- 教えることは...
- By wisdom peace, by...
- 英知は平和を生み...
- He looks only at...
- 一を知って二を...
- Neither man nor woman...
- 男も女も、愚か者の...
- Never too old to...
- 勉学するのに年を...
- Fear the worst; the...
- 備えあれば...
- Of everything, too much...
- 薬も過ぐれば...
- He knows the universe...
- 宇宙を知るも、自身を...
- Willows are weak, yet...
- 柳に雪折れ...
- A real book is not...
- 本物の書物は、私たち...
- Learning without thought...
- 学びて思わざれば則ち...
- The important thing...
- 大切な事は、負ける...
- There's always a bigger...
- いつだってもっと...
- The intelligent man...
- 知識人はほとんど全て...
- Plowing the sand...
- 糠に釘...
- If a man deceives me...
- 一度だましたら...
- Everyone who exalts...
- 誰であれ、自らを高く...
- The equinox brings on...
- 暑さ寒さも...
- A red sun hath water...
- 朝焼けは...
- If you know the...
- 彼を知り己を知れば...
- An idealist is one...
- 理想主義者とはバラが...
- It is no use crying...
- 覆水盆に...
- A room without books...
- 本のない部屋は、魂の...
- Age brings...
- 歳を取るにしたがって...
- Too much is as bad...
- 過ぎたるは猶...
- Look before you leap...
- 転ばぬ先の杖...
- Ask, and it shall...
- 求めよ、さらば与え...
- Words are flowing out...
- 言葉は、紙コップに...
- A wise man, recognizing...
- 智慧ある者は、この世...
- Knowledge is proud that...
- 知識は「これほど...
- I can't stop wondering...
- 私は不思議で...
- Still waters run...
- 能ある鷹は爪を隠す...
- Say not always what...
- 自分の知っていることを...
- A word is enough...
- 一を聞いて...
- A straw shows which...
- 一葉落ちて...
- The proper plan for...
- 一年の計、穀を樹うる...
- Never bear more than...
- 一度に思い煩うことは...
- Every shoe fits not...
- 合わぬ蓋あれば...
- When I find myself...
- 困っているとき、聖母...
- We are just an...
- 私たち人間は...
- A man is known by...
- 人はその保たれる...
- Deep rivers move in...
- 浅瀬に...
- Learning makes the wise...
- 学問は賢者をさらなる...
- If you want to know...
- 梨の実の味が知りたい...
- Our knowledge is a...
- 人間の知識など、未知...
- Knowledge is...
- 知は...
- Know...
- 汝自身を...
- A book of quotations...
- 名言集は決して...
- That is what learning...
- それが「学ぶ」という...
- First think and then...
- 口に出す前にまず...
- No man is born...
- 生まれながらの...
- Many a true word is...
- 嘘から出た...
- I not only use all...
- 私は、自分の頭は...
- The proof of the...
- 論より...
- Danger comes soonest...
- 油断大敵...
- Flexibility is...
- 柔能く剛を...
- You can't learn to...
- 本を読んでも...
- Let sleeping dogs...
- 寝ている子を...
- If you run after two...
- 二兎を追うものは...
- The philosophers have...
- 哲学者たちは...
- My Very Earnest Mother...
- 水金地火木...
- As a rule, men worry...
- 概して人は、見える...
- Look twice before you...
- 跳ぶ前に、今一度よく...
- If anyone fancies he...
- もし人が自分は何か...
- Man is no more...
- 人間は一本の葦に...
- What is form that...
- 色即是空、空即是色...
- Speech is silver; silence...
- 雄弁は銀、沈黙は...
- Be able to be alone...
- 孤独に耐えよ。独りで...
- You can tell whether...
- 利口かどうかはその...
- You cannot teach a...
- ものを教えることなど...
- Ask a question and...
- 聞くは一時の恥...
- Zeal without knowledge...
- 下手の横好き...
- Read first the best...
- 最良の本を最初に...
- Never to repent and...
- 決して後悔しないこと...
- The larger the island...
- 知識という名の島が...
- 60. Virtue and Vice: 美徳と悪徳
- Peace cannot be kept...
- 平和は力では維持...
- Everyone has their...
- 誰にでも、それぞれの...
- A good tale ill told...
- 丸い卵も切りようで...
- Praise makes good...
- 褒めれば、善人はより...
- Too much praise is a...
- 褒め...
- The shortest answer...
- 不言...
- They that think none...
- 人を見たら泥棒と...
- The shepherd always...
- 羊飼いはいつだって...
- To strip the wolf of...
- 化けの皮が...
- Patience is the best...
- 忍耐はあらゆる悩みに...
- So far, about morals...
- これまでのところ...
- Of two evils choose...
- どのみち迷惑なら迷惑...
- Whatever side I take...
- どちら側を支持しよう...
- Poison drives out...
- 毒を以て毒を...
- Beware of Greeks...
- 贈り物を持ってきた...
- Every man has the...
- 長所と見えるところに...
- One should examine...
- 他人を批判する前に...
- The more, the...
- 多多益益...
- A poet can write...
- 龍退治をする者は詩に...
- Every extremity is a...
- すべての極端は悪徳...
- Truth will...
- 真相はやがて...
- The command of...
- 習慣の支配力は...
- A leader is someone...
- 指導者とは、人々の...
- Let not your tongue...
- 舌の剣は命を...
- As the touchstone...
- 試金石が金を試す...
- Children have never...
- 子供は年長者の言う...
- Words hurt more than...
- 言葉は剣以上に人を...
- One man's meat is...
- 甲の薬は乙の...
- Power...
- 権力は...
- Battles cost both...
- ケンカではどちらも...
- People who have no...
- 欠点が全くない人々は...
- Freedom is not...
- 自由は自由には手に...
- Money is a good...
- 金は良き召し使い...
- Every miller draws...
- 我田...
- The mad dog bites...
- 飼い犬に手を...
- Any father whose son...
- 親に拳を振り上げる...
- One ill word asks...
- 売り言葉に買い...
- The devil is not so...
- 噂ほどには悪くはない...
- Once a thief, always...
- 一回盗めば、一生...
- Poverty of goods is...
- 物の貧しさはたやすく...
- He plants the stolen...
- 濡れ衣を...
- One lie calls for...
- 嘘が嘘を...
- Our business in life...
- 我々が生きていく中で...
- As I grow older, I...
- 年をとるにつれ、人々...
- The only thing we...
- われわれが唯一恐れ...
- Think of all the...
- あなたの周りにまだ...
- We can often do...
- 多くの場合、自分自身...
- When we see persons...
- 賢を見ては斉しからん...
- The boughs that bear...
- 実るほど頭を垂れる...
- There is no man so...
- いかなる悪人でも...
- The right to do...
- あることをする正当な...
- A fault confessed is...
- 過ちは告白された段階...
- A cheerful look makes...
- 明るい笑顔は一皿を...
- It takes two to make...
- 相手のいない喧嘩は...
- The pleasures of the...
- 一将功成りて...
- Do what you feel in...
- 心の中で正しいと...
- Courage is what it...
- 勇気は、立ち上がって...
- Laziness is nothing...
- 怠惰とは疲れぬうちの...
- Mankind must put an...
- 人類は戦争に終止符を...
- Every day People...
- 毎日世人は、髪を...
- Only the gentle are...
- 優しさこそ、本当の...
- This is the mark of...
- これが本当に立派な人...
- Service to others is...
- 他者への奉仕は、この...
- Envy is the ulcer of...
- 妬みは魂の...
- Shame is an ornament...
- 若いうちの恥は名誉な...
- Anybody can become...
- 誰でも怒ることは...
- The first and best...
- 最優先かつ最重要の...
- Beauty! I can't...
- 美よ! 知性も感性も...
- To become truly...
- 真に偉大になるために...
- Falsehood flies, and...
- 虚偽が飛び去った後で...
- Courage is...
- 勇気とは恐れへの抵抗...
- The best way to...
- 自分を元気づける一番...
- It's now or...
- 今しか...
- The world will not...
- 世界を滅ぼすのは...
- Psst, sir.. Wake up!...
- ちょっと‥起きて...
- Gramma says when you...
- おばあちゃんが言う...
- I have found that...
- 私が気づいたのは...
- Hate, it has caused...
- 憎しみ、それによって...
- There is no greater...
- 胸の内に秘められた...
- When you learn...
- 学んだら、教える...
- We think too much...
- 私たちは考えることが...
- Perhaps the worst...
- もしかしたら、人生で...
- When you are right...
- 正しいとき、急進的に...
- In a sense every day...
- ある意味では、毎日が...
- True peace is not...
- 真の平和とは、単に...
- Never think that war...
- 必要性や正当性が...
- An eye for eye only...
- 目には目を、では結局...
- You must not lose...
- 人類全体への信頼を...
- The weak can never...
- 弱い者は決して...
- The value of a man...
- 人間の価値は、その人...
- There is nothing so...
- 人知れず善いことを...
- Ignorance...
- 無知、不寛容、利己...
- Conscience makes...
- 良心は人を臆病に...
- It is not enough to...
- 立派な考えを持って...
- Nothing so good but...
- 良い物には、悪用...
- Abundance, like want...
- 豊かさは、貧しさ同様...
- If men were angels...
- 人々が天使だったなら...
- Handsome is that...
- 見目より...
- Never trust a man...
- 褒めてばかりいる男を...
- To rob Peter to pay...
- 人の褌で相撲を...
- Near is my shirt...
- 身より可愛いものは...
- News, like a...
- 人の噂は倍に...
- Gossiping and lying...
- 話半分...
- The more things a...
- 恥を知ればそれだけ...
- Last but not...
- 残り物には福が...
- One good turn...
- 情けは人の為...
- Over shoes, over...
- 毒を食らわば皿...
- Other times, other...
- 時が変われば風俗も...
- Nothing that is...
- 道徳的に見て間違って...
- First and foremost...
- いの一番に私たち自身...
- A rolling stone...
- 転石に苔...
- No man can have...
- 誰からも善く言われる...
- The great masses of...
- 大衆は小さな嘘より...
- In character, in...
- 性格において、物腰に...
- All covet all...
- すべてを欲すると...
- A little help is...
- 同情するなら少しでも...
- Discretion is the...
- 思慮は勇気の...
- Honesty is the best...
- 正直は一生の...
- Set a thief to catch...
- 蛇の道は...
- The play's the thing...
- 芝居こそずばり...
- Dead men tell no...
- 死人に口...
- I just want to say...
- これだけは言わせて...
- Children should be...
- 子供はその場にいても...
- All is fair in love...
- 恋と戦争では何でも...
- Wise men have their...
- 賢者の口は心にあり...
- Authority shows what...
- 権威を持てば人柄が...
- The more noble the...
- 気高い人ほど謙虚な...
- I checked all the...
- 記録に残っている史実...
- None so deaf as...
- 聞こうとしない者ほど...
- Gratitude is the...
- 感謝の気持ちを表わす...
- The tree doth not...
- 木は木こりにさえ...
- Might is...
- 勝てば官軍...
- Like for...
- 恩には恩...
- The three signs of...
- 立派な人間の三つの標...
- No rose without a...
- 綺麗な薔薇には...
- Caesar's wife must be...
- シーザーの妻は疑惑を...
- An eye for an...
- 目には目を、歯には...
- When we remember we...
- 人間は誰もかも頭が...
- Try not to become...
- 金のある人間になる...
- The best portion of...
- 善い人が一生涯に積む...
- Malice hurts itself...
- 悪心で一番傷つくのは...
- Ill gotten, ill...
- 悪銭身に...
- A man always has two...
- 人間のやることには...
- When any creativity...
- 創造性がいかにあろう...
- Remember that a government...
- 望む物全てを与える力...
- A cat may look...
- 猫でも王様を...
- One hates not the...
- 罪を憎んで...
- A wise man changes...
- 君子は...
- Show me a liar, and...
- 嘘つきは泥棒の...
- You cannot make a...
- 手を汚さずに、革命...
- When in Rome, do as...
- 郷に入れば郷に従え...
- Call a spade...
- 鋤は鋤と...
- He that falls today...
- 七転び八起き...
- The greatest happiness of...
- 最大多数の最大幸福...
- And thou...
- ブルータス...
- Preparation for war...
- 軍備は、不信感と敵意...
- They that can give...
- 小さな一時的安全の...
- Government of the people...
- 人民の、人民による...
- The most important thing...
- 父親が子供たちにして...
- Intense feeling too...
- 激しい感情が真実を...
- Though this be madness...
- 気違いかも知れぬが...
- Fair is foul and...
- 公正が不正で不正が...
- Only two things are...
- 果てしないものが二つ...
- We can easily forgive...
- 闇を怖がる子供は...
- History is a people's...
- 歴史は民の記憶...
- Kind words can be...
- 優しい言葉は短く...
- One of the basic...
- 今日の世界が抱える...
- Bad money drives out...
- 悪貨は良貨を...
- Better be a fool...
- 悪党になるより...
- Ill news has...
- 悪事千里を...
- If a rich man is...
- 富者が財を誇っても...
- The supply of words...
- 世界市場に於ける言葉...
- He who is the most...
- 軽々しく約束しない人...
- Virtue is its own...
- 美徳は、それ自体が...
- First deserve and...
- 望む前に、望ましい...
- There is a time to...
- 慎むべき時と...
- Two blacks do not...
- 黒に黒を重ねても...
- I have made mistakes...
- 私は数々の過ちを...
- In my youth I...
- 若い頃「自由」に...
- Writing good editorials...
- 良い論説を書く...
- Courage is doing what...
- 勇気とは恐怖に...
- Never hesitate to steal...
- 名案を盗むに...
- Barking dogs seldom...
- 吠え立てる犬は...
- A bad workman (always)...
- 弘法は筆を...
- Don't drink and...
- 飲んだら乗るな...
- That's water under...
- 過ぎたことは水に...
- (What is courage?)...
- (勇気とは何か?)...
- You can only be...
- 若い時は一度しかない...
- It is only one step...
- 素晴らしいものも...
- If we don't believe...
- もし、自分たちが軽蔑...
- Don't find fault; find...
- 糾弾するな...
- The object of government...
- 平時戦時を問わず...
- The old law of...
- 目には目をという旧法...
- Everyone is a moon...
- 誰もが月、決して...
- (Yes...) I can't believe...
- (そう…)今日の...
- Although the world is...
- 世界は苦難に満ちて...
- The most pathetic person...
- 世の中で一番哀れな人...
- We who lived in...
- 強制収容所に生きた...
- Ye must leave righteous...
- 邪なる道は言うに...
- 70. Wit and Humor: ウィットとユーモア
- Be who you are and...
- ありのままの自分で...
- The biter is...
- ミイラ取りがミイラに...
- A professional...
- プロの作家とは書く...
- A wonder lasts but...
- 人の噂も...
- The butcher looked...
- 肉屋さん、ナイフ...
- Every fish that...
- 逃がした魚は...
- That which was...
- 苦い思いで耐え忍んだ...
- (It is) Six of one...
- 団栗の背...
- Don't count your...
- 取らぬ狸の...
- Nothing is original...
- 独創など存在しない...
- At the foot of the...
- 灯台下...
- All his geese are...
- 手前...
- Fish and guests...
- 珍客も三日目には...
- Here is the test to...
- 地球での任務完了を...
- Seldom sick sore...
- たまの病気がひどい...
- You cannot eat your...
- 食べたケーキは後に...
- Great minds discuss...
- 大人は為す方法を論じ...
- The mountains have...
- 大山鳴動して鼠...
- Too many cooks spoil...
- 船頭多くして船山に...
- Give me a...
- 洗濯物のリストが...
- Hunger is the best...
- すき腹にまずいもの...
- Life is something...
- 人生はラッパの如し...
- The best of men are...
- 至高の人間もしょせん...
- Never let anyone see...
- 財布の底と腹の底は...
- Now take a good look...
- さあ、よくご覧なさい...
- "A classic":
- 「古典」: 誰もが
- What is mind? No...
- 心とは?たいした...
- Down corn, down...
- コーンなに...
- Experience is a...
- 経験は大きな...
- There is only one...
- 経験から学ぶ以上に...
- Two dogs strive for...
- 漁夫の...
- One of the greatest...
- 今日の労力を最大限...
- Everybody's business...
- 共同責任は...
- There are three...
- 記憶には三種類ある...
- Creditors have...
- 貸し物覚えの借り物...
- Some are wise and...
- 聡明な人もいれば...
- Three women make a...
- 女三人寄れば...
- The customer is...
- お客様は神様...
- When the age is in...
- 老いを迎えると知力が...
- Wit is the...
- ウィットとは、予期...
- When you take stuff...
- 一人の文筆家の文を...
- The hand that rocks...
- ゆりかごをゆする手は...
- If you don't learn...
- トラブルを笑い...
- Death is nothing to...
- 死は、我々にとっては...
- I have noticed that...
- 全てが運命づけられて...
- Primitive life is...
- 原始的生命はとても...
- Life would be tragic...
- 面白くなかったら...
- When everyone is in...
- 誰もがまちがって...
- A man's walking is...
- 人が歩くことは...
- I never think of...
- 未来について思うこと...
- I'm sure I'll take...
- 喜んでお前を召し抱え...
- The airplane stays up...
- 飛行機が落ちないのは...
- Penny wise, (and)...
- 一文惜しみの...
- A burnt child dreads...
- 羹に懲りて...
- A new broom sweeps...
- 新しい箒はよく...
- If everything seems...
- もし何もかも上手く...
- There is only one...
- 噂されるより悪いこと...
- It's so simple to be...
- 賢明でいるのは...
- Chop your own wood...
- 薪は自分で割れ...
- A gentleman will not...
- 紳士なら私を侮辱...
- Look your best - who...
- 身なりを整えなさい...
- Women like a man...
- 女は過去(に何か)を...
- When I'm good, I'm...
- 私って良い子のときは...
- Good girls go to...
- 良い女の子は天国に...
- Confidence is what...
- 自信とは、問題点を...
- A black cat crossing...
- 行く手を横切る黒猫が...
- I sent the club a...
- 私はそのクラブに...
- A day without...
- 笑いのない一日は...
- My way of joking is...
- 私流のジョークとは...
- Quitting smoking is...
- 禁煙は簡単だ、もう...
- If you don't read...
- 新聞を読まなければ...
- I'm not denyin' the...
- 女が愚かなことを私は...
- Reading is actually...
- 読書っていうのは冒険...
- Just remember, the...
- 覚えとけよ、選手が...
- I have a great fear...
- ぼく退屈な奴だと...
- Z...
- グー...
- Do pretty girls know...
- かわいい女の子は自分...
- You think you can...
- あなたは毎朝、笑顔で...
- In the book of life...
- 人生という本には...
- Sometimes I wonder...
- 時々あなたは...
- I've learned that...
- 学んだこと、それは...
- Common sense is the...
- 常識は、18歳までに...
- If my doctor told me...
- 医者から余命6分と...
- Humor is kindly. Wit...
- ユーモアには優しさが...
- Laughter is very...
- 笑いは涙に非常に近く...
- My pain may be the...
- 私の痛みが誰かの笑い...
- To truly laugh, you...
- 心から笑うためには...
- I always like...
- いつだって雨の中を...
- Life is a tragedy...
- 人生は近づいて大映し...
- Gravitation is not...
- 人が恋に落ちるのは...
- The golden rule is...
- ゴールデン・ルールが...
- Marriage is the lack...
- 結婚は判断力の欠如...
- If you have charm...
- あなたに魅力があれば...
- There is nothing in...
- この世で変わらない...
- A clear conscience...
- 潔白な心は記憶力悪化...
- Like pot, like...
- 破れ鍋に...
- I would if I could...
- やれたらやるけど...
- The best thing about...
- 未来に関して一番...
- You have two ears...
- 皆さんには二つの耳と...
- No one is listening...
- ミスした時に限って...
- I'm a rock star...
- 僕はロック・スターさ...
- Poverty wants some...
- 貧乏な人にはいくつか...
- Poverty dulls the...
- 貧すれば...
- Finding is...
- 拾い物は...
- To avoid criticism...
- 批判されるのが嫌なら...
- Where there is smoke...
- 火の無い所に煙は...
- People will accept...
- ベンジャミン...
- Toothache tends to...
- 歯が痛みだすのは...
- Of two disputants...
- 二者の論争では、より...
- Ill weeds grow...
- 憎まれっ子世に...
- (It's) Like fanning...
- 二階から...
- A sharp tongue is...
- 毒舌はふるえばふるう...
- Too much pudding...
- 腸詰を食わせすぎれば...
- Learn from the...
- 他人の間違いに...
- To cast water into...
- 高みに土...
- Expecting the world...
- 善良なこの自分が世間...
- A politician thinks...
- 政治屋は次の選挙の...
- One thing about...
- 成功したことで一つ...
- Don't ask the barber...
- 散髪の必要性を床屋に...
- When ale is in, wit...
- 酒が入ると理性が出て...
- Want of wit is worse...
- 才不足は財不足より...
- A light purse makes...
- 財布が軽けりゃ心が...
- It is nice to know...
- コンピュータに問題が...
- "A classic": a book...
- 「古典」: 賞賛...
- One man's trash is...
- 甲の塵は乙の...
- By the time you wish...
- 孝行のしたい時分に...
- The squeaky wheel...
- きしむ車輪に油が...
- Empty vessels make...
- からの入れものは一番...
- Everyone is kin to...
- 金持ちに縁者...
- Money is the poor...
- 金は貧しい人の...
- Having an itch that...
- 隔靴...
- It is an ill wind...
- 風がふけば桶屋が...
- Without wisdom...
- 賢さを、欠いた金には...
- Out of debt, out of...
- 負い目なければ...
- To love cake rather...
- 色気より...
- When the cat is away...
- 鬼の居ぬ間に...
- If the nose of...
- クレオパトラの鼻が...
- The pot calls the...
- 目糞鼻糞を...
- It is after you have...
- ステーキを食うための...
- A conclusion is the...
- 結論とは、考えるのが...
- Christopher Columbus...
- クリストファー...
- In all mankind's history...
- 人類史上、一番...
- Life is too tragic...
- 人生は悲しむには...
- Physician, heal...
- 医者の...
- Marry in haste, and...
- あわてて結婚すると...
- Know him? I know him...
- 彼を知ってるかって?...
- I like pigs. Dogs...
- 私は豚が好きだね。犬...
- Colorless green ideas...
- 色のない緑の考えが...
- Brevity is the soul...
- 下手の長...
- A hungry man, an...
- 空腹な人は気が...
- I'm extraordinarily...
- 私って人一倍辛抱強い...
- Humor is laughing at...
- ユーモアとは、自分に...
- Home wasn't built in...
- マイホームは一日に...
- I have made this...
- 手紙が長めになった...
- Be careful about reading...
- 健康関連の本を読む...
- There was never yet...
- 辛抱強く歯痛に耐え...
- There are some things...
- 深刻過ぎて、笑い...
- If it was so...
- もしそうだったら...
- When a man sits...
- かわいい女の子と...
- Time is a great...
- 時は偉大な教師である...
- Great things are accomplished...
- 偉業というものは...
- People feel safe when...
- 赤信号、みんなで...
- If you're going to...
- もし人々に真実を...
- Once I make up my...
- 決心した途端...
- Show me a sane man...
- 正常な男がいたら...
- I sometimes give myself...
- 時には立派な...
- There are three rules...
- 小説を書くにあたり...
- When I was told that...
- 西暦2100年までには...
- If you want peace...
- 平和を望むなら...
- No more like than...
- 月と...
- Imagination was given...
- 想像力は自分の内に...
- The optimist proclaims...
- 楽観主義者は、考え...
- Next week there can't...
- 来週は危機なんて...
- Hills are green far...
- 夜目遠目笠の...
- Every closed eye is...
- 目を閉じたからと...
- The difference between a...
- ボスとリーダーの違い...
- I have enough money...
- 残りの人生を過ごせる...
- Television is a chewing-gum...
- テレビは、目のための...
- We learn from history...
- 我々が歴史から学ぶ...
- When I was young I...
- 若い頃、人生で一番...
- Always forgive your...
- いついかなる時も汝の...
- Tomorrow never comes...
- 紺屋の明後日...
- If you would not be...
- もし君が死後にその名...
- The difference between...
- 現実と虚構の違い...
- Yesterday I was a...
- 昨日、僕は犬だった...
- They agree like cats...
- 犬猿の...
- I am he as...
- 私は彼、あなたが彼で...
- If life gives you...
- もし人生から苦い...
- If you think you're...
- 恋をしていると思う...
- By all means marry...
- ぜひ結婚しなさい...
- Solitude is fine, but...
- 孤独は素晴らしいが...
- Would you tell me...
- 教えていただきたい...
- Never eat oysters unless...
- 夏季に牡蠣を食う...
- Have no fear of...
- 完璧を恐れるな...
- It's hard enough to...
- 良いドラマを書こうと...
- You know, there are...
- ねえ、私たちの銀河の...
- I do not know...
- 第三次世界大戦で...
- Christmas is a time...
- クリスマスになると...
- 80. Science and Religion: 科学と宗教
- Time goes, you say...
- 時が過ぎて行く、と...
- Religions are like...
- 宗教は言語のような...
- To study Buddhism is...
- 仏道を習ふといふは...
- Jesus answered...
- イエスは答えた...
- Man is the creature...
- 人は環境に支配される...
- Reason rules all...
- 万物は理法の下に...
- The cherry among...
- 花は桜木、人は...
- Truly I tell you...
- はっきり言っておく...
- The proper study of...
- 人間が研究すべきは...
- Who bewails himself...
- 嘆き悲しむ者の手には...
- A man with one watch...
- 時計を一個持っている...
- The stone you throw...
- 天を仰ぎて...
- The more elaborate...
- 伝達手段が複雑に...
- Enter by the narrow...
- 狭き門より入れ、滅び...
- See everything...
- 全てを見渡し、多くを...
- The truth doesn't...
- 真実は、傷ついて然る...
- Faith is the...
- 信仰とは、望んでいる...
- A standing army is...
- 常備軍は、その存在...
- Do not pass judgment...
- 裁くな、裁かれない...
- Nothing seek...
- 探さなければ...
- A thought which does...
- 行動に移されない思想...
- Danger past, God...
- 苦しいときの...
- Some people cannot...
- 木を見て森を...
- Education makes...
- 教育は、人間の如く...
- God can make you...
- 神様がすべてを叶えて...
- If you want to learn...
- 金の価値を...
- You've got to find...
- 語らずして語る方法を...
- As the wind blows...
- 風を観て帆を...
- Science is organized...
- 科学は知識の集大成...
- English is a sound...
- 英語は音の言語...
- Man proposes, God...
- 運は天にあり、鎧は...
- All of us who truly...
- われわれほんとうに...
- All things in their...
- 存在するものは全て...
- Good medicine is bitter...
- 良薬は口に...
- Some people are still...
- リアリティに比類ない...
- Misfortunes never come...
- 泣きっ面に...
- A man's mind often...
- 虫の知らせ...
- To pray is to pay...
- 祈りとは、自分以外の...
- My goal is simple...
- 私の目標は単純だ...
- But as I was nearing...
- だがダマスコに向かう...
- One of the basic...
- 宇宙の基本ルールの...
- One, remember to...
- 一、足下ではなく、星...
- The mind is like...
- 心とは氷山のような...
- Remember to look up...
- 足下ではなく、星を...
- Yet the earth does...
- それでも地球は回って...
- That's one small step...
- 一人の人間にとっては...
- Young people...
- 「本当の自分」を...
- Faith will move...
- 念力岩を...
- Some people feel the...
- 雨を感じる人もいれば...
- It is more blessed...
- 与うるは受くるより...
- The devil can cite...
- 悪魔でさえ自分の益と...
- There are one hundred...
- 猿の仲間は現在、193...
- This is my simple...
- これが私のシンプルな...
- Whether you think...
- できると思うか...
- The future cannot be...
- 未来は予測できないが...
- For every ailment...
- 太陽の下の全ての病は...
- If there's a remedy...
- 困難に直面しても...
- God, grant me the...
- 神よ、変えられない...
- God, give me grace...
- 神よ、変えられない...
- Time is what keeps...
- 時間とは、あらゆる...
- People want to find...
- 人々はあらゆる物や人...
- Everything is a...
- あらゆることが奇跡だ...
- The measure of a man...
- 人は、不幸の下での...
- None are more...
- 自分たちは自由なのだ...
- Amazing grace, how...
- 素晴らしい主の恵み...
- That was the true...
- それは、世に来て...
- The light shines in...
- 光は闇の中に輝き...
- Be not forgetful to...
- 見知らぬ人をもてなす...
- What is the nation's...
- 国の宝とは何物ぞ...
- For God did not send...
- 神が御子をこの世界に...
- Prayer from the...
- 心から祈ることで...
- List of Ten Bulls...
- 十牛図[牧牛図]一覧
- 10. Return to...
- 十. 入鄽垂手...
- 9. Reaching the...
- 九. 返本還源...
- 8. Both Bull and...
- 八. 人牛倶忘...
- 7. The Bull...
- 七. 忘牛存人...
- 6. Riding the Bull...
- 六. 騎牛帰家...
- 5. Taming the Bull...
- 五. 牧牛...
- 4. Catching the Bull...
- 四. 得牛...
- 3. Perceiving the...
- 三. 見牛...
- 2. Discovery of the...
- 二. 見跡...
- 1. In Search of the...
- 一. 尋牛...
- It is not how much...
- どれだけ多く行うか...
- Black holes are...
- ブラックホールは...
- Science without...
- 信仰のない科学は...
- Say it loud, say it...
- 大声で言うんだ...
- To learn something...
- 学びて時にこれを習う...
- A good conscience is...
- 良心は柔らかい...
- Calamity is the...
- 災いは勇敢な心の...
- A soft answer turns...
- 柔らかな応答は憤りを...
- Illness is all in...
- 病は気...
- Soft words are hard...
- 優しい言葉は論ずるに...
- Fools rush in where...
- 盲蛇に...
- Scales fall from...
- 目から鱗が...
- What has been will...
- 今までにあったことは...
- Beauty itself is but...
- 美とはそれ自身、知覚...
- Man is not the...
- 人は環境の創造物では...
- East is East, and...
- 東は東、西は西...
- Man is the lord of...
- 人間は万物の...
- Our humanity is a...
- 人間性など哀れなもの...
- In the sweat of thy...
- 汝は額に汗してパンを...
- In everything one...
- 何事においても、その...
- Everyone has his...
- 無くて七癖...
- The time is always...
- 正しいことはいつ...
- Reading is sometimes...
- 読書は時に、考える...
- Time heals all...
- 時が全ての傷を...
- Heaven helps those...
- 天は自ら助くる者を...
- All adverse and...
- 敵意のこもった抑圧的...
- Even though our...
- たとえ私たちの外なる...
- To overcome evil...
- 善を以って悪を克服...
- Temperance is the...
- 節制は最良の...
- The world is round...
- 世界は丸い。終わり...
- An honest man feels...
- 誠実な人間は、自分に...
- Believe those who...
- 真理の探求者たちを...
- Truth, like surgery...
- 真実は外科手術のよう...
- Never tell the truth...
- 真実に値しない者たち...
- Absence of proof is...
- 証明の不在は、不在の...
- If I am not for...
- 自分が自分に味方...
- Example is better...
- 実例は教訓に...
- Facts are the air of...
- 事実は科学者にとって...
- Thought is action in...
- 思考とは、行動の予行...
- What cannot be cured...
- 仕方のないことは我慢...
- The words dripped on...
- 言葉は、意識の上に...
- The spirit is...
- 心が燃えていても...
- Words without...
- 行動を伴わない言葉は...
- Put your sword back...
- 剣をさやに納めよ...
- A world of facts...
- 現実の世界は、言葉の...
- If you want the...
- 現在を、過去の...
- The roots of...
- 教育の根は苦い、が...
- A tree is known by...
- 木はその実で...
- Money...
- 金がものを...
- Whereof one cannot...
- 語り得ぬことについて...
- To believe with...
- 確信に至るためには...
- If a man will begin...
- 確信をもって始めれば...
- It's not the load...
- 重荷が人を押し...
- A drowning man will...
- 溺れる者は藁をも...
- To preach to deaf...
- 馬の耳に...
- Fortune knocks once...
- 浮世は廻り...
- Convictions are more...
- 真実にとって信念は...
- What is soul? It's...
- 魂って何だい? 電気...
- What you are is...
- あなたというものは...
- When I am weak, then...
- わたしが弱い時にこそ...
- A picture is worth...
- 百聞は一見に如かず...
- Your vision will become...
- 自らの心に目を向けず...
- There are only two...
- 人生の生き方は二通り...
- What have you that...
- あなたの持っている...
- An invasion of armies...
- 迫り来る軍隊なら阻止...
- Nothing is unclean in...
- それ自体、汚れている...
- The fortune-teller cannot...
- 易者身の上...
- You are not a human...
- 霊的体験を探し求める...
- An army of sheep led...
- ライオン率いる羊の軍...
- Diamond cuts...
- ダイヤモンドは...
- Finally we shall place...
- 最終的に人類は、地球...
- Bee is inside the...
- 蜂はお花のなかに...
- The mind is its...
- 心は独自の世界...
- The great ocean of...
- 真実の大海原は、目の...
- The long and winding...
- 長く曲がりくねった道...
- I have deep faith...
- 宇宙の原理は、美しく...
- I think and think...
- 何ヶ月も、何年も...
- When the woman saw...
- その木はおいしそう...
- The only way of...
- 可能領域を見極める...
- All is not gold...
- 輝くもの必ずしも...
- To err is human, to...
- 過ちは人の常、許すは...
- Intellect distinguishes...
- 知性は可能性の有無を...
- Do not put new wine...
- 新しい酒を古い容器に...
- It is the unexpected...
- 足元から鳥が...
- A sound mind in a...
- 健全なる精神は...
- Out of intense complexities...
- 極めて複雑なものから...
- If the misery of the...
- 貧苦が自然界の摂理で...
- Often you have to...
- たびたび、直感が...
- Once on shore, we...
- 喉元過ぎれば...
- Cast not your pearls...
- 猫に...
- One swallow does not...
- つばめが一羽飛んでも...
- For a creative writer...
- 創造的作家にとって...
- We must guard against...
- 軍と産業の結びつきが...
- Talk of the devil...
- 噂をすれば...
- A necessary lie is...
- 嘘も...
- We know too much...
- 我々の知るところは...
- I think, therefore I...
- 我思う、故に...
- No one can make you...
- 劣等感を植え付ける...
- Conscience is the perfect...
- 良心とは、命の...
- Either make the tree...
- 良い木には良い実が...
- Nothing will come of...
- 無い袖は...
- Genuine learning has...
- 本物の学問はいつの...
- In all chaos there...
- 全ての混沌には調和が...
- The worst moment for...
- 無神論者にとって一番...
- There's no reality...
- 現実というものは我々...
- In the beginning was...
- 初めに言葉があった...
- May the Force be...
- フォースがあなたと...
- Man holds in his...
- 人間はあらゆる形の...
- Even though I give...
- たとえ私が自分の...
- When I am lonely...
- 私がさびしいときに...
- Our scientific power...
- 科学の力が精神の力を...
- It is the common...
- 誰もが驚嘆すべきは...
- In wilderness I sense...
- 茫漠とした広がりの...
- Miracles happen to those...
- 奇跡を信じる者に...
- Truth in science can...
- 科学における真実とは...
- If the mountain will...
- 押してだめなら...
- Do we not hear...
- 神を埋葬する墓掘り人...
- 90. Nature and Art: 自然と人為
- I don't paint things...
- 僕は事物を描かない...
- The day has eyes...
- 昼には目があり、夜に...
- Beauty is in the eye...
- 美は見る者...
- Beauty is but skin...
- 美はただ皮...
- Great things are...
- 人と山が出逢うとき...
- Nobody reads a...
- 話の途中に辿り着く...
- Rules are...
- 情けは...
- Only I have no luck...
- ただもう今は運がない...
- Everything has its...
- どんなものにも時機が...
- Time is, time was...
- 時あり、ありき...
- A note of music...
- 旋律はその前後の静寂...
- Youth comes but once...
- 青春は人生にただ一度...
- Silence is the...
- 静寂は、大いなるもの...
- The year's at the...
- 時は春、日は朝...
- All art is...
- すべて芸術とは...
- Beauty in things...
- 事物の美しさは鑑賞者...
- The deeper we look...
- 自然を観る目が...
- Nature will have its...
- 自然には...
- Each bird loves to...
- どの鳥も自分の歌を...
- Good wine makes good...
- 酒は百薬の...
- This land is your...
- この国は君の国で...
- Plum flowers! Don't...
- 東風吹かば にほひ...
- Great gains are not...
- 虎穴に入らずんば...
- Music is the...
- 光学が光の幾何学で...
- No rain, no...
- 降雨なくして穀物...
- Art holds fast when...
- 芸は身を...
- Art produces ugly...
- 芸術は醜いものを...
- Manners are stronger...
- 慣習は法律よりも...
- Draw Dragon Dot...
- 画竜...
- One cannot create an...
- 語るべきことを持たぬ...
- Like father, like...
- 蛙の子は...
- Nature is a good...
- 親はなくとも子は...
- You're not the only...
- お前一人が複雑な...
- Alice ran across the...
- ウサギを追って走った...
- Even a worm will...
- 一寸の虫にも五分の...
- Fields have eyes, and...
- 野原には目があり...
- "Tradition" is not a...
- 「伝統」とは、過去...
- Creativity is the ability...
- 創造性とは無秩序な...
- Why do we create? If...
- なぜ、創るのかって...
- Today's art should...
- 今日の芸術は、うまく...
- The really great writers...
- 本当に偉大な作家とは...
- Art washes away from...
- 日々の暮らしの塵を...
- My opinion is that...
- 思うに詩とは、万人...
- May I play something...
- 何かあなたの曲を今...
- Time and tide wait...
- 歳月人を...
- Out of our quarrels...
- 他人との論争から...
- Sex appeal is fifty...
- 性的魅力の半分は...
- Quiet people have...
- 物静かな人々が心の中...
- How strangely do we...
- 何かを言葉で表わそう...
- Better keep yourself...
- いつもあなた自身を...
- There are two kinds...
- 心配事には二種類ある...
- If you clap your...
- 手を打てば 仲居茶を...
- The work comes into...
- 作品はやって来る...
- Constant dropping wears...
- 雨垂れ石を...
- Either you deal with...
- あなたが現実に合わせ...
- It is not fair to...
- 自分ではやりたくない...
- There is only one corner...
- あなたが確実に改善し...
- To err is nature, to...
- 過ちは人の性(さが)...
- Use short sentences...
- 文は短く。段落は最初...
- The months and days...
- 月日は百代の過客に...
- If you try to...
- 覚えようとすると...
- If I don't have red...
- 赤がないなら、青を...
- I paint objects as I...
- 私は対象を、見たまま...
- Art is the lie that...
- 芸術とは、真実を...
- Everything you can...
- 想像し得るあらゆる...
- Painting is silent...
- 絵画は沈黙の詩であり...
- The role of the...
- 芸術家の役割は問い...
- Nature never...
- 自然は決して我々を...
- "The earth", he said...
- 「地球には」と彼は...
- There are no facts...
- 事実など在りはしない...
- Time passes, and...
- 時が過ぎ、少しずつ...
- Remembrance of...
- 過去の物事の記憶は...
- If you do something...
- やることがあまりに...
- It was a dark and...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- It was a dark and...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- It was a dark and...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- It was a dark and...
- 暗い嵐の夜だった...
- So may the outward...
- そう、その外見からは...
- Truth is ever to be...
- 真実は常に、単純さの...
- Why is it, I wonder...
- 優れた運動能力を示す...
- Violence is the last...
- 暴力は無能な人の最後...
- Comedy must be true...
- コメディは人生に忠実...
- We must laugh in the...
- 自然の力に対する人間...
- The flowers withered...
- 花の色は うつりに...
- Simplicity is the...
- 物事を単純なままに...
- Injustice anywhere...
- どこで不正が...
- The ultimate measure...
- 人は、快適で便利な...
- The future depends...
- 未来は、私たちが現在...
- I see trees of green...
- 木々は緑、バラは赤く...
- Everything you can...
- あなたが想像し得る...
- A chain is no...
- 鎖の強さは、その中の...
- The scholar may be...
- 青は藍より出でて...
- We forfeit...
- 我々は他人のように...
- We know too much and...
- 我々の知るところは...
- A great work is made...
- 名作は服従と解放の...
- I shut my eyes in...
- 観るために、私は目を...
- Every other artist...
- 他の芸術家は皆...
- Old garden lake...
- 古池や 蛙飛び込む...
- An old thing becomes...
- 普段の環境から...
- Beauty is truth...
- 美は真なり、真は美...
- Everything...
- 万物は流転...
- All things must pass...
- すべては過ぎ行く...
- Acorns were good...
- パンの味を知るまでは
- The real voyage of...
- 「発見の旅」の本質は...
- Never spur a willing...
- 走る気でいる馬に拍車...
- We first make our...
- 初めは人が習慣を作り...
- There's nothing...
- 何も驚くに当たらない...
- My aim is to put...
- 私の目的は、自分が...
- A soft fire makes...
- とろ火がおいしい...
- So many countries...
- 所変われば品...
- One cannot put back...
- 時計の針を戻すことは...
- Art can only be...
- 適切な外界物が、内面...
- Everyone has talent...
- 誰でも二十五の時には...
- Weeds come forth on...
- 玉磨かざれば光り...
- There are spots on...
- 玉に...
- Only great minds can...
- 素朴な文体に堪え得る...
- (Like) A bolt from...
- 青天の...
- The excellent...
- 真に素晴らしいものは...
- Not only are there...
- 真実を主張する人の数...
- A little pot is soon...
- 小人は怒り...
- Fiction is the truth...
- 小説とは虚偽の中の...
- Custom is a second...
- 習慣は第二の...
- He that burns his...
- 自分の家を燃やす者は...
- Nature is the best...
- 自然は最良の...
- More matter with...
- 言葉のあやより肝心...
- We can talk about...
- 国民の暮らしが空腹...
- It is art to hide...
- 芸を隠すのも
- Art apes...
- 芸術は自然を...
- Distance lends...
- 距離は景色に魅力を...
- No extreme will hold...
- 極端なものは、長くは...
- Appearances are...
- 外観は人を...
- Woman is as fickle...
- 女心と秋の...
- Nurture passes...
- 氏より...
- What goes around...
- 因果...
- Life is more...
- 命は芸術より大切だ...
- Time reveals all...
- 井戸の中の独り言も...
- Kindle not a fire...
- 消せぬ火を...
- Vulgarity begins when...
- 想像力が露骨なものに...
- There is no rule...
- 例外のない規則は...
- Things longed for seem...
- 待つ身は長い...
- I no more thought of...
- 「文体がどう」とか...
- Those who do not...
- 何も真似ようとしない...
- Make not two sorrows...
- 一の悲しみを...
- After us the...
- 後は野となれ...
- I feel the earth...
- 足もとで地面が動く...
- All my concerts had...
- コンサートではいつも...
- When a cowherd composes...
- 牛飼が 歌詠む時に...
- It is not the mountain...
- 我々が征服したのは...
- I don't believe in...
- 私は芸術を信じない...
- All that non-fiction...
- ノンフィクションには...
- They always say that...
- 時が経てば変わるとは...
- We are still a...
- みんないまだに...
- If I create from...
- 心を込めて創り出した...
- Are you the leaf...
- お前は葉?花?...
- Though we can't see...
- 見えぬけれども...
- Trifles make perfection...
- 些細なことが作品を...
- Poetry heals the wounds...
- 理性によって負わされ...
- The actor should be...
- 俳優というものは...
- Beautiful young people...
- 美しい若人は自然の...
- The best fish swims...
- 一番良い魚は水の...
- To take one foot out...
- 一難去って...
- When the going gets...
- 雨降って地...
- All is fish that...
- 網に掛かるものは...
- After death the...
- 後の...
- Photography is truth...
- 写真は真実を伝える...
- Hope not the transient...
- 明日ありと 思う心の...
- When love and skill...
- 愛情と技術がともに...
- Experience is not what...
- 経験とは出来事では...
- Thunder only happens...
- 雷は雨の日に...
- A good story cannot...
- 優れたストーリーは...
- The awareness of our...
- 力を自覚することで...
- Creativity is the power...
- What I wish to show...
- 絵を描くことで私が...
- A good composer does...
- 巧い作曲家は人真似は...
- A thing of beauty is...
- 美しきものは永遠の...
- I am following Nature...
- 私は自然を追い求めて...
- Could we teach taste...
- ルールによって風流心...
- Going up like a...
- 竜頭...
- Law of Raspberry Jam...
- ラズベリー・ジャムの...
- It is ill to drive...
- 闇夜に烏、雪に...
- Some painters transform...
- 太陽を黄色い染みに...
- Yes, it's hard to...
- そう、書くことは...
- All roads lead to...
- 百川海に...
- Popular songs go with...
- 歌は世に連れ...
- Give them pleasure...
- 悪夢から目覚めた時の...
- The die is cast...
- Sometimes I feel like...
- 時折自分自身、想像の...
- When one end of...
- 風船の一端を絞めつけ...
- Time flies...
- 光陰矢の如し...
- Because the sky is...
- 空が青いから...
- I think that I...
- 木ほど美しい、詩に...
- A novel is balanced...
- 一冊の小説は...
- A rock pile ceases...
- 一人の男が、大聖堂像...
- Never forget that only...
- 常に心せよ、流れに...
- See Naples and then...
- 日光を見ずして結構と...
- Alone, alone, all, all...
- 一人、独り、全く...
- One always has to...
- 絵を仕上げようと...
- How suddenly the morning...
- 春眠暁を覚えず...
- At Nikitatsu We have...
- 熟田津に船乗りせむと...
- Art must take reality...
- 芸術は現実の不意を...
- Talent is what you...
- 才能とはあなたが...
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- 50. Knowledge and Wisdom: 知識と知恵
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- Mar 27th,
Thu, 2025 -
0d 00:00:00 left,
451d 02:27:33 passed.
- ballet-pose-1725207_640
- Men+are+all+alike
- human interesting contact
- human+interesting+contact
- 世話
- ありがとう
- 感謝
- thank
- mankind put end war
- マッカートニー
- einstein
- kennedy
- which way
- chesterton
- Starting
- Variety
- Ambition
- disorder
- camp
- speech
- benjamin
- brain-2062057_640
- workman
- overlook
- x
- Who
- newton
- whatever
- margaret
- huxley
- human interesting contact
- human+interesting+contact
- Men+are+all+alike
- chesterton
- mankind put end war
- マッカートニー
- Ambition
- ballet-pose-1725207_640
- bargain
- benjamin
- brain-2062057_640
- camp
- disorder
- einstein
- huxley
- ignorance
- kennedy
- margaret
- newton
- overlook
- speech
- Starting
- success
- thank
- tragedy
- Variety
- whatever
- which way
- Who
- workman
Albert Einstein Author Unknown Bible Charles M. Schulz Charlie Chaplin [Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin] Ernest (Miller) Hemingway George Bernard Shaw Hamlet Jesus John Lennon Kuòān Shīyuǎn [Kaku-an] Mahatma [Mohandas Karamchand] Gandhi Mark Twain Martin Luther King, Jr. Maya Angelou Okamoto Ken [Take Moon OK] Paul McCartney Peanuts Stephen (William) Hawking The Beatles William Shakespeare いろは歌留多(上方) いろは歌留多(江戸) アルベルト・アインシュタイン アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ イエス ウィリアム・シェイクスピア ジョン・レノン ジョージ・バーナード・ショー スティーヴン[スティーブン](・ウィリアム)・ホーキング チャーリー・チャップリン[サー・チャールズ・スペンサー・チャップリン] チャールズ・M・シュルツ ハムレット ビートルズ ピーナッツ ポール・マッカートニー マハトマ・ガンディー[ガンジー] マヤ・アンジェロウ マーク・トウェイン マーティン・ルーサー・キング,ジュニア[マーチン・ルーサー・キング,ジュニア] 作者未詳 岡本健 聖書 論語 谷川俊太郎- ... furtherMore »»
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- ア-ワ で始まる出典
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- A-Z で始まる名言
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- [B-] (111)
- [C-] (83)
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- ア-ワ で始まる名言
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